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just getting started

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    just getting started

    I went to the doc the other day. She prescribed me the topomax. I had to order the kudzu online so I am waiting for that and the hypnotherapy cd's. I have started taking the other supplements though. Is that a waste to take them now without having everything? I really hate that it takes so long to get this stuff in the mail! Anyway, my 40th bday is tomorrow, so I'm really wanting for this to be a better, more positive year in my life...a healthier year! Wish me luck! I haven't decided if I will be AF or mod yet. I'm hoping to be able to be mod, but maybe I wont be able to...time will tell I guess.

    Good luck to all of us just getting started!!

    just getting started

    Sounds like you have a good plan in place and are ready to go! Welcome and :goodluck:


      just getting started

      Hi kimber,

      Welcome to MWO. You've come to a good place, you'll find lots of support & encouragement here!
      Happy 40th Birthday to you! You are giving yourself a wonderful lifelong gift.

      Try to take it one day at a time, this is a process, not an overnight event. You will be going through a lot of physical & mental changes in the weeks & months to come. It is a lot of work but totally worth it.
      Stay close, keep reading & posting, let us know how you are doing. Be kind to yourself.

      Best wishes!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        just getting started

        Hi Kimbers and welcome!

        The supplements work differently for all people (some take the entire list in the program, some tailor it to meet their needs) so I don't think starting on some while you wait for the others to arrive is a bad thing. You will figure out your way out as you go through this process.

        Good luck and Happy Birthday!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          just getting started

          Hi Kimbers-

          I agree that you can start the supps right away. If you are struggling with cravings I can tell you that the L-glut is helpful. It provides a measure of relief in almost imediately if you take enough of it. (500 mg at least I'd say. Best of luck to you and I hope you will stick around and get to know us here.


            just getting started

            Hello and a big welcome Kimber, I also agree, start with what tools you have available to you right now. I assume you have read the book? If not you can download it to save time. There is also a thread in Monthly abstaners section called Toolbox which has loads of helpful tips. Dont be afraid to post and ask questions there are lots of people here who will help you.
            Well done on taking the first step and a Happy Birthday to you.
            Keep safe
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              just getting started

              Best of wishes! Let us know how it's going, okay?


                just getting started

                Just stopping by to say hello.. nice to meet you ... and HAPPY B-DAY!

                Hope you're having a good, happy day. And by all means, start the supplements. As someone else mentioned, the L-glutamine is just awesome for cravings and it really clears your head, or at least I noticed some head-clearage that went along with taking them. I was popping about 12 of them a day. I don't think you can OD on them.

                Keep on posting about how you're doing!
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  just getting started

                  I'm going to check and see if that L-glutamine is available here in a health store or Pharmacy as the other supplements are banned. Another Irish lady said customs sent her stuff back. Plus i don't have a credit card so downloading the book or getting the cds is not an option for me. But i'm sure i can get similar cds here. Just goin cold turkey again but taking vitimin B and water wit fresh lemon. Happy 40th birthday i wish you well.

