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Just joined in Australia

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    Just joined in Australia


    I found this site a few days ago after finally, after about 8 years, accepting that I have to stop drinking so much. The need to stop has been overwhelming so today I have vowed I will make the change. I am very scared though, about whether I will actually be able to do this despite wanting to so badly, because I don't know how I could get the CDs without people knowing. (Without my husband and kids knowing). Nobody realises it is actually a problem with me (they really don't). I am really excited that I may have at last found a way of helping me get out of this whole mess I have gotten myself into. Badly need some support and I wonder if anyone is out there like me.


    Just joined in Australia



    Whilst I can't say I hid my drinking well, my whole family pretty much knows, there are plenty here who have hidden it very well from their families.

    I hope you find the method that works for you. Just don't give up trying and you will get there.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Just joined in Australia


      Hi Feathers and welcome! There are tons of people out there just like you. You've found a very good place to start your journey where you'll receive unconditional support and advice (as needed). There are many tools to help you, including the CDs. Supplements are a HUGE help! Visit the toolbox thread for more info. about all that.

      Many of us hid our *problem* including me. I often thought "I'm leading a double life. If people only knew..." One day, I stumbled (literally, ha!) across this site, made the same vow you just made, and now I'm over 2 months AF. It feels great to have my life back.

      Wishing you all the best.

      p.s. The Newbies Nest is a great thread for people who are starting out.
      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        Just joined in Australia

        Welcome Feathers and kudos for taking this first important step!

        As LilBit said, poke around the toolbox thread, if you can, download or order the book, see what supplements may help you in your quest and most importantly, read and post, ask questions - we are all here to help each other!

        And do join us in the Newbie's Nest, the July Jamboree, or the ODAT or Army thread!

        Again.. a big welcome!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Just joined in Australia

          Hi Feathers
          This site is great and you will always get alot of support and advise from here, also in the discussion section there is a thread called "The Next Day Thread" and it is for people with different time zones, you will always get help from there as well as a giggle or two...
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            Just joined in Australia

            Hi to Cinders, Lilbit, Sunshine and Ronnie

            I can't believe anyone has answered me, and actually bothered to read what I wrote, it is so kind of you to take the trouble to reply. Thank you for the advice about other threads as well. I am trying to find my way around this board so forgive me if I sound a bit vague, and also I am not sure if I have figured out how to reply yet! I am very excited today. I have also scared myself a bit by reading some areas. I read something about the likelihood of getting a seizure if I stop.

            I have been drinking quite a lot for years, and over the last few years it has been somewhere between one and two bottles of red wine every night. The last month, I have seen it increase and now it's gone to between one and a half (rare) and two and a quarter a night. I never drink during the day, it's all done between about 7.30pm and midnight.

            But I also read that somewhere in the US it is mandatory for a doctor to put you in detox? Does that happen in Australia?

            I was planning on rocking up to the surgery today and hoping the doctor would prescribe me some meds but now I am scared he might insist I go into rehab?

            Sorry for these questions. I know I will have a hard time ahead, as my husband also drinks (but can pick up and put down whenever he chooses, and thinks nothing of drinking a couple of glasses of wine and screwing the cap back on, whereas the only reason I don't finish the bottle is because I have fallen asleep). But he orders wine over the internet and there is always a large amount of alcohol in the house, which I have become very clever at taking and hiding, it horrifies me. You wouldn't know I was such a manipulating thief if you met me, it's that dreadful dark side of me that is out of control, always lurking under my outward nice, happy, Christian, church-going exterior. I am so ashamed and I have to stop.


              Just joined in Australia

              Feathers, I drank pretty much the same as you... probably for 3 years or so. I did not experience any great withdrawals (other than shaky, head ache, nausea - the usual).

              I have no clue about medical care down under... but I doubt that any doc can put you into rehab against your will - unless you're a danger to yourself or others?

              What others here have done, is taper down... gradually reduce the alcohol intake and thereby reduce the withdrawals... have a read through some threads.

              Hon, we all have been there (and sometimes still are) and faced the shame and guilt, the self loathing, etc. The very best ONE piece of advice: Don't look back (and that's easier said than done, I know)... but you cannot change what happened yesterday. You can, however, take charge of today. Focus on today. On right now. On this hour, if you have to. Baby steps

              I wish you the very best and unbridled success in your journey!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Just joined in Australia

                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  Just joined in Australia

                  Hi Feathers and welcome,
                  I've never heard of anyone bein forced into rehab....certainly not without a court order which comes as a result of an offence.
                  I'm on the East coast, and so far have managed with supplements, but no medications. If push comes to shove I will not hesitate to use meds.
                  Most reasonable GP's will applaud you coming in and taking responsibilty. If she/ he doesn't, find another doctor poste haste....don't take that crap from anyone.They may even be able to refer you to addiction specialists, usually psychiatrists, on an outpatient basis......even better....
                  Best of all you're here....great start. Highly recommend getting the book and starting the supplements as soon as you can.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Just joined in Australia

                    Thank you so much to those who have just answered me, sorry, am just trying to figure out how to do individual replies.

                    I am going to download the book when I can do so in private, definitely. I am really excited as I have just made an appt with a doctor in town, not my usual GP, hoping for privacy, it's in one hour, so I am just praying he is sympathetic to me.

                    I will let you know how I get on, I have so much hope thanks to you guys.


                      Just joined in Australia

                      Hi Feathers and welcome from another Aussie.

                      There are quite a few of us here now and the next day thread is a good place to catch up and maybe someone else can give you their experience with GS's in Oz.

                      My GP was impressed when I approached him but didn't want to give me any meds and really had no solution but to struggle through and go to AA.

                      Read as much as you can.

                      There are many solutions here that are available and you just need to find the way that clicks for you.

                      My family (being children) are not aware of how much I did drink but my husband was.

                      He isn't much help, some people just have limitations of what they can do.

                      I wish you all the best and look forward to getting to know you better.

                      Take Care
                      Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                        Just joined in Australia

                        I just wanted to let you know about my experience this morning which was not good, and I am feeling rather down at the moment. Basically, my choice was either my own doctor, or this one. It's a small country town. I thought it was ok as he listened to me attentively, and asked me what I hoped to achieve.

                        I told him that what I really wanted to do was to be abl to go back to the way things were, and that I had done a lot of investigating and soul searching, and had found medications that seemed as though my brain could un-learn its alcoholic ways, and I could return to responsible alcoholic consumption in due course, but that eventually I would probably aim to be giving it up completely in the future. I said I would hope that I might be able to have a drink or two down the line, but not care if I didn't.

                        Seems this was the totally wrong answer. He made an appointment for my to have blood tests for liver function etc etc, which I can see may be fair enough. Then he said he wanted me to stop drinking immediately, and that he would give me medication to ensure I did not have a seizure. He said there were two ways of doing that.... firstly he said he needed me to bring my husband in tomorrow to see him, so he could explain about my alcoholism to him (I already told him that my husband was not aware of the extent of my problem) and explain how to give me the medication (valium), and to watch me to ensure that I will not take alcohol.

                        I said no, that is not possible. So then he asked if one of my children would come in then, and I said no again for the same reason. (I do have some vestige of pride left, believe it or not). So he said well in that case, he would be forced to find me a bed in a hospital somewhere while I detoxed under medical supervision. I said no, I was not going to do that either, and I talked about the tapering program. He said no, that isnt' any good, you will just have to try to cut down to half a bottle gradually (which lets face it is more or less what I was talking about!) then when you are at half a bottle a day, by about the middle of next week, then we will stop all alcohol and send you for counselling.

                        I left the surgery in tears, I'm afraid, because he didn't want to know about the medications that everyone talks about on this forum that help them, it's just a case of stopping immediately and going to talk to someone once a week about what a bad and stupid person I am.

                        Help, I was so excited today and this has dealt me such a huge blow, I just don't know what to do.


                          Just joined in Australia

                          Message to shas

                          Hello, and thank you very much for getting in touch. I am sorry, I didn't see your message until after I'd written my last one.

                          As you will see, I got very upset after going to the doctor. Seems that some doctors are all for medication and others won't have a bar of it if yours and mine are anything to go by.

                          I need to read more on this forum I think, download the book when I have some privacy, look at supplements etc that I've heard mentioned.

                          Actually my mood just changed from sad to mad while I was writing that, I just thought 'how dare he pretend he was listening, but not hear a word?" so maybe it has given me the kick up the but that I needed. Maybe I am really going to have to do this by myself, so instead of whingeing maybe I should be trying to work out a program for myself.

                          I don't feel as positive as I sound, I must admit, but I have to try, don't I.


                            Just joined in Australia

                            Hi Feathers n Fur.

                            I'm so sorry you had a bad experience with the doc. I think that with all of us here at MWO, you have to find 'your own way', whether thats with meds, tapering abstinence or any of the other tools available. The one thing I do want to suggest though, is that you think about sharing how you feel and what you want to do about it with your Husband. Do you hide your drinking or does noone else comment on it, what do you do with the empties, isit possible that people around you are aware that you are drinking more than you should, but haven't said anything? My drinking pattern was similar to yours, I worked on cutting down, then one AF day, 2 AF days in a row etc, until I managed to do a 30 day AF stint. Others will do things differently. I also identified that I was drinking mostly due to boredom and family triggers, and am learning howto deal with them.

                            You will get a lot of support and suggestions on the boards here, read read read and post.

                            Take Care

                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              Just joined in Australia

                              Hi Feathers,

                              I'm sorry to read about your idiot GP. Don't waste the good energy you felt this morning by letting this bloke dampen your enthusiasm. I suggest you relax and get familiar with this board. Read as much as you can and take your time in formulating a plan which is achieveable for you. Sure, have the blood and liver tests - and maybe find another GP to talk to but ultimately, it will be up to you.

                              I'm fuming that the twerp wanted to bring in your husband. Is this the 1950's?????

                              Anyway, I just wanted to say "Welcome" and I hope you stay around.

