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Help~ Going crazy

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    Help~ Going crazy

    Takeheart - I'm proud of you... but YOU should be proud of yourself!!

    Lately, I've had a hard time going even ONE day. How could I be getting Worse??

    Even the Slightest stress sets me off. This morning I had to make airline reservation, and it got sort of muddled (the site screwed up after I bought ticket!) --- and that was enough to set me off.

    I have xanax (which I've Rarely used). I'm beginning to wonder if I should just take one in morning - sorta like a vitamin!! See if it makes me avoid stress before it strikes.

    Thing is, I never used to be this way. I could Handle stress!!

    I'm really disgusted at myself. (Which also adds to the "syndrome"!)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Help~ Going crazy

      Don't start that Sav. The benzos are OK for 5 days maximum. After that your just substituting, I've seen it too often.
      Long Road
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
      Eleanor Roosevelt


        Help~ Going crazy

        Well I am SO HAPPY to say I made to DAY 2!!!!

        Today, I must admit I do have a craving for my wine, but nothing like yesterday. I really thought I might be going crazy at moments. I was obsessed! The clock couldn't tick fast enough! Knowing I'm not alone and that you all care really means the world to me.

        Savon, you can do it, too. I'm certainly not the best to give advice, but like you getting Day one out of the way was sooo...hard. I literaly took the advice of one hour at a time. There's a lot of good advice here. It may even take some white knuckle moments, as it did for me, but I truly believe the problem won't be any easier to face down the road.

        It is time for me to face the music, although there is still that little voice that says...tomorrow. As much as I love my wine, I'm tired of the control it has over me.

        Here's to Day 2!


          Help~ Going crazy

          42 Cat~ Plan for today is to workout, write in my journal, and thankfully, I have some business sent my way to keep me occupied!


            Help~ Going crazy

            TakeHeart - wine is my thing two. I'm on day 2. I think this forum is going to be a great place to come as this gets harder. Keep saying no - we all can do this.


              Help~ Going crazy

              Liath, thanks for your post. Alcohol is poison. I can't stand what it has done/is doing to me. Another individual suggested to make little changes and write in a journal. That is great advice. My life is out of control. I need to do something positive for myself.
              September 23, 2011


                Help~ Going crazy

                Wine's my poison 2 ...i love the stuff (or should i be saying loved?)lol
                Anyhow,i'm only on day 5 and should make it to day 6 as im heading to bed now...
                I haven't really made any changes regarding exercise or that as i haven't felt up to anything until today.
                Got loads of undone housework,washing and ironing done and made it out to the post office to pay some bills.I had been unable to do this until today due to the shakes...they are a bitch....
                My godsend so far has been l-glut & kudzo.They have totally killed my cravings.Every time before i always gave in as 'the itch really needed a scratch' but this time....might i add about the tenth attempt...i really don't have that yearning...
                As i said i'm only on day 5 but to me it's a an all day drinker,every hour to me is a milestone and believe me every morning i wake up i cannot believe i've woke without a hangover..
                Stick with REALLY does get easier...

                Best of luck,,
                Keep strong...
                I'm trying to..

                "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                Bring it on!


                  Help~ Going crazy

                  ohh & stay close to the boards....
                  they too were sent from God..

                  "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                  Bring it on!


                    Help~ Going crazy

                    Thanks for your post. I am so glad I read this thread...there is a lot of great wisdom and support that I filled up from. I completely relate from the crazy feeling. One day I am ready to be AF and that very night I find myself making excuses for having "just one". But my head is getting smart and I am realizing how much I am LOSING from drinking. Once again I drank to excess at a social funtion yesterday and I feel like I missed an opportunity to connect with people and be genuine. I cringe when I think of some of the asinine things I said and have been beating myself up all day. Funny thing, I noticed (with distain?) the number of women drinking bottles of water while I poured another tumbler of wine. Of course, today I wish I had reached for the water but it didn't even cross my mind after the first sip. Can anyone say addict?? Anyway, I am staying hopeful and hope I make better decisions next time...but it is sinking in that AL is robbing me from the full, satisfying and happy life that I know is waiting for me. Hang in there and know it is part of your journey.


                      Help~ Going crazy

                      LuckyMom, that's my problem too..just can't stop at one. I am so SICK of AL robbing me of the life I want to live. And I know this life I want can't be had if I continue to drink as I am. It just can't. It seems a lot of us here are in our begining days. The first ones (esp Day 1 for me) are the hardest, but worth it!!!

