Good morning Jammers,
Waking up to a nice day here! Wow, time is flying.......almost a week into July already.
Pnut, I remember feeling so lonely when my daughter first left for college. I was the only female left in the household - even the dog was male!! It took me months to figure out how to survive without my best friend.
Opal, Sooty & Ronnie - July is working for you - great job & Congrats.
Dill, if summertime is giving you an especially hard time then I vote to end summer right now!! I've been plagued with certain nice weather alc related memories & associations as well. Back in the beginning of my journey I decided to take the long view of drinking. The birth of my grandson was my ultimate motivation. He will never, never see his Grandma act like the idiot she can be when she drinks...........that's it for me!!!! So when a drinking thought or memory pops up I just push it away with my mantra - 'Nope, I don't do that anymore'! Dill, I am looking through the bottle to the better life ahead. If I was still drinking, I would never have this precious time with my grandson.
I wish everyone a good day, do something to make yourselves happy