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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    I like Tuesdays. My cleaner comes!! I could do the cleaning myself and I do all the rest of the week but those two hours she does are wonderful. And hubby pays half which is about his only contribution to the housework! He does the washing up sometimes and loads the washing machine and hangs it out ...but he usually wants a medal for it ! :H

    Even better, I am going to take the dogs to the beach while the cleaner is here, walk with a friend who is off work and very bored and we will have lunch afterwards at a beachside cafe. Not often I have such time off so I am looking forward to it.

    No wine will be brought into the house today so I am going to put a BFG in my drink tracker and stick to it.

    :l Bessie xx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Bessie and ODATERS to come.

    I'm not going to drink today. I am not going to buy wine when I go to the supermarket.

    I am going to put a zero (AF) in my diary.

    Have a great day everyone.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi Everyone

      Stayed AF last night - did any one see Coronation Street with the mock AA meeting? It did make me laugh but also galvanised me into not finishing the half bottle of red in the kitchen.

      Have had itchy cough for about a week now and last night I felt rough - got all the 'flu questions, hubbie taking my temperature etc. I told him that 'flu comes on quickly and doesn't stalk you for a week but you know what men are like!! Anyway feel much better this morning and cough seems to have departed.

      Love to all


        ODAT - Tuesday


        We had a great rain yesterday evening. And I had watered in the AM so I can't wait to see how green the grass is this afternoon. I may even need to get some film for the camera. This is the front; the back tundra is another story. :H Yes, I use a camera with film. Nephew's wife was fiddling with it once and said "Oh look!! It has film!!" That makes me about what, my mid 70s or so? :H

        Anyway, no progress on the settlement. All that angst for nothing. Isn't that funny how that works? EO was supposed to come over to discuss and bailed at the last minute. He got the runs. :H:H:H So we'll try again today. I ran out of angst so I guess I'll just be calm.

        Here's to zeros in your drink trackers!

        Whassa BFG?
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Good Day all ODATers! Terrible night sleep last night :upset: ... I was tired when I went to bed but an hour later woke up and stayed awake from 11:00 p.m. til 2:00 a.m. !!
          I did finally take a melatonin around 1:00 a.m. and it kicked in enough for me to catch a few hours sleep. No idea what happened because I've been sleeping great for the past 3 nights. Oh well, I hope it's a fluke.
          Day 6 for me and I will not drink today or buy wine.

          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hey guys,

            Glad to see everyone so positive today. I also get to put a 0 in for yesterday. Another busy one here - my therapist told me yesterday that I have to stop because technically I am supposed to go back to work on Monday and there is no way I am ready to go back when I am still so exhausted - however here I am doing stuff around the house (but it has to get done.......)

            Anyway, the last of the sanding and painting is happening today - we may even be done the painting today - if not we will be by tomorrow am for sure so it is something I will plow through. If my doc sends me back to work early so be it. At least the house will be done (however I doubt she will even have the test results back yet so don't think she'll be able to) OMG - listen to me stressing myself out about things that haven"t even happened yet! Duh.........

            Okay - I'm off - No AL for me today. Good luck guys, I'll check in later.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Hi ODATers

              Im on day 6 today.
              Quite upset as i had a run in with my father this morning who told me he did not and would not give his blessing to my current relationship.
              Long story short i have been seeing my partner for 4 yrs and he's 50 nxt week.I'm 33.My dad thinks i will reach the age of forty and wonder what i am doing spending my life with an old man who has nothing to offer me(materialistically)
              He hasn't seen the days my dear partner has mopped my brow from sweat and held me whilst i was shaking all over.
              I can't tell my day he is helping me cut the drink as he doesn't know i have a problem.
              Maybe i am only with him cause he's what i need right now and put up with all the drinking i did...?
              Maybe if i was dry in 7 yrs time i would wonder what i was doin...?

              Oh anyway,i'm so confused...:upset:

              Really tempted to go and get rat-assed but won't.
              Would cry too much.

              I will not buy wine...!!
              Going to fill in my drink tracker now...

              Take care,be strong & stay sober guys...

              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hi Anniemac I'm on day 6 too..lets do this together! Hang in there, girl.
                Your dad probably only wants what HE thinks is best for you but you know what you need and if your parner has been helping you to stop drinking, then I think that is wonderful.
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Annie... you don't know what you will think in 7 years. None of us do. My niece is in a relationship with a 50 year old and she is your age. She's happy. He treats her well and is a good man. We're happy she's happy. Seems odd to me - that whole idea of giving or witholding a blessing on someone else's realtionship. What does that mean exactly anyway? Do what is best for you annie.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Thanks mnb....ur right.

                    Greeneyes,my dad's from the old school.He doesn't like that i'm seeing a man older than me and thinks i could do better.Father/daughter thing i guess.
                    By giving me his blessing would mean him agreeing with us two being together,that's about it..
                    Just still sees me as the pregnant 16yr old who went on to marry and have 2 more children with a man who treated me like shit.....also without his blessing...i was forewarned about my ex-h.....
                    Parents eh??

                    For me at the minute having someone to support me thru all this is what i need more than an interfering father.I love him dearly but feel it's about time i made my own decisions,even if they are the wrong ones...
                    Thanks for your replies

                    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                    Bring it on!


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      BFG - it's a typo!! Should be BFZ - Big Fat Zero. I struggled with it tonight but I am over the 'hump' with the help of a refreshing glass of tonic, ice and lemon. I had about an hour on ongoing debate with my al loving self about going out to buy some wine but I won!! Hooray. Not changing that zero now and will wake up feeling happy.

                      Night. xx


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Day 3 for me and I'm feeling strong. I'm going to kick this thing. I usually open a bottle of wine on Tuesday night but I have no desire right now. Man - I was a cleaning fool today. I cleaned out closets, even wiped my fan blades. Is this normal? I also walked five miles. Hope this energy stays with me. Stay sober everyone - tomorrow is yet another day of wonder!!

