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    New on this forum

    Hello, my name is Doug and this is my first post. I started drinking heavily during and after my wife left me back in Feb. She chose another guy and is happy so i guess im happy for her. I have a good job in the police force and am moving up slowly but the drinking I do is taking over. Im having days off and cant even see the kids when I'm supposed too because I'm too hungover. Hope there are some others here who can show me the way. Thankyou.

    New on this forum

    Hi Doug.
    Firstly a huge welcome to you and well done on taking a first step by asking for help. I know that takes a lot of courage.
    I think we all can relate to the fact that drinking has taken over and made our lives unmanageable.
    But there are lots of things you can do to help yourself.
    Have you read the book thats associated with this site? That will help you put a plan together to quit. There are various meds and supplements that will help manage cravings. Plus the support and inspiration from everyone here.
    Dont be afraid to ask any questions you may have and also know that you are not alone.
    All the very best to you.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


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      one2many I will do that. Thankyou for such a warm welcome. Doug


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        Doug, congrats on choosing to come here. you will get a tremendous amount of support. it sounds like you are having a rough time. you are among friends.


          New on this forum

          I have twin daughters of nearly 2yrs old. My wife had post neo natal depression and if Im being really honest I couldnt hack it. We just split up emotionally but shes ok now as she has the support of another guy. I wish I could be a support to her but I drank instead.


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            Hi, Doug. Nice to meet you. You've found a great website - unlike any other that I've come across. The message boards and people on them are amazing, friendly and supportive. I've been on a couple of other boards, but found them a bit pushy and, for lack of a better word, just a tad narrowminded about things. But that's just my opinion. This place was just what I needed.

            Everyone here understands how alcohol makes you/us feel. It's a horrible addiction. When you have some time, you might want to start by reading through the message boards. There are many strategies, and I found that reading about what was working for others getting out of their addiction really helped me to begin to form my own plan.

            Please feel free to talk more at any time, and to jump into any of the board's posts or conversations. Are you drinking every day? How much and what? How long have you been drinking? Have you tried stopping before, or is this your first time in a long time? (It was my first time in years and years.) No matter what, don't give up wanting to be sober, and trying to be sober. If one plan doesn't work, alter it and try again. You'll find your way before too long. You're here - great first step!

            Looking forward to seeing you on the boards!
            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


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              Hi Doug and :welcome: ! You have been given great advice thus far, and I agree with all of it wholeheartedly. Read alot, post alot, and ask alot of questions. Come on over and join us in the Newbies Nest. There is also the ODAT thread, the Army Thread (in General Discussion) and a ton of other threads to join in on. Again, welcome.


                New on this forum

                Hi Doug

                Firstly, well done for having the courage to look for help. Believe it or not I only found this site last week. I am married with three grown up daughters and have been on the booze for thirty years now.My habit was a few pints followed by two bottles of nice white wine..every night ! The support in this place is incredible so trawl around and get involved. I didn't go for more than two days without booze in the last year, but guess what..I haven't had a drink since Sunday ! My preparation had to be quick because Monday was my youngest daughters birthday and I decided to choose a memorable date to stop. I bought some off the shelf Kudzu whilst I am waiting for my Kudzu recovery to arrive and just stopped. To my amazement I haven't had a real that does surprise me. I have been waiting for that to happen all week but it hasn't happened yet. This weekend I am going out with quite a boozy group and I am looking forward to the challenge of beating AL hands down ! I wrote some notes to myself to help me if I got desperate and I would be happy to email them to you if it would help. Alternatively I can post them on this thread if the others are happy. Good luck mate, you will do it with a little help from your new friends ! regards...Tim


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                  :welcome:Hi Doug, welcome aboard!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


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                    42cat-I can not believe what you have all said here to me. Its very good to hear. I drink every day. Sometimes I need one in the morning to stop me from shaking but generally Im ok until 11ish.My colleagues are the same so I dont feel too bad, its what us guys do at my station. I drink whiskey mostly but am fond of red wine too. I cant stop my bad ways as it helps me to deal with my wife going away. I think we could have worked it out if she had not of met someone else. I missed my chance. Im glad I found this forum to be honest and find people like me. I have read some posts and I feel better. Doug


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                      Hi Doug I also just want to say welcome and offer any advise or support if I can help.
                      May I suggest, as has already been mentioned, to download and read the book, it will help you to formulate a plan of action.
                      Keep safe
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


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                        Timpin .. Nice job.. very nice!

                        Doug .. I drank every day too (until quite recently) .. 750 ml of rum or vodka every day and, like you, often needed a morning drink to get rid of the shakies, and I drank at work. (I'm alone most of the time, at home and at work.) Unlike you, I drank in secret. It must be hard when you're with buddies who drink, but there are ways to get past that, and to get around it if you think they will have a "problem" with you not drinking .. many strategies to use.

                        I'm so sorry about your marriage .. Hopefully you can look upon everything now as your new beginning .. with Step one being coming out of the ALcohol fog, picturing how you want your life to be, and making a plan to get everything you want. You CAN do this, and it will be great.
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          New on this forum

                          Welcome Doug! You have indeed found a wonderful support system here... it has saved many of us here many times over. I was also a daily drinker - much better now, but still struggling on occasion. It isn't easy, but it's ever so worth it!

                          Good luck on your way out - wishing you strength and success.
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            New on this forum

                            Hi Doug and welcome, I cannot add to what everyone has said.
                            Wish you well.


                              New on this forum

                              Doug, i have twins as well. Mine are 10 (almost 11 and going on 16) anyway. its great that you found this site now that your kids are so young. my kids got to experience so many painful episodes of my drunken craziness. guess what they still love and forgive me. i had to leave my husband (who is just an occasional drinker) to get some sense of sanity. you are in the right place. we will celebrate your successes and help you through the bumps.

