Good morning Jammers, it's good to hear so much positivity!
Congrats on day 8 cyntree! That is awesome!
ronnie, maybe you could send some of your rain up to cyntree?
Opal, have fun with your daughter in Dublin. It'll be 'quality time' for sure, especially AF!
My New, I share your joy at waking up hangover free! And to think, this is how it could and should be everyday! What the heck were we doing to ourselves?
Lav, It is wonderful that you get to spend "normal" time with your grandson. I'm so glad you have made your goal! :l If there is one thing this stinkin' drinnkin' problem has given us, it's an appreciation of 'normal' and how dear it really is. Soon my son is moving back to Ohio and I'll get to spend time with my grandson. Now there is some motivation!!! Like you, I do not want my g-son to see his g-ma sloshed!
Hi Peanut, Pamina and everyone else who stops by.
The movie I watched last night was called "What doesn't kill you" and it had Ethan Hawk in it. It was a dark movie but with a happy ending. One of the main characters was grappling with addiction. I can recommend the movie, but must warn that there is some violence, so not for children!