I am a 42 year mother of 2 daughters. Grew up, parents didn't drink or smoke ,I do both (I was adopted so could be genetic). I drank and partied threw my 20's on and off, had kids in my 30's stopped drinking with out a thought and then turned 36. Mom was diagnosed with cancer and died, daughter is mentally disabled and I was fired from a job I loved. Bamb. 1 glass of wine and here I am 6 years later drinking more than I ever thought possible. And so, Iam truly thankful for stumbling across this web site almost a year ago. One must really be ready to give up the old for the new to begin. It was a real struggle the 1st night, 4th night and this past weekend. Surprisingly I made this far. I've decided to stop beating myself up over this and to look at the last 7 years as a learning experience. There is something to be learned in everything we experience. I miss the old evening buzz but I really like getting up in the morning after a good night sleep and saying I did it again.
Anyone lurking out there feeling hopeless. Your not. You absolutley can do it. Just want it.
You are all wonderful!!!!