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Just one glass . . .

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    Just one glass . . .

    Tonight I just finished my book club group. I used to get drunk at these. I always thought a lot of other people did too, but tonight as I was not drinking I noticed no one else got drunk or even close. Everyone else had one or two glasses of wine or beers. I was shocked. Was it always this way and I just thought everyone else was drinking as much as me? Was my continual pouring of the vino encouraging other people to do the same. I am not sure. I was tempted tonight when they opened a bottle of red wine. Oh the allure! I thought, I could have just one. Just one. But I refrained and then when everyone left (and I sent the opened bottle of red with a departing guest) I immediately got on here, started reading and reminding myself why I cannot have one glass of wine. So thank you everyone for sharing. I cannot tell you how helpful it has been for me to read everyone else's struggles with alcohol. It reminds me of my own struggle with it and then I can no longer fool myself into thinking I can have that one glass of wine. :h
    So now I am going to bed sober and proud!

    Just one glass . . .

    Fantastic job, Being! You should be proud.

    What is it about book club and booze?????


      Just one glass . . .

      Your post made me realize something important - how much alcohol robbs us of our judgement.
      There was another post about a women finding out that she was abnoxious while she was convinced that she was charming, similar to your thinking that everybody was drunk at your party.
      I do not even want to think about the times I made a fool of myself thinking that I was leading a deep philosphical discussion... So much learning in just a few AF days Isn't it amazing? We will be so smart after 30 days!!
      "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
      Ralph Waldo Emerson


        Just one glass . . .

        Well done, bp :goodjob:
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Just one glass . . .

          Really well done - so you should feel proud!! You were in a testing situation and you battled Al and you won!

          I'm feeling quite proud myself this morning, i'm only on day 2 but the pain in my back has gone and although i'm feeling abit tired (just got up!!) i'm feeling better than i have for ages - come on!!:goodjob:


            Just one glass . . .

            Well done Being, you should be so proud of yourself, great job
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Just one glass . . .

              Well Done Being Present

              Every victory like last night's gives you more strength and courage to beat the bottle.

              Keep up the good work and you will reap the rewards.

              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                Just one glass . . .

                Great Job Being Present - I was wondering how your book club event went...very happy you went AF! Congrats!
                AF since July 8, 2009...


                  Just one glass . . .

                  Welcome to the world of SOBER THINKING !!!
                  It will just keep on getting better and better as you keep on making the RIGHT choices !!!
                  You must feel so very PROUD of yourself ...I sure am PROUD OF YOU !!!
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Just one glass . . .

                    Great job Being!!! I used to think i was just so cute and funny when i was drinking. NOT!!! i bet your friends enjoyed this bookclub for the first time.


                      Just one glass . . .

                      Bravo!! Being Present - I was thinking of you too. It's funny how we link booze to so many things - how can I sit on a patio, on a deck, or a beach, or the front verandah, without a drink???

                      I also have noticed when sober how many people don't drink, or just have one or two. One of my awakenings is the realization that it is not normal to get drunk every night. I've been quite convinced that it was!

                      Happy sober weekend to all of you.


                        Just one glass . . .

                        "I also have noticed when sober how many people don't drink, or just have one or two. One of my awakenings is the realization that it is not normal to get drunk every night. I've been quite convinced that it was!"

                        How true! I also thought everyone was getting drunk with me, but I'm seeing now that it was likely just me for the most part. Great point!
                        AF since July 8, 2009...


                          Just one glass . . .

                          Well done for not having that drink like you i can't have the first one as it won't stop at just the one. I've been weak and caving in too much so back on day 2. Good idea to give the wine away as if its not in the house you can't drink. I don't alchol in my house when i'm trying to get sober as i know i wud be tempted. Have a good weekend everyone.


                            Just one glass . . .

                            Good job, being! It's one thing not drinking when no one else is... but when Others are - well... that's a test, for sure.

                            Give yourself a pat on the back for me!!
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              Just one glass . . .

                              Thank you for all the encouragement and kind responses. i am overwhelmed! Ellabella, so glad you are feeling better. National, how are you? I hope you are feeling better! Again, thank you everyone. It means so much. The first thing i did this morning when I woke up is check this and my eyes are filled with tears of gratitude. To have such an amazing group of people behind me who understand what I am dealing with makes this more of a trying journey instead of the losing battle it has been in the past.

