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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning all!

    Got a lot of 'stuff' to do today. The relatives I saw yesterday for lunch want to come over here to see animals etc. Bugger! There is no way I can make the place presentable enough so I will just do what I can. Lots of weeding, cutting grass etc etc.

    Picked up 13 lambs yesterday afternoon. Meant to be 12 but lost count as it was pouring with rain and we just grabbed any from the flock that looked perky. Wanted mostly ewe lambs with a view to breeding later but not sure how many of those we got - raining too hard to bother checking! They have settled in ok.

    I let my guard down last night and had a gin binge. I am NOT going to beat myself up about it as all I am aiming to do atm is get as many days AF under my belt as I can ODAT. If I slip then I have the next day to focus on afresh. Beating myself up leads to a bit of a negative cycle. Getting on with the next day in a positive frame of mind is far more beneficial.

    So I am getting on with today.

    Good luck in the Hell Hole Greeny. Only today and it's over?? :l

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Good Morning ODATs

    Checking in today as yesterday was unable to get PC to work - and of course it had to be the day that I needed to do everything on it wasn't it!!!

    Builders are approaching the end now - thankfully. And the Wall Street Millionaire and family go home next Tuesday - yay!!

    We seem to have another cat - a big ginger tom has gradually moved in over the past couple of weeks. He now has a name "Tom" (imaginative eh) and I'm taking him to the Vets on Friday with a view to him being a tom no longer (the chop). He is gorgeous though, a real big lion of a cat.

    Luv to all


      ODAT - Wednesday


      Hummm.... I can honestly say I've never seen a truckload of lambs going down the road. Cows, chickens, couple horses.... no lambs. You have one of those great big trucks then? And the REAL question.... do YOU drive it?

      I have a lot of stuff to do today too. Yeah, back at the hole. But just today. Yesterday is over and no sense in worrying about tomorrow. Nothing's over for at least a week more. I really have to work at the tension I feel.

      A friend came by yesterday afternoon and took a look at the house condition as a favor. I had to run get beer before meeting him there as he's a um.... pretty big drinker. One of my close friends - go figure. He had three, I had tea. Last night I looked at the remaining three and shunned them after that nanosecond of thought. There is absolutely no reason for me to be in the house alone drinking beer. None. Bad idea. If I think about them today I'm giving them to my neighbor.

      Mummy, I secretly always wanted an orange tabby. I even had the opportunity for one. He was big and meaty and really pretty but my cat wouldn't have it. Arse. Sounds like peaceful bliss is around the corner for you. When the kids go back to school :H

      Have a good day all!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Helloo there everyone!

        Besie...glad to hear your lamb have settled on ok... Have you ever seen Lee Evens in Scotland dvd when he talks about the british ppl on holiday how they are like a pack of sheep following each other it is really funny try to see if i could get it on u tube but no luck to download it might try later..
        mumm... Builders always seem to get in the waY the place dont seem like your own hope your neighbour stop moaning!
        Greenie...just one more day hope.....hope 2morrow is a lot easier for ya!
        uni... are you sign of work now? hope your feeling better today.:l

        Today my daughter was at the bus stop to go to school but could'nt get on it, she come home and went straight upstair to the toilet and close the door she looked upset! gone upstair after a few minutes she open the door and had tears in her eyes and said she had a panic attack, i give her a big hug and drop her of by car. she has suffered with this since she was 11yrs old she 13 now i was hoping she will grow out of it, they seem to come and go.. i took her to the doctors the first time she was getting them( she gets all the systoms) but he just said in so many words, it all in the head i was hoping he would understand and help her out in what her fears are.

        Has anyone heard of Dr oliver Ameisen, i know ppl have talk about him on the medication thread i first seen him on t.v last feburary and was interested in want he had to say well he cured himself from alcholism by self medicating himself he put himself on a very high dose, to help relax the muscle, but he has always said that he is not a alcoholic but uses alcohol for his anxiety which he has always suffered with anxiety ever since he was a child.
        Im not saying everyone is like Dr Ameisen, because AL can cause the anxiety in the first place, but to realise he suffered with anxiety as a child, i know anxiety are like panic attacks....anyway the book is called The end of my Addiction. Im going to get the book today and maybe i will give it to my doctor who thinks that kids do not suffer with panic attacks.
        Im off to do shopping now have a good day everyone.
        Formerly known as Teardrop:l
        sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
        my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Dear ODATers - I'm joining you and committing to an AF day. Nice to read everyone's news. It's interesting about the anxiety issue, Catch 22. I don't suffer from this, but my husband certainly does! But you are right too - AL will cause it as it seems to cure it. Off to my work - which today is reading and writing with many cups of tea.

          :dragon1: Looking for a nice emoticon and found this. I'm year of the Dragon!

