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Bad weekend

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    Bad weekend

    Hi again. I'm new. I've just been through four days of drop in guests who wound up staying and drinking wine for 2-3 hrs. (We live in a very social neighborhood, but this is unusual) I am two weeks into abstaining for one month, (trying to keep it under wraps) and then planning to be a moderate afterwards. I can't believe I got through this LONG weekend. Actually, one of the nights it was me and 3 girlfriends out to dinner, and I just elected myself "designated driver" so that one was a 'slam dunk'. The other 3 nights were hell! I have two more weeks to go. H E L P ! For me, this abstinence period is necessary, because this is my second time trying this, the first time I failed. I literally became a kinda heavy drinker who just happened to also be on Topamax. This time I am doing much better, but could use some help...

    Bad weekend

    Coffee, you should be soooo proud of yourself that you were able to say no with all those people at your house!! I can tell you I would not be able to. I get very quickly bored and annoyed with people unless I'm drinking. For me it would be impossible so you really should be very proud and use that positive energy to keep you motivated. Don't you feel better? Wake up in the morning and have energy and a positiveness that just isn't there when you're drinking? I say good job on your weekend and keep up the good work. Don't look too far in the future and think "how can I do this", take one day at a time and see each day as it's own very big accomplishment and be proud. Don't worry about tomorrow! Keep up the good work and keep in touch!


      Bad weekend

      Hi Coffee, Well done, you have done really well doing your two weeks be proud of that too. That means you're half way there! I'm on my second time round again and only on day four of complete abstinence so your way ahead of me already - keep up the good work. Amelia

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Bad weekend

        Thanks Amelia and thank you Angel,

        Day 23 now for me. I think it must be the Topamax. I'm doing OK. One more week to go. I am dreading it. I don't know if I CAN be a social drinker. I guess we'll see. I feel great. Getting so much done. Exercising. Drinking lots of water. Friends still drop by. I 'pretend' to drink with them. They don't notice or care as long as their wine glasses are full. I guess I used to be the same way. Thanks for your support. I feel a little dishonest pretending to drink. It's really nobody's business but mine, though. What do you think?


          Bad weekend

          Well Done Coffee, being the designated driver is a good one,gets you out of the awkward questions why your not drinking.That bugs me aswell,other people wanting to know WHY i'm not drinking. I've been abs now for nearly 13 weeks,except one slip 3 weeks ago,and i still get funny looks if i'm not drinking.Also i've used..My stomach is off...I got to be up really early....And it's my partners turn to drink and i'm resposible for the kids tonight...I'm running out of excuses myself though.Keep up the good work Coffee,next week is gonna be tough but you've done the toughest bit already..The first week....Take care and good luck...Mack
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            Bad weekend

            Coffee, don't feel like you have to fake drinking with your friends. Just say you've done some reading about detoxifying your body (wellness, herbs, etc.) and you're just trying to "detoxify" for a while. Or, if you want to lie tell them your taking antibiotics and can't drink. If they give you any flack, it would only be because they wish they could do the same thing. If they don't, then they are good friends indeed! Also, congratulations on 23 days. Just remember when it's time for you to try a drink (if you decide to), remind yourself how guilty you will feel if you have more than 2. Then, ENJOY those 2!!

            Take care!


              Bad weekend

              Scared to start

              Hey Coffee: This sounds exactly like my life! I have not started this program yet, but I was someone who was drinking all the time and on celexa to help the depression exacerbated by alcohol. Your posting is exactly what worries me about the program. Does MYO really make any of the struggle easier, or should I just quit without any of this stuff? Our social life is continuous and full of alcohol. All professionals; lawyers, doctors, judges, business men and women and lots of drinking. I feel like I need to withdraw from all of it to stop drinking. Then I can face lonliness and sobriety. That will be GREAT fun. I was hoping MYO would help reduce the misery of all this, but I'm afraid I'll be someone who drinks lot and takes topomax and kudzu just as you said. What to do???Everyone else is also invited to respond. Weezie


                Bad weekend

                Weezie and Coffee,
                Hi I am pretty new to the program and socially drank as well. All of my social outings revolve around alcohol. I can tell you both that taking the kudzu, gaba and L Glut has slowed my intake down entirely. I can stop drinking after a couple instead of having the desire to keep going to keep the buzz up. It's like the the other pills keep you on the up so you don't feel the cravings as much. It's very freeing. IF asked I just say that I'll get a drink later and I do, just not 6-7 of them. They all forget about it after awhile anyway because they've all caught their buzz.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Bad weekend

                  This is working for me. We have a similar life. Maybe we live in the same neighborhood and were at the same party tonight. I'm still hangin with them. I can go through two weeks without now in between parties.


                    Bad weekend

                    wow, that's my life

                    everybody drinks. lots of dinners out. big party next friday night. yadayadayada. you all know the drill. My best excuse among the women is weight watching. they all understand that. Actually, though some of us are close enough that we all know what each other is REALLY doing, so that's ok.

                    It's just hard anyway you do it. Abs, that is.

                    Good going girls! I am doing mods, mostly keeping to 2-3 far.

                    Best to all,



                      Bad weekend

                      Very impressed and encouraged by everyone's comments - learning SO much here. Couple of questions:

                      Coffee, on first time around did you do ALL 4 components of program (supps, topa, hypno CDs and exercise?)

                      Not Powerless, are you now, or did you ever take topa as part of your program?

