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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    A new day, a new week.

    Just the one day to stay AF. Pants on. No wine in the house. A meeting to go to tonight. That should do it (though the participants in the meeting will want to go to the pub - I will body swerve that one!)

    Love to all to come
    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday

    Hi Bessie and all ODATers

    Just updated by drinktracker...... not the best of weekends!!!

    Still today is another day and I will not drink today.

    Ginger Tom is still around and the builders are almost finished, normality (whatever that is) would be good right now.

    Love to all


      ODAT - Monday

      Good Morning all ODATers! It's day 5 for me and I'm feeling pretty good and trying to keep busy. That's not hard with all the gardening to be done. I did have a little 'twinge' last night thinking...mmm a class of cool wine would be nice about now but I kicked that thought out of my brain and had a glass of water. And the struggle goes on but I do not plan to drink today!
      Love to everyone
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        ODAT - Monday


        I have a clean house and decent lawn - in the front anyway. Things being orderly is helpful to me. This has the potential to be a challenging week as court is this week.

        Pants on, kid gloves on, hardhat on.

        Hey! I bought a chainsaw yesterday!!!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Monday

          Good Morning, ODATers,

          It sounds like everyone is ready to take on today ODAT. Good to hear.

          Greenie - Just make sure you leave the chainsaw at home when you go to court. Okay?

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Monday

            Greenie - Just make sure you leave the chainsaw at home when you go to court. Okay?
            LOL!!! :H


              ODAT - Monday

              LOL - that is way too funny!

              I had a good weekend - did end up have a couple of beers yesterday after working so hard on the house - it was my own fault, I didn't have any AF drinks in the house - zippo - no cold soda, no AF drinks and not even any cold bottled water (the tap water here is yuck). So live and learn. The fridge is fully stocked with AF drinks today.

              Went and saw my sisters keeper - omg, cried my eyes out through the entire thing!

              Ciao for now,

              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT - Monday

                Hi ODATERS

                Well, I've drunk 3 days in a row over the weekend and have now got to settle myself down and get some AF days under my belt. Kids break up for the 6 week Summer Holidays on Wednesday, they don't go back to school til the 7th Sept which is an all time record. Usually earlier but the teachers are having a couple of training days before school restarts.

                We go on holiday on Saturday and I am aiming to be AF until then. Lots to do to get us ready. Summer has left the UK just as the school hols start, isn't that just typical! :H

                Greenie, you will feel so much better when you get everything finalised in court. It will be the end of an era and you can finally move on. Your new life awaits!
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                  ODAT - Monday

                  I'm with you on day 5 newbeginning....feeling good...
                  Went for sunday lunch yday and was able to have water instead of wine.Was feeling a bit sorry for myself at first but then when i looked around i thought on the foggy heads those drinking would have today and mines would be clear...Body feels good after a dreadful wd so roll on day 6

                  Thinking of you all,stay strong,stay sober and be happy...

                  "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                  Bring it on!


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Remember me?

                    HI, Everybody,
                    I've been gone for a couple weeks, not physically gone, but emotionally not here. I don't know if I was trying to mod without help, or had just given up on really REALLY trying. I have no idea what my brain was doing. In any case, I have been afraid to update my DrinkTracker because there is certainly going to be more AL days than AF days. But, I'm back. I do not know if my future holds complete AF, or if I'll figure out a way to moderate. But I know that I was much more successful when I was coming here often. So, I'm back, and promise to get back with the hypno cds, and ... well, I just promise to take this one day at a time. Thanks, you guys. I'm glad to be here.


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Welcome back Mica!

                      I'm off to bed now after nothing stronger than a mug of hot chocolate!


