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How did you deal with the emotions...

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    How did you deal with the emotions...

    Going on 72 hours alcohol free....and out of the blue I am crying and feeling very sad. It would so very easy to run to the store and get an 18-pack to be my friend tonight.

    Of course, I would end up crying anyway if I was drinking, but it wouldn't hurt so bad.

    How do you deal with these overpowering feelings....
    This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!

    How did you deal with the emotions...

    Hi LFH, you are much on the same day AF as me. I felt weepy on day 2 and 3, but it went over as soon as I started posting and chatting. Today I'm on day 4. I felt a little sad when I woke up, but now I feel fine emotionally but groggy and dizzy. PM me if you want to compare .
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      How did you deal with the emotions...

      I feel exactly the same - am on day 3 and feeling extremely emotional and so close to going down the shop to get wine but know I will lose everything if I do including my respect. I just wanted you to know that you are not the only one feeling this way and hopefully you will feel better real soon.
      AF since 26 August 2009- and loving it!!


        How did you deal with the emotions...

        Yeah if you can get past the 2-4 day range I bet you will start to feel really great. It takes your body and mind a while to recover from the effects of too much alcohol. There are things you can do to ease the pain (supplements,etc.) I am still struggling with all of this and was feeling exactly the way you described less than 2 weeks ago. I just wanted to wish you well.


          How did you deal with the emotions...

          I see all of the wonderful support is still here....

          Luba, I noticed you also posted something similar after posting this, so this all must be soooo normal.

          I declined the beer tonight, drove to by veggies instead. Amazing how many happy people there were at 8:30 PM on a Friday night, playing tennis, walking and running, doing normal things. Looks like we all want that!

          Jessie, Luba and Liath...really appreciate your responses.

          Seem to have made it through the evening.
          This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


            How did you deal with the emotions...

            It isn't easy in the beginning, but it is OH SO WORTH IT!
            Ride the waves and you will be amazed at how good you will feel.



              How did you deal with the emotions...

              I had a sad day/evening a couple of evenings ago. It was weird, as I have not been buzzed in about a month ... yet here came the tears anyway. I didn't know what to do with them! I decided to cry it out in private, wipe my face, let it pass, and see how I felt afterward. If it stuck, I'd need to do something about it. Thankfully, it passed ...... (hormones? maybe.)

              Not sure where I'm going with this ... except to say .. hang in there!
              AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                How did you deal with the emotions...

                Hi LFH,
                It hit me like a ton of bricks on the way home from shopping - I always take a tranquilizer when I drink - so it's almost 4 days since I had one. No wonder my head feels dizzy. I'm not to sure what to do. Should I have one ( it is a light dose) or just try and come off them as well the same time as going off Al . Any advise from any of you?
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                  How did you deal with the emotions...

                  Jessie, If it has been 4 days, it seems like you may as well just stay off them. I don't know much about tranquilizers, but it seems like they could easily lead back to drinking. Looking, you did a good job making it through. Just keep breathing!


                    How did you deal with the emotions...

                    Hi there Looking.
                    The emotions will settle as your body and mind heal. It does take time and then of course you will need to learn how to deal with day to day emotions instead of numbing them. Focus on your success, you have just completed 72 hours alcohol free, that is fantastic! Very well done!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      How did you deal with the emotions...

                      jessie;653867 wrote: Hi LFH,
                      It hit me like a ton of bricks on the way home from shopping - I always take a tranquilizer when I drink - so it's almost 4 days since I had one. No wonder my head feels dizzy. I'm not to sure what to do. Should I have one ( it is a light dose) or just try and come off them as well the same time as going off Al . Any advise from any of you?
                      Hi there Jessie.
                      What tranq are you taking? Please be careful with any benzo withdrawal, can you do some research on the internet? I know benzo withdrawal can be very nasty.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        How did you deal with the emotions...

                        Going onto the third day, in the past, the 3rd and 4th were the most difficult, but the emotions are easing up. I haven't felt this sober in a very long time, and it feels so AWESOME. Someone even told me last night, I look different, full of life and relaxed. And 42cat, funny thing you mentioning hormones, did not realize without going into details, but for the last who knows for how many years, yesterday would have been the day I really tied one on. Jess, I would definitely follow startingover's advice. But if you have made it 4 days, try not to go there. Good Job Jess, hope you are hanging in there.

                        It's really good to be back....and glad to see this forum alive as ever.
                        This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


                          How did you deal with the emotions...

                          Hi Hope,

                          Congratulations on not caving in. In rehab (which I haven't been to myself but know about through my work), one of the most important lessons they teach you is that to fully recover from alcoholism you need to be able to sit with your feelings, however painful they may be.

                          That is probably one of the most difficult things about getting sober - it is devastatingly upsetting sometimes, especailly in the early days - and you don't have your crutch anymore to numb the feeling. But if you can learn to sit with those feelings and wait until they pass, it gets easier and you know you are well on the road to recovery.

                          So, I see you're a few steps along the way already - and you're already feeling better. That's great news
                          Recovery Coaching website

                          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                          Recovery Videos


                            How did you deal with the emotions...

                            Hello LFH, I can relate to how your feeling and I know it's miserable at times. I agree with Startingover when he/she said it takes time for the mind and body to heal. That point is actually quite literal. Your brain has to rewire itself to produce a normal amount of endorphins ( feel good hormones) now that you've taken away the fake and phoney ones produced by alcohol. It will take time, but it will pass. I'm on day 14 and my sadness seems to come in waves. Fortunately, so does my joy, happiness, feeling of accomplishment and self pride. try to focus on the good moods and understand what's causing the bad ones. I wish you the best, and thank you for posting.


                              How did you deal with the emotions...

                              Hello LFH, I can relate to how your feeling and I know it's miserable at times. I agree with Startingover when he/she said it takes time for the mind and body to heal. That point is actually quite literal. Your brain has to rewire itself to produce a normal amount of endorphins ( feel good hormones) now that you've taken away the fake and phoney ones produced by alcohol. It will take time, but the depression/ mood swings will pass. I'm on day 14 and my sadness seems to come in waves. Fortunately, so does my joy, happiness, feeling of accomplishment and self pride... try to focus on the good moods and understand what's causing the bad ones. I wish you the best, and thank you for posting.

