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Made it through the night!!

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    Made it through the night!!

    Bravo to you all, keep strong and keep posting to one another... being accountable to other people in these early days cannot be talked of highly enough as a way to help you through...

    And one promise I can make to you is that it DOES GET EASIER. This first bit of time is the worst and then the social situations, the cravings, they do get easier to manage if you can get through this!! :goodjob:


      Made it through the night!!

      thanks for your kind words scrubbly. what stage are you at? I am making it to one week tomorrow and on Saturday I am going to treat myself at the beauty salon with all the money I have saved from not drinking 10 bottles of wine this week!

      God I love this place, it's like the best friendliest bar in the world with no booze!
      Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny
      AF from Thursday 9 July

