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I'm new on MWO today

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    I'm new on MWO today

    Just made a decision to quit drinking for 30 days - started on Sunday - this is day 2. I'm feeling pretty anxious but glad about the decision. I have been drinking for many years but don't drink every day. I can easily drink a bottle of wine and a couple of beers in one sitting so I know that's not good. Wish me luck.

    I'm new on MWO today

    good luck!


      I'm new on MWO today

      and welcome. computer keeps eating my replies, sorry! I'm on day 14, this is a great place, an invaluable tool.


        I'm new on MWO today

        Serenitytobe: How does that feel - I can't wait. I know I can do this - I want to feel healthy again. I know I have been drinking way too much. I got laid off and feel very apprehensive. This forum is going to help - I can tell that already. I can relate to many of you and folks seem very supportive. Did you do anything special like meds or supplements. I ordered the E3Live - I hope that works. Thanks for your message. I'll be here for awhile.


          I'm new on MWO today

          Welcome vdetermined...

          You have come to a great place.
          I'm only on day 5 but feeling good.First 3 days are the worst,well my 3 were anyway...
          I'm using l-glutamine & kudzo...
          To me they are a godsend....
          Would reccommend them to anyone.

          Hope you join us 2moro and let us know how ur day 3 is going.

          Keep strong,keep sober & be happy

          Best wishes
          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
          Bring it on!


            I'm new on MWO today

            Sending a big Alaskan

            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              I'm new on MWO today

              Well done! :welcome:
              Keep us posted on your progress!
              There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
              You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

              I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                I'm new on MWO today

                Well done for taking the plunge, and good luck.


                  I'm new on MWO today

                  A big WELCOME to you! Come back often and good luck. This is a good first step. I'm on day 5 (again) and this place is so helpfu.
                  When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                  -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                    I'm new on MWO today

                    Hi Very Determined,

                    Welcome, you have found a good place! Lots of support & encouragement to be found here. Have you made a plan? Reading the MWO book is very helpful. It is full of useful information.
                    Congrats on your 2 days, great start!

                    Wishing you the best!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      I'm new on MWO today

                      Welcome, you will find a lot of people around here who understand you and have total compassion. Stick around.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        I'm new on MWO today

                        Hello VeryD.
                        You Have come to thr right place!! I have 38 days AF and havevnever been able to do this before. I had a daily wine drinking habit that I just couldn,t kick. I wasn"t in any drastic trouble but I could never seem to go a doy without drinking, I tried so many things but I would never quit for more than a day or two. This group is changing the way I think about drinking. Welcome;
                        Your new mwo friend,


                          I'm new on MWO today

                          Read the book

                          Yea, I read the MWO book. It was very good and was the thing that brought me into the forum. My plan is to take one day at a time. Today was fine. I felt a little anxious this morning but now I'm good. I took one of my Evening Primrose and am waiting for E3Live to come in the mail.


                            I'm new on MWO today

                            Sparrow: I can't wait until I can say I have 38 days. You have to feel pretty great about that. Keep it up.


                              I'm new on MWO today

                              Day 3 and still AF - YEA!

