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OADT - Wednesday

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    OADT - Wednesday

    Morning all - so glad I won my battle with cravings last night and got over the hump. :goodjob:

    Nice morning so hoping the shearer will turn up today - my poor sheep (the older ones anyway) are tooooo hot.

    The recent lot of youngsters are doing ok (though they all have worms and coccidiosis which needs treating) One is a real idiot. Yesterday I found him trussed up like a turkey. He had managed to find a piece of baler twine (the string that ties bales of hay/straw together), get his neck through it and one rear foot tied up with the other end. How?? Caught him up and freed him. Next time I went out, he was stuck with one of my show jump wings over his head. All he had to do was go backwards and he would be free of it, but he's a sheep so he just stayed stuck until I freed him! He is going to be trouble!!

    Another one has a bit of a sloppy back end. Last time a bottle of diluted live yoghurt sorted it out - let's hope that works again. Much rather use that than drugs.

    Not got a plan tonight but I do have loads to do so maybe I'll work through it. Or else relax in a bath with a book.

    Have a good day all.

    Bessie xx

    OADT - Wednesday


    Last day of the school term today before kids are off for their summer break. I'm going to try and get a swim in as me time will be severly limited after today!

    Wishing everyone a sober day! Bessie, distraction is essential, keep yourself busy!
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      OADT - Wednesday


      Yesterday I had some paperwork (building into a pile) to do that I had been dreading so I grudgingly sorted it out and filed it. I'm embarassed to say it only took about 20 minutes. Why oh why do I do that to myself? I'm really going to try to just do things at the moment. They only cause unnecessary fretting and I sure could do without that!!

      I used my chain saw yesterday and the branches I cut down are all cut up at the end of the driveway ready to be picked up. Chuffed!!

      Blue, that's so odd your kids are starting summer break and ours are winding theirs down. ("ours" being a figure of speach)

      Bessie, I'll be sure to tell EO about the diluted yogurt. :H:H:H

      Have a special treat kind of AF drink today!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        OADT - Wednesday

        Good Morning All ODATers and a happy Wednesday!
        Whew! Busy day yesterday for me as I did my volunteer work (at a senior citizens center) and then grocery shopping....which I detest! I was so tired from no sleep the night before I took a nap from 2:30 - 3:30! Must have needed the reparative sleep. Last night was relaxing with a movie on television and bed early at 10:00.
        Bessie: I love your stories about your sheep! Just having animals to care for must keep you very busy. Blue Sky: Your children just getting out of school seems late to me. Do they start late? Like end of September there? And Greeneyes: Proud of you for firing up a chainsaw!! God! Keep me away from all machinery!
        Wishing everyone a productive, happy and sober day!
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          OADT - Wednesday

          Hi guys,

          Bessie - I vote for the hot bath with a book (that sounds like heaven to me). We are finishing up the 2 upstairs bedrooms today. I was not well yesterday and felt like I was going to be sick so I stopped and came down and lied down. It is a little annoying that I am supposed to be off resting and have ended up busting my ass upstairs. I certainly hope my leave gets extended otherwise what a @#$@ waste it has been as I haven't relaxed at all and am starting to actually increase in anxiety. Oh well, at least I didn't drinnk - another 0 for my tracker.

          I can't wait till tomorrow - carpet is in and I ca clean and finally begin to rest a little bit - yeah! You guys will see a completely different universal next week!

          Hope everyone meets their goals,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

