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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning all! Gorjus weather here today - not as muggy as it has been.

    Bit muggy in my head though as I didn't do as well as I hoped last night (meal out with friends at pub) Was doing ok until my friend had to send back her meal because it wasn't cooked properly. Landlady replaced the meal and gave us a bottle of wine on the house which was very good but put a whole bottle of chilled, opened temptation in my way. :upset: My friend was driving and the men were drinking beer........

    Anyway, that was yesterday. This is today. And today will be alcohol free. My statement and my intent.

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday

    This is for Gia and my love Chloe
    Long Road
    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
    Eleanor Roosevelt


      ODAT - Saturday

      Wow Bessie, A chilled bottle of wine on the house, out with friends who were drinking, and someone else driving. Now, if that is not TEMPTATION, I dont know what is! I would have drank it too. At least your home safe, its a new day, and you have the choice of what to do for today.

      Oh Boy!!! 4th of July today! Big celebrations all over this big partying town with many fireworks shows, ect. Plan on taking my son downtown to see the fireworks. Would you believe (not sure) Savon might meet us there? We have yet to meet, Im excited to finally meet my friend after talking many times over the phone.

      Got a plan on staying in CONTROL. I will stay in CONTROL.

      Enjoy your day my friends. Wake up tomorrow with a smile on your face, and feeling good about today. Im going to try my damndest!


        ODAT - Saturday

        Good morning. Picked a big bright gaudy bouquet this morning which will be my fireworks. Will be alone on this holiday but that’s OK. “Keep it simple, Stupid” works for me as well as anything sometimes. Wishing everybody success in meeting goals for this day if you choose to have them. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          ODAT - Saturday

          Hi to all my American friends on this holiday! Our holiday was on Wednesday, July 1st, Canada Day. I am still going strong, 23 days now! Can you belive next Saturday will be my 30?

          Played ball last night and we all went out after, everyone had beer, I had diet coke. It is getting easier to order diet coke now and no one even blinks an eye anymore (I play ball 2 or 3 times a week so everyone has gotten used to me not drinking after a game)

          I'm still feeling really tired but am thankful that I am waking up without a hangover and have been sober.

          Today is a busy day so I should get moving! Enjoy the holiday everyone and keep to your goals!

          Good luck,
          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Saturday


            OK, what to do? I think I'll go to a little town's peach festival. It's hot but I know there will be peach ice cream to be had. You know what a sucker I am for ice cream. There is a free concert in a park downtown tonight so that's a possibility. I bet from the park you can see the fireworks from the baseball field that are planned for after the game. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Not to have to worry about what to drink how to sneak-drink it, driving, all that stuff is like....... not having to bother with clothes in your own house. :H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Saturday

              Very happy to be going to bed sober as a sober thing! Wishing the same for all of you who want it.

              Night night



                ODAT - Saturday

                Good Afternoon on this 4th of July. My son is sick, so our plans were cancelled and we are at home. On a normal day it would have been a yippee!!! I can drink all day now!! How's that for putting alcohol over your own kids (he's not that sick, if he was it would be different). Anyways, this tea tastes damn refreshing and looking forward to my 3rd night sober! Yesterday was depressed, today kinda wired and angry. Like being fired, seem to be moving through the stages pretty quickly, and this is Good!! Nice to see your still posting the daily updates.
                This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Since the fireworks can't go downtown this year (saftey reasons and flood from last year) so the fireworks are at the college that I go to which is smoke free and alcohol free. So I wouldn't have to worry about drinking. Course at home its a different story but with our own fireworks to do, I doubt that I will even have time to think or even to drink.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

