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Fallen off the wagon

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    Fallen off the wagon

    Hi All,
    I've fallen off the wagon and feeling really down & depressed. All was great for 6-8 weeks and of course I loved how I had the control over alcohol and alast its got the better of me again. I'm really beside myself and don't know what to do using the hyponotherapy doesn't help anymore and nether does using Campral I can't get topimax here. Has anyone else falling off the wagon whilst on this program ? I know that I'll need to abstain as I just cant do the controlling drinking thing:upset: :
    Needs to words of encouragement here.Thanks Sharon

    Fallen off the wagon

    But Of Course!!

    I don't know that much about Campral, so I guess you'll need to find the manufacturers instructions about what to do if you slip. Maybe you need to stop and restart the Campral after abstaining for a number of days in order to get the effect again. I don't know. But you can do it!!! You did it before and you can do it again. It's just going to be harder because you won't have your excitement to sustain you and you're feeling bad about yourself right now.

    But you can do it! And once you are doing it, you're going to start feeling better about yourself again! Keep the faith, Sharon! Good luck! If you'd like, why don't you drop in on the Abstinence board for some extra support?

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Fallen off the wagon

      Hi Sharon-

      Let me tell you, I feel your pain. I started drinking last September after FIVE YEARS of abstinence! Why did I ever start again...?

      So far I am doing well with MWO-28 days of abs. But I certainly can't say that I trust myself to start drinking again.

      Please know that you are not alone. You are in a very supportive community here and I'm sure most of us have slipped a time or two (or three....).

      I wish there was an easy way to "just say no" but I sure as heck haven't found it yet. At least we are amongst others who are fighting the same battle. I find a lot of strength in that.

      I wish you all the best on your journey to wellness.



        Fallen off the wagon


        A lot people fall off the wagon - but there's always another wagon about to come through. If you've done 6-8 weeks and all was great, you can do it again.

        Take a deep breath, collect your thoughts, pack your mental luggage and start again. Just take it slowly. There's no hurry. You'll eventually get to your destination - you've just taken a slight detour.



          Fallen off the wagon


          I have been on the programme for 7 weeks and after having a amazing sucess with Campral in the first month I am really struggerling now. It's just doesn't seem to be working at all, infact today I just haven't bothered taking it and here I am having a sh*t day, working too much, having family probs and wishing I could dive into a vat of wine. Not sure how I am going to cope. I really thought this time would be different.


            Fallen off the wagon

            Hi Sharon,
            I haven't done any of the meds so can't say about that.
            I do know about getting up and dusting off and hopping back on! We're all here for you!
            Baby steps and minute to minute.


            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10

