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Swine Flu

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    Swine Flu

    Hi there

    I know this is a little off-topic but Swine Flu deaths are rocketing over here. Just wondered if, since I'm still drinking I'm more susceptible to it. I have a job where I'm in direct contact with folk from all over the country - although I'm in a region hardly affected so far.

    If I get it or a vaccine becomes available, as a drinker would I be able to say I was an 'at risk' person?

    Sorry to anyone who has gone through this already.

    Swine Flu

    We have had many deaths on this side of the pond as well so I see your.major concern !!!

    We had it ........and WE think we know where we got where we got it.
    We were at a dentist office and my while my husband was waiting for me there was a sick baby sitting next to him "fussing"...!!!
    He loves kids so he tried to comfort her "Sara" ..and maybe the sick baby had the swine flu ???

    Hubbies immune system my have been weakened by the month long zero carb diet he was on ???
    So I think the answer to your question is YES...anything that weakens your immune system can make you more venerable to the flu !!!
    I am coming over to visit you soon ...all clear from the doctors.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Swine Flu


      Tiny number of deaths so far. And thousands of people die each year from regular flu anyway.

      You're much more at risk from drinking... the number of people who die from that every year really is rocketing.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Swine Flu

        Hi UKblonde-

        I am a medical Microbiologist at a big hospital here in the states and I have been following the swine flu outbreak quite closely. Although Marshy is correct that the # of deaths is low compared to seasonal flu, this is likely because it emerged near the end of the northern hemisphere's flu season. It effects teenagers and others in the prime of life more than the elderly and most of the world population has little or no immunity so it is a cause for concern. Also, a University of Wisconsin-Madison researcher just proved that swine flu causes a deeper infection than seasonal flu. Additionally, there is no way to stop it from spreading to every country in the world so swine flu really is a serious threat to global health.

        Alcoholism certainly compromises the immune system and is a risk factor for all sorts of illnesses, both infectious and non-infectious. If you are otherwise healthy though, I expect that rest, fluids and a week AF would be enough for you to recover if you do get it. The global demand for the vaccine is far greater than what will be available this fall. Health care workers are likely to receive it first. Next will be those with underlying illnesses. Few doctors will consider alcoholism a reason to provide someone the vaccine before others. (sorry to use the A word here). I can say that the best thing you can do is wash your hands A LOT and try not to touch your face at all. The vaccine development is not going well so we can expect that there isn't going to be enough to go around..... OK, let me know if you have more questions! Take care.


          Swine Flu

          I believe it may be inevitable that they are exposed to it. However, it appears that (only) one in four people exposed will actually develop the illness. Even if a child does fall ill, they should recover as they would from seasonal flu unless they have an underlying illness which has compromised them. If they do, in fact, have an underlying condition then they should be started on Tamiflu as soon as possible after illness develops. It is VERY important that the treatment is initiated early, as it has little benefit after day 4. Note that a recent study determined that obesity is another risk factor for serious complications with swine flu.

          So for now, I would not worry too much. If the situation changes, i.e. the virus mutates into a more deadly form, then there will be a greater cause for concern. Interestingly, elderly individuals have some immunity from prior exposure to variants of the 1918 swine flu virus that were still circulating for years after the pandemic had subsided.

          I am happy to answer any other questions!


            Swine Flu

            Thanks Liath for lending your expertise!
            Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
            AF since May 6, 2010


              Swine Flu

              Thanks so much Liath for providing all of that info. I do have a question. I have asthma and get a flu shot each year, but from what I've heard they don't even know what it will mutate into. I imagine I am more at risk for developing a nasty case or worse should I get it? It's kind of freaking me out. Thanks.
              ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                Swine Flu

                I would just like to say thank you for all your information
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  Swine Flu

                  Alcohol diminishes one's immune system.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    Swine Flu

                    Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. There have already been a few cases locally and in todays regional paper it says health chiefs have ordered enough vaccine to cover the whole county - for September when it will be available for everyone.

                    Sounds a bit ambitious!


                      Swine Flu

                      Sorry for the delay in responding.

                      Changed1 - The following statements are from an article on the Medical News Website.

                      "While people with asthma or other chronic lung conditions are at a higher risk for developing complications from influenza, it is important to be attentive to the presence of symptoms but not to panic. Catching the symptoms early is key because the antiviral drugs used to combat swine flu are most effective if started as soon as possible, and might not work if administered more than 48 hours after becoming ill.

                      The symptoms of swine flu include fever, tiredness, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with the virus have also reported a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

                      "Any individual exhibiting signs of swine flu should call his or her physician to discuss those symptoms. A doctor is best prepared to advise whether or not an in-person visit should be made," noted Casale. Also, patients should avoid contact with other individuals as much as possible and practice good hygiene, especially hand washing. "

                      So you will need to be cautious and and aware but you don't have to panic since treatment is available.

                      UKblonde- Many countries have ordered lots more of the vaccine then will actually be available this fall. I call it 'wishful thinking'. Its going to be interesting to see how the available vaccine is distributed internationally. Developing nations will need it badly due to a spotty health infrastructure, yet they may not be able to pay..

