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ODAT- Tuesday

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    ODAT- Tuesday

    Morning all

    Fresh as a daisy today! :goodjob:

    I've got to go and see some relatives for lunchg - they aren't really my favourites and it will be rather a chore but there you go. No al there, or very little anyway and I hardly ever drink there and am driving anyway so no challenge at all.

    Then picking up some sheep this afternoon so a good excuse to get away!!!

    Pretty sure tonight should be ok too.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT- Tuesday

    19days AF

    Helloooo there everyone,
    Bessie, Enjoy your lunch with relatives, oh how many sheeps are you pickin up?
    Greenie, Thanx for the info, i will try that one today. CAT means Community AL Team.

    Next week im goin on holiday looking forward to it but at the sametime getting a bit nervour. Im just a everyday drinker but every now and again i will go over overboard and make a fool of myself (sometimes) ALL i can do is just try my best......

    Have a good day evryone.:l
    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


      ODAT- Tuesday


      The cat wretching alarm went off early this AM. My knee hurts so instead of leaping from bed, snatching up said cat and running down the hall, I just lay there and listened to it. It ends with the jingling of the doggie collar. *sigh* Extra mileage for the hairball. :H

      I am off to the hole for day 2 of an extremely difficult week. But day one is over. All I can deal with is today and I'll do that as best I can. For myself and others.

      catch, wonder if you could have someone help you make sure that doesnt' happen. Maybe that third drink is the one that allows your brain to convince you more is better. so after 2 you say to your someone "That' s all I want to drink" and they sort of help keep an eye on you?

      Uni, you too? That wasn't quite like the lil' bit champagne on vacation, was it?

      Have a good one and stick to your guns!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT- Tuesday

        Hi ODATERS

        Just had my hair done and looking good apart from dark circles around eyes. Will they ever go? I was reflecting on my progress since March and although I am still drinking I have notched up alot of AF time (continuous runs of 31 days and 19 days) as well as many weeks when I only drink on 2-3 evenings instead of 6 evenings like I used to. I am alot more aware of how much I am drinking and log every drink in a diary which helps me remember and cut down. The most telling thing is that there is an open bottle of white wine in the fridge and it's been there since Sunday 5th July and I haven't had the urge to finish it!!!! (I was away at the weekend when I drank).

        This is progress. I know it wouldn't have been possible without this site. At the moment I'm finding ODAT suits me best as I find myself getting resentful if I set a long target to remain AF. I am aiming to be AF Sunday to Thursday and maybe have some wine at the weekend. Ultimately I would like to see the amount I drink decrease further as on the 2-3 evenings I drink I still down a whole bottle which I know is not moderate drinking and is definitely harmful. One thing I have noticed since cutting back is that I never used to have hangovers and now I feel really rough if I drink to my old levels. A good deterent!

        Greenie, hope your week goes well. Still got your BGPs on?

        MM, don't let your neighbours moaning get you down. Your builder will be finished soon and life will continue as normal. She should be thankful she can earn such wonderful money working from home (suspect the figure may be a wee exageration or else she is up to something highly illegal!)
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          ODAT- Tuesday

          Blue, I am LIVING in my BGPs! ARe you drinking a lot of water and taking supps? Dark circles, I have read, may be from toxins or vitamin deficiency. I looked like that yesterday, but I think mine is the volcano of anxiety I have a cork in. :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT- Tuesday

            Hi Greenie

            Suspect it's toxins from all the years of red wine. Yes, I'm drinking lots of lemon water like you told me to do back in it, it's refreshing and not sweet like so many AF drinks! Guess I need to cut back further if I want to get rid of the black circles. My diet is quite good and am taking supps too. I'm very fair skinned so it could just be the way I am!

            Now I really must go and do some work!!
            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


              ODAT- Tuesday

              Hi there,
              Checking in from a trip to FL.
              Blue - I have the same thing - dark circles, but generally I have them anyway. I just feel like I've aged suddenly when I stopped drinking every day. Do you feel the same way? On the one hand I feel better, but I feel like I look older.
              Green - what are BPGs?
              I went for 7 days AF last week, then broke it at a party where I planned to break it. On the one hand, I could berate myself for failure. On the other hand, I could say there is some success. Since Saturday, I have had 2 AF days, and plan to be AF until Thursday, when I will have a one day break. Is that weird? At least I'm not drinking a bottle of wine alone at 5:00 every day. The AF days are easy, actually. My eyes are clear.

              Have a great day!
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
              AF since May 6, 2010


                ODAT- Tuesday

                No greeny, it certainly wasn't like the champagne toast - little dissapointed in myself but hey, that's why we are all here right? Trying to figure our way out.

                It's been rough for me the past 4 days, I think the stress of the move and then all these heart tests are starting to freak me out a bit.

                two more weeks and I will feel like I'm back in a house and have some stability........


                Love you guys
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT- Tuesday

                  Tulipe, BGPs are big girl pants. I put them on and deal with what's coming like a big girl. An expression some use from time to time depending what's going on.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT- Tuesday

                    Morning all - guess it's a few minutes until the afternoon, really.

                    Greeny, that is a good one, BGP's...I have to get mine out, I have my motor vehicle department hearing this afternoon to see if I lose my license for my DUI charge. It's pretty likely. Rode my bike to work today in anticipation of that outcome.

                    I'm trying really hard not to worry too much as it does no good and won't affect the outcome one whit.

                    It's hard though, but the waiting has been hellacious and at least after 3 p.m. today I will know and can deal with the reality of things, I think waiting is sometimes harder than the consequences, ya know!

                    And my court hearing is a week from today so the stress is getting pretty bad all round...
                    BGP's ON AND READY! And i'm still AF and that is something to say under all this stress!

