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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning all!

    For the last 2 weeks we have been having a 'heatwave' here in this bit of the UK. Why it is a heatwave and not just summer I don't know.

    Anyway, being English and a smallholder I have been complaining about not having any rain. Now we have some and I am still not happy cos I had planned to cut the holiday cottage grass this morning before the next guests came - and now I can't cos it's wet. Never happy!! :H

    But overall I am very happy about the rain. The garden will be easier to work, the animals cooler, the grass will grow again, the pond will top up and we won't have to water so much.

    That's nothing to do with Al. But that's good because today I will have nothing to do with Al.

    Don't you go near the big bad beastie either, you hear!!

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning Bessie, and all to come.

    Hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July!!! I had a plan to stay in control, and did so. Went and saw the fireworks with my son and SAVON!! (sorry had to tell Savy). We had a wonderful time enjoying the night air and the spectacular fireworks show over the water. Only thing that would have been nicer was a breeze.

    Was a wonderful evening, spent in control, and the best thing was to wake up with NO REGRETS this morning. I guess in general, thats what we all want. To not have those nagging regrets looming over us.

    BTW, Savy is just as cool and wonderful in person as on here. Very beautiful lady too!

    Enjoy your day my friends!!!!



      ODAT - Sunday

      Hello all ODATers - and a special Good Morning to the Lovely Overit!!

      It was a wonderful 4th of July, thanks to Overit and her adorable, sweet son! We were thinking that they may be stingy with the fireworks due to economy - but NOT. It was a fantastic show!

      We were both surprised to see that they didn't sell beer at the event (HUH?)... but it meant we were both Good little girls!! :H

      It's nice to have this bond of Honesty that we have with each other due to MWO... I have a few good friends that I've known for many years who I can't be as open with as I am with her! It's a good feeling...

      Hope you all have a great Sunday!
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hi guys,

        I'm glad overit and savyy met! That's cool! I'm glad you guys all had a good holiday as well.

        Bessie, I like what you said on my other thread - moding without figuring out how I wanted to do it yet - thanks girl and to everyone else who replied. Interesting day yesterday.

        Have a busy day today, trying to get some things done around here!

        Have a good one everybody.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - Sunday


          Hi Ho!

          A meet-up! And AF too!

          Bessie whassa smallholder?

          Uni, what thread? I must poke around and find it and see what was interesting.

          I ate peach ice cream at the little festival. Like drinking, the second one wasn't as good as the first. :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Sunday

            It was peculiar being alone and sober on the 4th. One or more of my neighbors had scored a large cache of spectacularly illegal fireworks. I had the cat, two dogs, and a fire extinguisher with me in The Big Bed. It felt like a bunker. Today I am going to putter around the house and garden before going off this evening to a gathering where fine alcohol will be a large part of the ambiance; another venue with a similar MO tomorrow night and then the holiday visitors should be on their way. I shall keep my eye on Independence.
            may we be well


              ODAT - Sunday

              Morning all....had a quiet 4th, just a familiy bbq where a few beers made an appearance for the men, but beer was never a temptation for me anyway, so no worries there.

              Lady, your 4th sounds like you were in a foxhole with sheets! Best of luck with the 2 social events to come.


                ODAT - Sunday

                Greeeeeeeniee. I love the sound of peach ice cream. Eating greengage jam on toast atm - that's the nearest I can get.

                Small holder is cos I have a small holding of land - less than 3 acres - and on it I attempt to grow and rear a small selection of foods and animals with a view to providing a proportion of our own food. We are certainly self sufficient in lamb, pork, eggs and chicken. We swap the pork and lamb for a neighbour's beef. Got a part of our veg and fruit provision growing here but not enough. It's quite hard at times (like taking the animals to the abbatoir) but very rewarding. There are many others in this village and surrounding villages who do a similar thing and we often meet up, both casually and in an organised event, to swap ideas, tales etc. Always useful to know someone with a small tractor or a fresh stock of breeding chickens

                Love the sound of the Florida meet up!!:l

                Totally confident that tonight will be AF. Funny how you know that sometimes and other times it's a tricky one to call.

                Bessie. xx


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  WOWEE UNI!!! Congratulations!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

