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Back to the drawing board

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    Back to the drawing board

    Thank you Sunshine. I would like to think that I could one day be a normal drinker but I doubt that is true. I just don't want to kid myself and go back down this road again and then pretend I was modding well before finally having to fess up and start this process again. I think one of AL's strongest persuassions is denial. I am really glad you shared, it is helping me in looking at and assessing my goals in this process.


      Back to the drawing board

      Present, I think that perhaps our perspectives and our goals change - as this is a process, not a one time event. Some bright soul came up with 'One day at a time' and that's probably the best way to approach this.

      For me, right now, I need to get back to the way I felt after 30+ days. I hope that I'm not fooling myself but I think that it will be a lot easier than the first time around. A lot of the 'fear of not drinking' is gone. I've done it. It didn't kill me. In fact, I felt much better. AND, I haven't been drinking as heavily as before leading up to this week. I'm hoping that also will play a role.

      So, perhaps for now, just really try to take it one day at a time and learn to enjoy life again. Never mind long term goals today; let's string together 30 days and perhaps another 30 or 60 and before we know it, we're in the midst of long term achievement
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Back to the drawing board

        Cheers to 30 days of sobriety for us!!! I just wrote cheers w/out thinking. Whatever, you get the drift. National, you and me started this on the same day, lets all keep each other in check! 30 days or bust!! It really helps me to have someone to be accountable to.


          Back to the drawing board

          30 Days Period!

          There's no busting nuttn here!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Back to the drawing board

            Friday July 10, it's day 2 for me in the UK. Bring it!

            Going to a concert in London tomorrow night, normally I would get smashed, but I am not gonna. I am gonna stay sober and 'see' the concert and remember it all. And lunch with family on Sunday who like to drink, I'll be the driver. Monday wedding anniversary, good excuse to have champagne....but not for me. Hubby is helping me, I think he is just fed up of his wife crashing out pissed at 8pm every night!

            Only day 2 and I am dreading the cravings, they haven't started yet but I am ready for them when they come! I think I can I know I can.
            Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny
            AF from Thursday 9 July


              Back to the drawing board

              Sunny, im impressed with your courage. you are an inspiration.


                Back to the drawing board

                Loobyloo, I am so proud of you! YAY to day 2! The constant engagements and places where drinking occurs is tough! I hope you stay strong, you sound very determined. I will think positive, strong thoughts for you!


                  Back to the drawing board

                  Looby, enjoy your concert!!! And enjoy being able to recall every minute the next morning!

                  Cacky, thank you. I just wish I wasn't at the 'beginning' again.

                  Being... how are you coping?
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Back to the drawing board

                    Sunshine, I am doing good. Days are always easier than nights though. Each day I feel so proud that I think each night will be easier. That is my hope at least. Don't worry about being at the beginning. You have been a real inspiration to me and I already feel indebted to you for your honesty. I questioned you about why you would try to drink again after being AF for so long and there I was last night thinking I could have one drink. I thought of you and your struggle and that helped shut down the craving and I just grabbed another diet coke!


                      Back to the drawing board

                      Sunshine! So nice to chat with you last evening!! Had some good laughs and pondering!!!

                      I appreciate so much your honesty here. I would think I could do 30 days and then be home free. Isn't that what "they" say? It takes 21 days to break a habit? Obviously, they haven't followed any alcoholics. I HATE (and I don't hate much of anything..if anything) the word "alcoholic"...but am trying to use it more because I know I am controlled by this substance and so I think I fit the definition.

                      Do any of you ever look at childhood photos and ask...Exactly where did this go so wrong? I never grew up wanting to be an alcoholic.

                      Blessings along your road back to sobriety! You are an inspiration.


                        Back to the drawing board

                        Ditto TakeHeart... that was a fun chat

                        I don't much like or use the term alcoholic, either.. I mentioned that in another thread; I use it HERE, though. While I'm not ready or willing to 'out' myself publicly, in my heart of hearts I know I am an alcoholic and this is the only place I feel safe and able to say so.

                        While 30 days AF is a huge accomplishment for most of us... it isn't by any means the end. Rather, it is the beginning of something better, something we all deserve, something we all desire.

                        I don't have any childhood photos to look at... but I know what you mean. I also ask sometimes, where and when exactly did things go so wrong? And more importantly, how could I stand by and let it happen?

                        I wish you well in YOUR journey as well Be good to yourself along the way and enjoy whichever view presents itself around the next corner
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013

