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Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

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    Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

    I am thinking about buying the hypno CDs (the for mom's only package) and would love to hear any positive or negative feedback anyone has about their experinces with using them.

    I just spent a fortune on supplements but if they are going to help me abstain, than I am willing to make the investement. Also, anyone use the social situations one? This is a big trouble spot for me...


    Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

    Hi & welcome Mom
    I cant help you with the cd's but L-Glut in capual or powder form is great for cravings, and if your cravings get really bad you can put the powder straight under your tongue and it works straight away and the best thing of all is that it is herbal.
    Wishing you luck
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

      Here's a few links to other threads about the CDs.
      Personally, I love 'em.


        Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

        Hi LuckyMom,
        I ordered them when I started and loved them. They are sometimes hard to "get into". You have to be able to really relax and for us moms thats hard to do. But not too relaxed cause then you just fall asleep, or at least I did. I've read a few posts here and there about them and from what I gather you will either love them or hate them. Some don't like the guys voice, he has a bit of an accent.
        I got out of the habit but am anxious to start them again.
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

          Hi LuckyMom,

          I bought and used the original set of CDs. I loved them, they work. I still use the Hypnotic CD from time to time if I feel the need to relax before sleeping.
          I think the set Just for Moms probably has some extra language targeted to your role as a good mother, etc. If you really feel that you have a problem with social situations then you probably should purchase that one as well. If it is as good as the original CDs then I would say it's worth it
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

            I always had problems sleeping, so that's why I drank(or one of the reasons). Stopping AL I needed to find something to help with the sleep. The hypno CD is one of my sleep helpers. I listen to it everynight to lull me to sleep. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I put it back on. With the CD and velarian, I have been sleeping great and much better than when drinking.



              Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

              Thanks for all of your feedback. I think I will bite the bullet and buy them. Also, thanks for the l-glut info. I've been taking it and other supps for over a week now and am really feeling a bit difference. Hard to know what works so I guess I'll keep taking them all for the time being. Have a great night! :thanks:


                Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

                I haven't posted in a while, but today thought I would check in. This morning I was lying in bed thinking about how this site has changed my life. I 100% believe in the CD's. I have zero craving to drink and the witching hour is no longer witching. I recently passed my year AF and owe it all to this site. Soooo happy to have found this place and I wish you the same success!
                You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                  Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

                  That is so fantatic about your long term sobriety! Thanks for sharing.


                    Looking for feedback on Hypno CDs

                    Hi LuckyMom,

                    I have been listening to the cd's and think they are helping. Too early to tell, but I would suggest you get them. If nothing else, they will help relax you. I ordered the social one and haven't listened, yet. Would love to know what you think of them!

