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Hate myself for drinking

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    Hate myself for drinking

    Was really making progress last week I thought. I was sleeping good and the Al fog was lifting. Then Friday night I pick up some wine, basically spent the whole weekend after that buzzed. So much more I could have done, so much better of a person I would have been. More regrets. Feel like crap today as the poison leaves my body.

    Hate myself for drinking

    I hear you. I am in the same boat. Today is a new day and our choices are ours to make. Lets make good ones.


      Hate myself for drinking

      Hey Gearhead.
      Dont waste time on regrets. Put your energy into making sure you avoid situations like that in the future.
      Sometimes that happens when we start to feel a bit better, we begin to imagine that its possible to have the odd drink. Often it isnt, or at least not this early on in the game.
      Do you have a plan or any help like meds or supplements?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Hate myself for drinking

        GH..we all go through it. hey you had a good week outside of the weekend. give yourself some credit. now dust yourself off and get back in the swing of things and know taht you will have another good wee and maybe dont buy the wine next weekend. there are a few of us looking to do 30 days AF. YOU COULD JOIN IN


          Hate myself for drinking

          Do not hate yourself !!!

          Please do not hate yourself we have all been there, you did well and you can start over again, some people never try just deny there is a problem.

          Good luck you will feel better tomorrow.

          one hour at a time
          one hour at a time


            Hate myself for drinking

            You guys are great. It is so good to have supportive people I can speak candidly with that do not judge and fight the same demon I do. I plan to buy some LGlut and ginger ale today. When I crave the beer ginger ale it is. Melatonin and tea puts me to sleep just fine. Cacky I want the 30 days. I don't think I have gone 30 AF for a couple years at least.


              Hate myself for drinking

              Gear, the lglut is superb, I swear by it. Have you tried Kudzu too?
              Oh and I find eating something often keeps the cravings away.
              Or a nap can help too...
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Hate myself for drinking

                I know its been along time for me too. already reconsidering...have to get through that. wont have any problem with tonight but my kids are going to be with their dad tomorrow night and that is where i will struggle.


                  Hate myself for drinking

                  Right. Being alone is the worst. We can do it though. You will make it through tomorrow night Cacky. I tell myself its OK to drink if the kids are gone but its really affecting the quality of my life which is why I must stop. I don't want to be the town drunk.


                    Hate myself for drinking

                    Starting over as well. Feeding off the positive energy of the board. I just can't figure out my Sunday bing..... I know it when I start and can't stop it...


                      Hate myself for drinking

                      SO SICK OF THIS

                      Hey all-

                      Isn't self-hatred what it's all about? I hate myself for drinking too. The problem I think is self-hatred being the reason for drinking in the first place.

                      Friday night was a nightmare,still not over it. Isolated completely since then.

                      There's an easy wau out of this but it's out of the question for me since I have a daughter.
                      If not for that,who knows?



                        Hate myself for drinking

                        Ann, i dont know your story but i believe from last night's chat that you are pretty new. There are alot of great people here to talk to. We are doing a 30 day AF. You should join us


                          Hate myself for drinking

                          I too have had suicidal thoughts. I know it's because of my relationship with Al. So sick of hating myself I hate myself for not having self control and knowing when to stop. I hate myself for being less than a perfect dad to my kids. I hate myself for wasting away. I know from being booze free for only 4 days that my life is so much better without him. Hang in there Ann.


                            Hate myself for drinking

                            There is light at the end of the tunnel Ann Carolina. I have struggled for many years with low self esteem and a complete disregard for my own well-being, but I am now in a much better position thanks to the people here and a determination that came from who knows where to get myself into shape.
                            There have been times when it's been very lonely, in spite of the help and best wishes of many people. The help we get from this place and elsewhere is fantastic and I doubt if I could have got anywhere close to where I am now without it, but ultimately, we all have to beat this on our own. Only we can make the dicisions that are needed to turn things around for the benefit of ourselves and our families, and the benefits are huge.
                            There have also been times when the simple pleasure of going to bed with a clear consciense and a clearer head has been a really wonderful experience for me. Passing the booze store and not thinking about how much I miss drinking (because I don't) is something I wouldn't have believed just six months ago.
                            There are areas of my life that are far from perfect, but I can deal with them rationally now. I can't solve them all at once, but I will get there.
                            And Gearhead, LBoogie14 and Sharky. It takes a while to get the balance right. Keep at it and I'm sure you can get to where you want to be.


                              Hate myself for drinking

                              Thanks Popeye - it is great to hear the success stories. Congratulations. I can say that I do learn something everyday on this site. Looking forward to reading the book.

