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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Morning all

    Big girl pants on today - need that extra support. Yesterday's zero replaced by a big number - today's zero will be set in stone. Today is what it is all about. The BGPs will help. :goodjob:

    If you think I've lost it, Greeny will explain about the pants! :H

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Friday

    Hi ya Bessie

    Good luck with those big girl pants! Must be my age but hubbie said to me the other evening whilst I was getting undressed for bed "where did you get those huge pants from??" Sad isn't it??

    But I know what you mean and it's certainly helped Greenie over the past year hasn't it.

    Haven't been able to post or visit for the past few weeks as the builders have (finally) descended on our house and the Study and Dining Room are in boxes in various locations across our village (for storage not because we've had an explosion or anything!). Got the PC now up and working so I'm back.

    Serious MWO withdrawal :H

    Have been a bit hit and miss with the modding and only managed 2 AF days this week (perhaps less last week......). Still upward and onwards!

    Luv to all to come.



      ODAT - Friday

      Hi Bessie and MM and all ODATERS to come.

      Bessie, today is a new day!

      MM, great that you're back, I missed you!

      Day 5 for me today but I will have a few drinks tomorrow at a family get together (a surprise for my dear mother).

      I am feeling good, am trying to incorporate the exercise part of the program which up to now I have ignored. So been swimming twice this week. Must say I found it very relaxing.
      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


        ODAT - Friday

        hello odatees,
        yep need those bgp for many reasons
        30 plus days my license back after 30 days... still facing charges and go to court on the 20th
        looking at new cars today well not new but good used
        my yard is gorgeous what with no car and no license just a weeding pruning afr maniac
        can't complain i live next to a lake the kiddos are enjoying themselves enjoy the day i will rude pruner


          ODAT - Friday

          No drinking for me today as i had a binge which lasted 5 days. Didn't yesterday drink but i had a very bad hangover which involved shaking sweating and throwing up so have to make a better effort. Goin back to AA and i have to ring a place on monday for councelling. Still a bit shakey today and i still have hot and cold sweats but i'm up and able to get things done unlike yesterday. Why do we do this to ourselves? One of my triggers is loniness and depression i'm single and i live alone. Late afternoon and evening are bad times for me but i'm sure many of us have been there. I'll keep checking in over the weekend so have a good folks.:grannypants:


            ODAT - Friday


            I have found it helpful to have all purpose BGPs.

            MM you've also got the people on holiday at the cottage right? Busy!

            Rude pruner, LMAO!!! 30 days pllus ROCKS!!! Congrats!!

            Blue sky, good luck tomorrow. I would think an AF drink in hand would be good between real ones. I'd be scared my hand would be making the wrong decisions for me so best to keep it busy, you know?

            Firefox, Whew, that was a rough bump in the road. Have you considered exercise at that time of day? It will keep you occupied and helps with depression. Stick close over the weekend!

            Have a good one and be in contol of your plan what ever it is!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Friday

              Yes Greenie, I have a plan. I will drink soft drinks all day as we need to drive to a restaurant for an early evening meal. I will stay AF for the meal too and drive back. However once we are safely back at our accomodation I will have some wine. Hopefully that will be damage limitation enough!

              Always best to have a plan!
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                ODAT - Friday

                Happy Friday all! Oh! I don't think I have a plan. But today is supposed to be beautiful (after a week of cool cloudy weather) and it's Friday! Sparkling Pear juice I think. And I just got some books from my favorite author Connie Willis two of which I have not read yet, so I have juicy things to read this weekend.

                Have a great day all!


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Hi guys,

                  I am still rocking AF which is good - doctors appointment today to discuss the blood cell issue and get my note for work. I am still exhausted but will have a relaxing weekend with no AL to dehydrate me.

                  Feeling good that way.

                  Take care guys and hike up those BGP's all weekend!

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT - Friday

                    loving this talk about big girls pants. when life gets too tough for me my BGPs always make me happy!
                    Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny
                    AF from Thursday 9 July


                      ODAT - Friday

                      BIG GIRL PANTS RULE!!!!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

