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    Hi NM, I have to just chip in and say that boredom and loneliness are two of my main triggers. I had a few false starts, but managed a 30 day AF stint by basic distraction and FORCING mysellf to get out of the house. Start slowly, but keep putting one foot in front of the other. Is there anything that you've been thinking of doing? I had been thinking about Yoga for ages, and it took a massive effort to go to that first class, but I love it now, and go as much as I can. I also started running, which gave me something to focus on and work at. It might take time, but you'll get there!

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:




      The New Me;656864 wrote: And frankly, I found myself thinking - I am not that bad, but also knowing, I will get THAT BAD, if I continue on this slipery road.

      Not sure what to pledge, but I want to be healthy and happy without AL!!!!
      Hi New Me - I didn't mean to highjack your thread! I'm completely with you on the above - I'm humbled by what people on this forum have conquered and are conquering. I'm not there.... yet.... YET. But I just went to the tipping point of the teeter-totter. Not acting is not an option

      Not sure what to pledge? Me too - I'm in hope that... ?? I hope I'll be fine today too.

      Thank you too to all of you who have answered my post. I know I belong here and like NM, I've been impressed (and often moved to tears) by the postings here. THANK YOU.



        Evie.Lou;658227 wrote: Welcome have a new family now !!!
        We understand, we really do !!!
        Stay close to this site. Read lots, post lots and know that we are always RIGHT HERE and that we care !!!

        I'm Evie and I am always only a PM away...OK ???....OK !!!
        Thanks Evie - I need my new family and I hope I can be supportive to all of you too.

        Thanks also for the welcomes, KTAB and Long Road. The line about draining Scottish lakes was good - I need to laugh too.

        I had only one at dinner yesterday and my first thought I as put lemon water in the glass afterwards (wine and lemons are no good!) was "I can post this on the forum tomorrow."



          Hi New Me.

          Lonliness, isolation, lack of employment and belief that AL is a cheap, effective way to relieve all of the above...I can relate to all that, and some.
          I was a little frightened too. It was like breaking away from the only reliable source of relief from my worries and problems. It didn't matter that alcohol is poison to me. It didn't matter that I knew that it had taken over most of my thought processes and that I knew it for the evil it is, for me at least. I just kept going until the day I decided to stop, and meant it.
          I haven't drank, or missed drinking for a while now. My system is clear of the myriad pollutants that I poured into myself, and I can say without any hesitation that I am doing the best thing for myself that I could by getting myself sorted out.
          I still have feelings of lonliness, but I have chosen to be alone. Life's problems keep coming but I won't let them grind me down. As a result of my sobriety, I have sensed a re-awakening of the feeling that it's good to be alive. I can handle anything now, I really believe that. I can't say enough about the benefits and I have yet to find a drawback.
          I wish you luck and strength.

