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Hi Again -- Afraid

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    Hi Again -- Afraid

    Back again buddies -- I had a seizure several weeks ago ... how does one prevent them? Too scary for words. Actually I am afraid to stop drinking, although I am titrating. Hospitals, doctors, pills have not worked for me even though I did do all that in good faith. Any advice? Janka
    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

    Hi Again -- Afraid

    Hi, Janka .. I've never had a seizure, but was scared that I would when I started tapering off. Were you drinking when you had one? Or had you quit / tapered?

    I think that if you had one before, and you want to quit now, that maybe heading to the hospital for a supervised detox with meds might be the best thing.

    Are you alone there, or are there people with you (at home)?

    I wish I had better advice ... I'm sure there are others who will be along soon. Hang in there and keep on posting.
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      Hi Again -- Afraid

      Great to see you again, janka, even if not under the best of circumstances.

      Your post is scary, seizures are scary (not that I`ve ever suffered one, thank God). Please, look inside are far, far stronger than you believe yourself to be as far as the drink is concerned.

      Pills, hospitals etc..........none of these things work FOR us.........they work WITH us. It`s that, "whatever it takes" janka, and that is for you to believe in yourself that you can indeed escape from alcohol. Think it over........think of all the times in your life that you have had to draw on your inner strength........that strength has come through for you in other areas of your life, the same strength that is already within you to challenge the booze and win.

      Believe in yourself..........THAT is the key. If this `loser` could get sober, believe too can you.

      Take good care of yourself and don`t be a stranger. :l

      Star x
      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


        Hi Again -- Afraid

        Thanks ladies ... no I was not drinking for days ... I went in the garage to get weedkiller and passed out. This party is over, I hope. I'm just plain scared
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          Hi Again -- Afraid

          Hi Janka,
          Have you let your doctor know about this? Maybe the medications need a bit of tweaking, or it could be something unrelated to drinking.


            Hi Again -- Afraid


            Seizures usually hit on the 4th or 5th day of no alcohol.

            I am glad you are scared. You should be. Alcohol withdrawals are not to be taken lightly.

            If you can't get meds, then you need to taper.

            42cat had a thread about how she tapered and it worked very well for her.

            Please take care. Either get to a doctor or taper down. Don't just keep drinking. That should scare you, too.

            I am glad to see you back, too, btw. Don't ever give up giving up. Okay?

            AF April 9, 2016


              Hi Again -- Afraid

              life is a lot simpler sober,think of the choices it gives us,i know its hard,but if you could focus on things you liked to do before the drink took over and know you could be that again,rember the dogs on the street can sh///t on us when we give away our power,to a bottle etc,im on day 4,after being sober for 7 years,i had no big reason going back drinking exept i taught i was able to handle it,alas not so ,i started dabling with drink again and after i few mounts i was right back to where i sterted sorry your not well janka,we do have choices,be strong,life can be great,we have to think of our health,and of our familys be good to you and them,take care darkie


                Hi Again -- Afraid

                Thanks everyone ... I'm still shakey though
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                  Hi Again -- Afraid

                  The thought of drink just passed my mind coming to the computer ..
                  not worth it .. i told myself, i feel so damn good and have so much to get done!
                  I get afraid as well, all it takes is starting up again for me.

                  off to work, thank god.

                  An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                    Hi Again -- Afraid

                    Thanks everyone ... still shakey tho ... any advice?
                    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                      Hi Again -- Afraid

                      Lots of water, food, and power walks around the neighbourhood, or lifting my handweights at home, helped me with my shakes. Hang in there... you're doing fine!
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        Hi Again -- Afraid

                        Hi there .... thanks for all ur help ... I think I should taper so i don't have seizures. For how long? How much watered for now ... day 1? Still shakey, Renee
                        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                          Hi Again -- Afraid


                          Hey hon if you want in about 45 minutes I'll be home and we can chat. Have missed you hon, sorry you are struggling. :l


                            Hi Again -- Afraid

                            hart! i'll be delighted ... missed u!
                            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                              Hi Again -- Afraid


                              Here is a thread that might help answer your tapering questions.


                              Please be careful.

                              If you and Hart are in chat when I get back from dinner, I will jump in, too.

                              It would be great to chat with you!!

                              AF April 9, 2016

