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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning all.

    Today is much cooler.... lovely. Still sunny and still no rain. Was up at about 5.45 and walked dogs by 7 but then I was so tired I had to go back to bed and slept soundly for about an hour with some REALLY involved and realistic dreams!!. Not sure why. I still feel really tired now. Only had two days off Al in a row so not supposing this has anything to do with it. Maybe just a very busy day yesterday and some later nights than I'm used to. Dunno. Anyway, if my body tells me it needs to sleep I have the luxury of being able to listen and act on it. All the jobs can be moved to another day.

    My body is also telling me keeping Al free is far better - so I will be listening to that message too. What is your body telling you today??

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday


    Mine is telling me "Get your arse to the gym for cryin' out loud" :H Really, it has been asking for some stretching. I think Meditation Mama should do a you-tube demo for us.

    I'm off early to take my car in. No car for 2 or three days. Maybe I'll actually have to ride my bike.

    Exercise is a component I have not been working at. I need to take care of it.

    Monday! Good day to start a string of anything!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Monday

      Ahhhh..Ive found it hehe..well this is my 1st day.. feeling a lil sick from the drinking yday but so far i dont fancy any drink.. have drunk loads of water so far..had milk thistle and am resting watching friends dvd's....Tomorrow i know am going to wanna drink but so far am optimistic
      ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


        ODAT - Monday

        Hi Brown eyes and welcome to our little ODAT thread!

        I had an AF day yesterday and am having one again today. Looking forward to another AF week!

        Busy day today (today is the day I go to my doc and have to tell my boss I'm off for a bit - not looking forward to this at all..........)

        Wish me luck!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - Monday

          browneyez;656281 wrote: Tomorrow i know am going to wanna drink but so far am optimistic
          OK browneyez, no projecting into tomorrow! You DON'T know that. Your job is TODAY. So far so good, right? Focus on that. Positive thoughts!! I will not drink today. I am so glad I am not drinking today. My body feels so much better since I am not drinking today. That kind of stuff, even if it isn't true, tell yourself that. "Fake it till you make it". Stick close!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Monday

            Funny question, Bessie. My body is telling me that it is sober and perking along. Trusty old thing. Today I am going to ask it to do lots of manageable tasks and then we might take a nap before a party. My body will like the food and I shall protect it from the drink. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              ODAT - Monday

              Hi ODATERS

              Feeling hungover. Yesterday I hosted a BBQ for some of hubbies work colleagues and their families. After all the cleaning and preparation I felt like I deserved a drink. I had a few Pimms....what's the harm in that I thought? Then I opened a bottle of chilled white wine and proceeded to drink it by myself. The guests had left by this point as they all had young children. So I cleared up then I opened another bottle of wine and drank most of it. ARGGGG! Why do I do this to myself!!!! Considering how much I drank I ought to feel worse than I do but thankfully it was with food and over a fairly long period of time.

              When will I learn? I slept most of the night in an armchair and feel so tired today.
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                ODAT - Monday

                universal;656328 wrote: Hi Brown eyes and welcome to our little ODAT thread!

                I had an AF day yesterday and am having one again today. Looking forward to another AF week!

                Busy day today (today is the day I go to my doc and have to tell my boss I'm off for a bit - not looking forward to this at all..........)

                Wish me luck!
                Good luck babe... tell us how the doc went
                Why its it or maybe its just me time goes more slower when not drinking
                Course am not complaining.. better to go slow than being in a hazeness ay!
                Greeneyes; Thanks for that.. will defo tell myself those things.. Before i go bed and soon as i wake up.. Prob in front of the mirror lol

                Sooo how is everyone feeling????
                ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Happy Monday!

                  HI, All,
                  I am happy to join this thread this week, and boy, do I need it. I had two days AF last week, and two days of only one drink, but still, I need to tighten up on the modding. Today is my husband's and my anniversary, but we celebrated on Friday, so today I am expecting and planning to be AF.

                  Welcome to the Newbies.... it has been so long since I've posted that I feel like a Newbie myself.

                  Glad to be here. We woke up to a lovely rain, after two VERY hot days. What a luxury to hear rain on the roof! Have a wonderful week, everyone. I will definitely be back this week!


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Hiya mica..You having a good day??
                    well done with the AF
                    ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Morning ODATers....

                      Things are going rather swimmingly this morning, busy as usual, which always helps. Baby woke up with a bit of a cold this morning though, and I'm afraid he has slobbered on me enough over the weekend that I'm likely to come down with it too. Oh well. Lots of tea is the ticket today.

                      Greenie, I hear you, I have not gotten on the exercise train and I need to do that too. I will come up with almost any excuse not to do it though! Have always disliked sweating.

                      Hey Blue, nice to see you again, get lots of water and rest today!! (And no napping in the chair...) :l

                      Happy AF day everyone!


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Good Day my dear friends,

                        My body is doing ok, but my brain is telling me I am a freaking idiot for drinking yesterday. Im not very happy with myself at the moment, I thought I was over this shit!

                        Yet another reminder how this disease likes to creep up and bite us in the ass. I wish I could just kick alcohols ass right out of my life once, and be done with it once and for all! you know?

                        Well, I just got back from the health food store. I was out of my L-Glutamine, and the store dude told me to get it in powder form. Im upping my doses starting today, and going to keep on trying...

                        Love you guys... Keep trying and never give up the fight.

                        Blue Sky, If it makes you feel any better, I am exactly where you are today. Heres a special hug sent to you! (hug!!!)
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT - Monday

                          "I guide you one day at a time. You must not anticipate the Gift by fears or thoughts of the days ahead."

                          From my email...
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            ODAT - Monday

                            what does L-Glutamine do.. May need to get me some lol
                            ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


                              ODAT - Monday

                              Browneyez, have you read RJ's book? If not, you might want to download it and give it a read.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

