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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning all

    Ooohh it's a bit foggy here this morning. Not in my head though! Had a lovely afternoon at the puppy show yesterday but I think the combination of being sat in strong sun and then eating lots of cake almost had the same effect as drinking. I came home and slept for 2 hours and woke feeling really groggy - as if I had spent the afternoon drinkng.

    I had to squeeze into some of my 'posh' clothes (they don't come out very often :H) and a step on the scales has confirmed the need to shed a few pounds. Quite a few. :upset: Not drinking will certainly help with that. And more exercise and smaller portions. Sounds so simple doesn't it. Bit like when people say "just stop drinking then". Yeah, right. If it was that simple there would be no fat people and no alcoholics.

    Sorry that's a bit of a negative thought to start the week and the thread with. That's not really my mood - my mood is lets get on with it. Bring on the day and everything it holds. It will not hold any room for al. (and not much room for cake either in my case...:H)

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday

    I agree, Bessie, easier said than done. But little by little, one day at a time... can't do everything at once either...
    Have a great day,
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      ODAT - Monday

      Thank you Tulipe. You're right. Can't do everything at once....

      B x


        ODAT - Monday

        Good morning everyone. I had a nice afternoon with my sister her hubby and his sister we went to a couple of shopping malls and di da bit of browsing and shopping. I bought an elcetric fan for my living room kitchen and myself Betty and Pauline bought plant at the garden centre. Home to watch tv and read then. I also need to lose a few Ibs and stay off the al but one day at a time and baby steps beating ourselfs up doesn't help. Have a good day. :wavin::banana:


          ODAT - Monday


          Great time at the wedding. I ate so much I think I hurt myself. I've yet to check for stretch marks but they might be there. :H My cupboards and fridge must follow the AL rules. No bad stuff in the house!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Monday

            Good monday morning odaters!

            It is actually sunny here (it was supposed to rain all week - hopefully the sun stays out today). I am on day 18 today - feeling good in that I am not waking up foggy anymore. To be honest the thought of drinking now is actually not something that appeals to me. 18 days is the longest I have gone in years. It feels great!

            Hope everyone has great day!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Monday

              Good Morning all!

              Its Monday Am, and this is starting my 3rd day AF. (although I do not like to count days for some reason)

              Just posted on another thread about being grateful. I think we all have alot to be grateful for, at least I know I do.

              And when my head is clear without a mind numbing hangover, its oh so easy to see all the wonderful things in my life, and ironically none of it has to do with money. Its about the people I love in my life, and also my faith in the Lord to always have control over EVERYTHING. I guess thats what you call peace.

              Have a wonderful day everyone. Feel grateful today!!!


                ODAT - Monday

                Happy Monday to all. Greeny I'm proud of you enjoying a potential swerve and getting over it. I know you were worried about it. Uni you are a hero just as good as Superman! Woot.

                Monday Monday for me, but it's a short week, and sunny and warm. Too warm now. Here in the rainy northwest we are supposed to get above 80 degrees. Mothers with young children will probably faint on the sidewalk, and many traffic accidents will happen because of the strange bright orb in the sky.


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Lovely morning here and I shall have a major catch up day in my garden. Did not drink at a party last night. I had a hard time getting ready for it but once I was there it was increasingly natural and I got yet another glimmer of how intriguing things could be. I am very fortunate and curious.

                  Bessie?I loved hearing about the puppy show. I have fond memories of fancy duds mixed in with dogs and horses on a sunny day. Uni?I am enjoying your progress very much, you are a real inspiration for me and I am glad you are able to post on your holiday. Overit, I agree, feeling grateful beats any alternative I can envision right now. Hi Tulipe, Foxie, and Greenie wherever you are, and have a sweet, peaceful day.

                  Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Afternoon all! I usually post mornings but had a busy one with children and work.

                    Greenie and Ladybird, I am so pleased for you both that your events went well. Isn't it amazing that a little forethought can bring us so much more satisfaction than giving in to the moment!

                    And Overit and Uni, great going on your AF time... :woot:

                    As for the extra poundage that several of you have mentioned, I am so at that point also, but am focusing first on making sure AL is good and gone before I worry a whole lot about the weight. With all the extra AL calories gone I'm certainly not gaining any weight for now, so I'm just holding steady and enjoying the AF life for a bit.

                    Happy Monday everyone!

