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Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

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    Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

    Cat, it was great to read your post this morning. You are not just someone who comes on and posts about their selves and that is that (not that it is a bad thing) but you are also someone who offers love and support to anyone else in need. I read a book recently where towards the end one woman told another woman "I was always coming here" Essentially her meaning was that you always end up where you are supposed to be. I think you were supposed to go through what you did so you could be here today and provide great insight on the pain of Alcholism to those who are just starting or are desperate. Dont feel like it took you a long time. You are actually here right at the right time.

    Thanks again


      Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

      42cat;653868 wrote: *sniffle* .. you are all so ..... sweet. I can't thank you enough for your support.

      Yep, the ol' cat has been around for quite some time..... But I do hope my years of inactivity do not discourage anyone from posting, or from jumping naked into the happy pot of sobriety! ... (Alllright, you can jump in clothed ... but please remove belts and suspenders ... oh, and socks ... nothing worse than socks in a pot .... *pew*)

      Sober weekend vibes to you all!
      Naked sobriety sounds like a good option ???? Maybe we could all go for a group picture........NOT !!!...........LOL
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

        Hi Cat thanks for posting that, it is a great message of encouragement for anybody new to this and wondering "can I do this?" The answer is yes you can, as many before you have, there is living proof here all around us. Dont ever stop believing.
        Cat I just want to say personally that I love the encouragement, support and help you offer to others here all the time, it is a pleasure to know you. 'Pass it on' is a great way to live here.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

          .... thanks everyone ... for being there!
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

            Thanks CAT. Ive been reading this stuff for awhile and the success stories I crave - because there is life beyond AL. I'm where you were - can't seem to even stay dry for a week let alone month. Lots of stuff going on in my life and its hard to not anesthetize yourself. But that of course isn't the answer. So today I kicked off another AL free day and we'll see how tomorrow goes - one at a time - but thanks for the note cause I was wondering if I was the only one who couldn't get it together - it'll just take time, like it did for you.


              Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

              Hi, Cat!

              Hi, Cat. Since I've joined this site late May, I've always been struck by your reliable posts centered upon others experiences. Congratulations on 30 days!:goodjob: I, too, have suffered from some form of substance abuse for many, many years...since I was fourteen, actually (first, food binges then wine binges...when I got older). Consequently, I have suffered through many, many periods of shame and despair.

              And, as with your experience, a wave of hope and help washed over me almost without prediction. I now join you in turning to a second month of AF days, filled with gratitude and hope.

              While working out, I saw a documentary about an Olympic athlete whose motto thoughout her rigourous training sessions was the Three D's: Desire, Dedication, and Determination. I have now adopted this mantra as my own...and send you waves of energy carrying the same to you! Macbarry


                Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

                Thanks macbarry .. ... and congrats on your month of AF. I should clarify that I'm not technically "AF", as I do allow a beer and no more than two, and not every night, but mostly on a Friday/Saturday evening, between 9 and 10:00 p.m.

                However, I was doing a quart of hard liquor per day, every day, mornings to night .... so I'm pretty darn happy with where I'm at right now!

                QuittinTime - ((vibes)) of strength to you .. you can do this!

                Here's to a sober today, and many sober tomorrows!
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....


                  Cat, there's someone asking about tapering in the general forum. Won't you bump your thread, please?

                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Way back when, I couldn't relate to many posts ....

                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

