Ooohh it's a bit foggy here this morning. Not in my head though! Had a lovely afternoon at the puppy show yesterday but I think the combination of being sat in strong sun and then eating lots of cake almost had the same effect as drinking. I came home and slept for 2 hours and woke feeling really groggy - as if I had spent the afternoon drinkng.
I had to squeeze into some of my 'posh' clothes (they don't come out very often :H) and a step on the scales has confirmed the need to shed a few pounds. Quite a few. :upset: Not drinking will certainly help with that. And more exercise and smaller portions. Sounds so simple doesn't it. Bit like when people say "just stop drinking then". Yeah, right. If it was that simple there would be no fat people and no alcoholics.
Sorry that's a bit of a negative thought to start the week and the thread with. That's not really my mood - my mood is lets get on with it. Bring on the day and everything it holds. It will not hold any room for al. (and not much room for cake either in my case...:H)
Bessie xx