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First days of AF thread...July 11

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    First days of AF thread...July 11

    Good morning/afternoon to everybody! I wanted to get a daily thread started for all of those in need of support during the beginning battle to start the AF journey. It appeared there was quite a bit of interest, so I hope you'll jump in.

    Anyway, woke up today on the morning of day 4 and feel amazingly good! I actually am paying attention to the pets, enjoying the sunshine and thinking about all I want to do today. I think I'll even get out the mountain bike that has started to get a bit old looking due to its lack of activity.

    I'm interested in how all of us "just getting" started are doing?? If you are just starting or thinking about starting...jump in and post! Hope to hear about your Friday/Saturday and wish you the best of luck! National
    AF since July 8, 2009...

    First days of AF thread...July 11

    Good morning National and all who follow. I'm on day 3. Overcast here and rain on the way. Gotta go shopping later May be get a walk in if the rain holds off. Enjoy your saturday whatever you get up too. Still a bit headachy but could be my sinius acting up usually do this time of year. Feeling so much better today though. :thumbs:


      First days of AF thread...July 11

      Good afternoon everyone.

      Sounds like you're feeling on top of the world national...good stuff.
      Keep on keeping on!


        First days of AF thread...July 11

        I'm on Day 3 today. Haven't seen that in a long while. So far feeling pretty strong, although Day 2 was harder than Day 1. My husband and I walked the dogs this morning. Now I have some errands to run, maybe rent a movie later. I wish you all a great AF day! Everything is so much better when you are not in a fog. You all inspire me knowing we are going through it together. Stay strong!


          First days of AF thread...July 11

          Great Job Firefox and Mommabird...I wish you great luck on your Day 3. Day 2 and 3 were hardest for me so far, but day 4 so far has been quite good to me. Hope you have a great Saturday!

          Thanks for the encouragement Haircut!!!
          AF since July 8, 2009...


            First days of AF thread...July 11

            I am having a nice lazy day thus far, staying in bed, eating fruit, reading a great book, playing with my dog and feeling clear headed. I may go for a run later or get a massage, I haven't decided. I am treating myself today to whatever I feel like. Happy AF Saturday everyone!


              First days of AF thread...July 11

              I am on day 4 and am feeling pretty good, I woke up feeling very proud and happy with myself. Now it is in the afternoon and I am getting those darned urges. Good thing I have to take a ride, that will keep my mind off it.


                First days of AF thread...July 11

                Sparkle - I know what you mean about those afternoon urges. Mine are hitting pretty hard right now. I made some popcorn and decided to check in on everyone. One step at a time, right?


                  First days of AF thread...July 11

                  Good job today everybody! I'll check in with you all tomorrow...have a good AF evening!
                  AF since July 8, 2009...


                    First days of AF thread...July 11

                    National;661612 wrote: Good morning/afternoon to everybody! I wanted to get a daily thread started for all of those in need of support during the beginning battle to start the AF journey. It appeared there was quite a bit of interest, so I hope you'll jump in.

                    Anyway, woke up today on the morning of day 4 and feel amazingly good! I actually am paying attention to the pets, enjoying the sunshine and thinking about all I want to do today. I think I'll even get out the mountain bike that has started to get a bit old looking due to its lack of activity.

                    I'm interested in how all of us "just getting" started are doing?? If you are just starting or thinking about starting...jump in and post! Hope to hear about your Friday/Saturday and wish you the best of luck! National
                    This is my 5th day and also feeling good. though a little scared.


                      First days of AF thread...July 11

                      Hello everybody,

                      I am on day five and feeling great, but I have to be carefull. I have a personality that gets excited initially and bored soon after. So, it is easy for me to start anything, follow through can be hard.
                      However, I read some of the posts of senior members and realised how much they are so beyond just not drinking. They are actually doing stuff and moving on. We have so much to look forward!
                      Good Saturday to you all
                      "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                      Ralph Waldo Emerson


                        First days of AF thread...July 11

                        Congrats on your 5 days. Quitting drinking is so worth the fight.
                        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                          First days of AF thread...July 11

                          I agree we have so much to look forward to. I'm on day 6 (day 7 now since its after midnight here!) I feel much better than I have so far.
                          Thursday night I was dreaming about AL- I had a strange dream that I bought 2 drinks- just completely forgot I'd given up. I threw the first away Then forgot again and took a mouthful of the second, which I spat out. I was so annoyed with myself because i had no more money and I spent everything I had on AL. It was really weird.
                          I am going to start running again tomorrow, and thats what I am going to do instead of drink. I hope to do a marathon next year.
                          Hope everyone has a great Sunday x


                            First days of AF thread...July 11

                            I made it, no drinks. I almost gave in at dinner with a glass of wine but knew it wouldn't be just one. I can not have just one unless the whole bottle counts as one. I feel a little nervous and will go to bed early to get my mind off of it. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.


                              First days of AF thread...July 11

                              Just finishing up Day 7. My husband is out of town and I am here alone on Saturday night. The wine is definitely calling as usually when he is traveling, I get a bottle of wine, watch some TV and turn in a little (and often a lot) buzzed. But I am not giving in. Even my skin looked better today. A week ago it was red and dehydrated, my eyes looked dull and I felt very anxious. Keep it up everyone! It inspires us all to hear about others overcoming challenges.

