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Fell Hard from the Wagon

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    Fell Hard from the Wagon

    After 6 months of abstinenece I started the slippery slope last February. I am depressed and ashamed; just ordered the new start up kit. Last night was a new low which is why I am here.

    Your prayers and well wished would be appreciated.


    Fell Hard from the Wagon

    All of the best, welcome back!

    Sending a group of prayers and support your way...:welcome:


      Fell Hard from the Wagon

      It isn't over even AFTER the fat lady sings!


        Fell Hard from the Wagon

        Prayers are coming your way. Falling off the wagon is something we have all done - getting back on is the brave part and it sounds like you are well on your way!


          Fell Hard from the Wagon


          I am so sorry to hear about your slip and hope you're not beating yourself up too much. I think I saw a recent post with really good advice about transferring regret into learning. You provided such wisdom and insight on our earlier board and I have no doubt you'll soon be back on track. We have many new members (and forums) here I think you'll find helpful.

          Warm regards and many positive thoughts your way, friend.

          Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


            Fell Hard from the Wagon

            Thanks to all for the warm welcome back. Damn, this is so tough.


              Fell Hard from the Wagon

              I think August has been a ruff ride for a lot of us! Hot & thirsty... w/ lots going on! Hang in there! We still love ya! And here we all are!:h :l ...Judie

              Just trying to get back to a more healthy routine after a week in Vegas! I wasn't Real Bad... But I wasn't REAL GOOD either!
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Fell Hard from the Wagon

                Hello there and welcome back --

                I have fallen hard a couple of times myself and know how bad it feels. But I am back now and feel better than ever. Maybe it is something that is part of the learning curve for some of us. Anyway, don't be too hard on yourself -- you know where the answers are (at least some of them) -- and you've got a lot of good friends here.

                "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


                  Fell Hard from the Wagon

                  This morning is 3 weeks without a drink. My doc upped the anti-depressants and I ve been back on the MWO regimen. I was self-medicating my depression for several months telling myself it would pass.


                    Fell Hard from the Wagon

                    It was the confluence of incredble work pressures, too much business travel,and finally the loss of a childhood friend,49; and yes, I thought I could do it moderately. The fall was a wakeup call.


                      Fell Hard from the Wagon

                      Congrats on three weeks, Rigpaseeker! All the best!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012

