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Message of hope

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    Message of hope

    Dear friends, I am reading "Goodbye Hangovers, Hello Life" by Jean Kikpatrick and want to share a quote:

    "if someone were to say "We will erase your alcoholism and you can drink again" I guarantee you that having learned your new of life, you would never consider taking up that proposition. There would be no need to. You would not want to drink to dull your senses or to escaope life becasue you will find an exillaration with life like you never before known"

    (She was a raving alcoholic, who started "Women for Sobriety" after she decided that AA is not well suited for women. It may be why there are so may women here... )

    Well, if she is right in the quote, we have a lot to look forward to!
    "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Message of hope

    Thanks for that quote New Me, its was great reading it
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over

