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Big Question

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    Big Question

    Okay, so I'm going to make it through Day 2 thanks to you all and L-glut, however...

    I had a great workout with an hour on the treadmil and then some weights. I usually don't sweat alot, but today sweat was pouring out of me more than I can ever remember.

    I jumped in the shower and was thinking of all I had left to do today, planning dinner and thankful I'd be able to drive to the grocery store so late in the day.

    All of a sudden I thought, "Am I going to cry?". It came on like a sneeze sometimes does. All of a sudden I was bawling my eyes out...and I don't know why. I should be happy I've gone 2 days without drinking. Got some much needed business, had a great workout, etc. I kept asking myself, "why are you crying???" Turned the cold water on, thought I got my emotions under control, but I can't seem to turn it off.

    I've never seen anyone post this as a withdrawal symptom. Has anyone ever had this experience? The timing isn't right for PMS, so..I just don't know. Maybe has nothing to do with going AF. Just weird, maybe I am going schizo.

    Big Question

    Hey - I'm right there with you!! Weird. It's like all the emotions that I've drowned in alcohol are coming to the surface. ???? I just don't know. But, just let them flow. Maybe they are tears of happiness that you made it thru 2 days. :l

    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Big Question

      TakeHeart, It is very normal to have mood swings, feelings of depression or emptiness after going AF. I think that many, many people relapse because of the emotional dips rather than physical cravings. As Nora says, emotions are rising. Don't be afraid, just let them be.


        Big Question

        TH...Oh..emotions. dont they suck. its ok. you have probably many years of emotions that you have just numbed out bottled up inside. just let them out. its great that they are just coming out in the shower. great job on day 2


          Big Question

          TakeHeart .. I definitely had mood swings the first few days.. and the sweats - especially overnight. One morning, I got up and I was soaked, my hair was soaked, my jammies were soaked from top to bottom, my blanket and sheets and pillow case were soaked. How can one person sweat so much?!

          Just keep reminding yourself that the mood swings, sweating, anxiety, etc., are all part of your body saying good-bye to alcohol .. and you'll come out the other side feeling better.
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Big Question

            Take heart,,,,,i cried sore on my day 3.I was in the car driving and i just became overwhelmed for the need to cry.
            I was driving along and the tears tripping from me.The other drivers must've thought i was coming from a funeral of something...
            It passed,and i thought of it as another way of my body getting rid of some excess
            Must be something to do with withdrawal...
            Tears for the loss of a 'friend' perhaps...

            They will pass,hang in there,you're doing great on day 2...Every hour's a bonus...

            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
            Bring it on!


              Big Question

              Hey there TH,
              No shame in crying. I cried yesterday because DH drank half a bottle of chablis over dinner, my favorite. (of course I had none). I have these feelings of anger and disgust too, so in balance I would rather actually cry than feel angry with people I love.
              It's normal for the emotions to flow. Try to go with it, stay calm, and focused on what you want to achieve.
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
              AF since May 6, 2010


                Big Question

                Thanks everyone. I guess I'll hold off making a reservation at the funny farm.

                Day 4 coming to a close. Everyday has been so different. Definitely a rollercoaster. Yesterday I was without a computer and was missing checking in here. Work kept me really busy during the day which helped keep my mind off AL. Last night a friend came over to celebrate their birthday. He had a couple of drinks . Tulipe, thankfully not wine b/c it would have been immensly harder to resist. Good job holding out against your favorite! I did want a glass of wine, even without it staring me in the face. And am glad I didn't, too.

                Today I can't stop eating, especially sweets! I'm about to finish off a six pack of ice cream sandwiches! I'm wondering if my body is craving the sugar that I used to get from drinking?

                Thanks again for the support. I think you are right. Probably a combination of all the emotions I drowned out with drinking and mourning an old friend, who was a terrible influence on me, but a heck of a good time. Whether that time is perceived or real is a matter of another debate.


                  Big Question

                  TH...Oh yeah the sugar cravings. i have never been a sugar person (go figure empty calories lol) but cutting back on drinking left me wanting sweets. i drink alot of regular coke. Way to go on day 4. you should be proud.


                    Big Question

                    I knew that there was a recent thread here about crying fits, but couldn't find it yesterday (couldn't do much of anything 'cos I coudn't stop crying. Good to know it is part of it, and there seem so many reasons why.

                    I think everyone's right on about the sugar too. Actually, I've been eating chocolate mints to deal with cravings (psychological one's) not only because of the sugar, but also because wine with peppermints is pretty foul. Brushing my teeth a lot helps in the same way.

                    I hope you're feeling better Take Heart. I'm not too bad today.


                      Big Question

                      It's the evening of day 3 and I feel an overwhelming urge to cry, so reassuring to know that others have felt the same.
                      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

