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First day - hoping for a change!

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    First day - hoping for a change!


    I was so happy to find this site and great community after reading MWO last week. I ordered the book from Amazon on night while during one of my many frequent insomnia episodes after (once again!) drinking too much wine. So many nights I've surfed the web looking for solutions to my problem...and I am sure I have a problem. And I need - and want!! - help and support but I really didn't know where to go - other than AA which is not right fit for me.

    But there is part of me that thinks I will end up there someday if my drinking progresses - but I don't want to have to hit rock bottom and continue to struggle with alchohol and the harmful and embrarassing effects!! Can't I get off this crazy ride before it crashes??

    I really related with the "high-funtioning" women and mothers in the book. The way they thought (and obsessed!) about and used alcohol while living normal and productive lives.

    I was intrigued with the nutritional recommendations and went out an purchased nearly $200 worth of products at a health store today (shoulda bought online from this site...would have been less $$) but I wanted them in hand (and in my body!) today. The physical cravings are undeniable and am hoping to find relief so that I can have a chance at stopping at one or two drinks (moderation is my goal but I am willing to quit and think I may have to).

    Alcoholism and depression runs rampent in my family and I know that I am suseptible - and always have had a compulsive person prone to additive behavior.

    Still, friends would be shocked to know I am looking to control and possible quit drinking. They all joke that I am a "lightweight" and it is no suprise that I get sloppy or down-right drunk at every dinner party or BBQ. I drink fast - wine like it is water and often hide the amount from my husband and friends. At 5pm when I make dinner I start with a glass (I loved the reference in the book as the first drink being the one she loves and hates - cause I know where it is leading me) that leads quickly to two before I feed my two little kids and give them a bath! I am not drunk but feeling good. This is so wrong and I need to stop. I do for 2, 3 sometimes 4 days before I am popping the cork and doing again what I VOWED never to do again. Oh, mommy needs to relax and deserves a little drink. Then after the kids are asleep and I finisih nealy a bottle of wine by the end of the night - I pass out around 9:30pm watching TV with my husband (who rarely drinks more than 1 or two glasses) and wake up at mid-night sometimes unable to go back to sleep at all! The next day is torture - exhausted, hungover, shame. I am afraid to go to social events b/c I can't always control how much I drink and I don't want to make an ass of my self (again!)...the self loathing is a killer!! My husband doesn't think I have a problem and is always making excuses for me to feel better - oh, you hardly ate anything or you weren't really that drunk were you? He is a real sweeting but I almost wish he were harder on me - but who knows how I would react to that!

    So WHY to I chose to drink? It is clear it takes MUCH more away than it gives to me. I just can't stop the desire and can't imagine life without it. But I want a life without it b/c I know I will be happier!! Be a MUCH better mother and wife!! I have everything I could want and no excuses. But alcohol toments me with this horrible love/hate abusive relationship. I wouldn't put up with it from a friend or my husband? Why to I keep it - and invite it in - to my life?

    I hope the supplements give me some real help. I am also interested in the mediation CDs but am afraid of the Topamax. Ha, a friend just called and talked about smuggling booze into a kids concert tomorrow night - geeze, it is going to be hard but I am so ready for a change.

    Thanks for listening. This writing is actually very theraputic!

    First day - hoping for a change!

    Hi there, how are you doing? Back to day 1 for me too. Your story is very ssimilar to mine. Take it easy, and let us know how you are.
    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


      First day - hoping for a change!

      Hi there .. nice to meet you. I think a lot of people wonder "why" ... We know the rights and wrongs about drinking .. we know the consequences, health or otherwise .. yet we still do it .. and the urge can be overwhelming sometimes, or just automatic ... like our mind knows we shouldn't, but backs off and just lets us do it.

      I can definitely relate to having drinks at a kids' concert. Or, for me, loading up before I go. I have to wonder if any of the other parents could smell it on me. Sheesh!

      Sounds like you're getting your plan together ... Good job ... Arm yourself with everything you can .. supplements, vitamins, good food, water, knowledge - learn everything you can about everything AL-related. You are on your way.
      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        First day - hoping for a change!

        Thanks for the support litterally brings tears to my eyes. This has been such a lonely and sad journey. Thanks for listening and for your good wishes.


          First day - hoping for a change!

          Wow, you sound a LOT like me, except for my husband knows I have a problem, but thankfully is very supportive. I have been on and off this site, as well as Women For Sobriety, for a number of years. I finally think I have made the commitment to quit for good. The only thing I would mention is that moderation is probably likely not an option for you, especially if alcoholism runs in your family. I tried that, did not work. I am not sure who that really works for. I know that is hard to hear and it was really sad for me to think that i would NEVER drink again..........but that is what it is going to take.
          Anyway.....just my opinion. Welcome!!
          AF since 7/5/2009


            First day - hoping for a change!

            Hi Lucky Mom,
            I too am a mom, of 2 little girls. I am not an every night drinker but an "at least once a week binge" drinker and have been for most of my adult life (I am almost 35). I too try to isolate myself from social situations in fear of how i will act but i make up for it in the privacy of my own home. i drink to blackout. it is sad really ...i am on day 4 today. i was on his site the day after christmas due to a real bad 3 day binge that left me bumped and bruised with no recollection and was AF for almost 3 months. i had once been sober before for 8 months. I also come from Alcoholic parents so i always say there is just no hope for me......but i will keep on trying for my kids' sake. it is a vicious cycle that must be broken.
            I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
            sober since 2/4/12


              First day - hoping for a change!

              So glad to meet you. I'm starting too!! I am on Day 2. I am looking forward to getting to know you.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                First day - hoping for a change!

                Hi LuckyMom,

                Welcome! You've come to a good place, lots of support & understanding to be found here.
                Your story is so familiar, you have more company than you can imagine!
                I abused wine myself until 4 months ago. I have to tell you, quitting is the best thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you, you'll love it. After you've read the book, make a good plan for yourself, something you can stick with.
                In the meantime, please join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread. Lots of very friendly folks there will really make you feel welcome

                Wishing you the best.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  First day - hoping for a change!

                  It feels good to be here. I look forward to getting to know you all.

                  Loved1, Thanks for your honesty. Part of me knows I am kidding myself to think I can drink in moderation. In my heart of hearts, I know it is another stop on the way to reality.

                  Thank you all for your support and for sharing your stories.



                    First day - hoping for a change!


                    I am new at this myself, but I found it very encouraging that some people here who stayed AF for a few months say that they have no desire to drink at all and look at their drunken past with regret, not with longing. Read a few posts and you will see that lod and clear.

                    Just take the first step, for you don't know where the journey will take you. You may love to be Alcohol Free!
                    "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                    Ralph Waldo Emerson


                      First day - hoping for a change!

                      Hi Luckymom
                      This site is wonderful and you will meet many new friends here and you will get lots of support here, There would be no way I could of got sober without all these wonderful people
                      I wish you luck
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over

