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Please Stop the Drama

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    Please Stop the Drama

    I have been a member of this site since February and for the most part I have enjoyed my interactions with people here. I have seen beautiful things happen here. We rally to help people. i have personally helped people and have received reciprical help.

    Now i am seeing more ugly then i would like. Im sorry but i just dont think personal comments about other members belong on these boards whether it has to do with a person calling out for help (deemed by some unnecessary) or selling products or whatever unless you think the posts are hurting others (contact the moderator) i would appreciate no personal attacks against the person posting.

    I am losing faith in this site. I find it disturbing that a place that i once thought was safe to come and people i thought i could trust are now being called into question. I also see others leave the site because of harsh words by others. Before you say..please think..."does it have to be said right now by me". If someone does say something negative maybe the rest of us should not respond in kind but just respond positively to the person that the negative comment was made to.

    After waking up this mroning and reading all this about the something called "shilling" which i have never heard of and last week with the discussion of someone elses call out for help...i just dont need it.

    Cant we all just get along!!!!

    Please Stop the Drama

    Not a Trigger

    To further Cacky's comments, hey y'all remember THIS IS NOT A TRIGGER for any of us. Nope, not worth it.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      Please Stop the Drama

      I was just passing on the info.....I was on the tread at the time and saw what was happening. So shoot the messenger ....I just wanted people to get what happened. I have been here a long time and things like this do happen......I just wanted people to see what I saw. ( A lot of people wanted to know). IAD I guess you just can't win.......
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Please Stop the Drama

        Think it's over now.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Please Stop the Drama

          I've seen negative things on here before...glad I missed this latest one. Onward and Upward !!!
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            Please Stop the Drama



              Please Stop the Drama

              I have been here for quite a while now, and have seen the odd scrap. It does feel horrible and sometimes it does leave me feeling unsafe too.
              But ultimately, this is a very safe place with wonderful people. Dont forget that many of us may have many other issues along with our alcoholism and in a site this big, sometimes nasty things might happen.
              Please take the good that comes from here and leave the negative behind.
              I have been sober for a year because of the support from people here. It is essentially a good place to be.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Please Stop the Drama

                Siwan, please dont leave before giving everyone a chance to consider what's happening to our beloved site and hopefully change. im with you. i was hoping i was in a safe environment. i hope i still am and people just got carried away. my goal from posting was to say "hey gang lets put ourselves in check and lets make sure we arent giving the wrong impression to people that are coming in here and really truly need help"

                Siwan please give it a couple of days..i believe the great people of MWO will all rally together and bring this back to being a really productive helpful site


                  Please Stop the Drama

                  I totally agree. I hate this shit and being a person who sees both sides it really pisses me off.

                  Whatever one did or didn't go, the correct response is to forgive (even if you don't mean it) be wary in the future and don't mention it again.

                  My two cents.:l


                    Please Stop the Drama

                    I think "upsets" happen from time to time on many boards. For example, I also belong to a wonderful weight-related website. For the most part, people are extremely supportive, helpful, happy, and well worth the time I do spend reading through the posts and adding my own. I feel the same way about that board as I do about the MWO board - I absolutely love it and am thankful for finding it ...

                    ... But, now and then, problems do arise. Someone doesn't get along (which tends to happen now and again with friends, in families, in communities, etc.), someone's feelings get hurt, there's a clashing of personalities or ideas, or sometimes a "troll" sneaks in for the sole purpose of causing an upset, etc.

                    Stuff happens - especially in public / free websites, but in others as well. While it's important to talk it out, I also think it's important to let it go (as obviously we're trying to do, and succeeding I do believe) and embrace the community for what it always was.... Focus on the positive - There are LOTs of Positives here .. and positives feel good.

                    Added: Siwan .. Please don't be scared away. There is a lot of wisdom and experience here. Please stay and join in, and let it work for you.
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      Please Stop the Drama

                      cack i agree with ya. ive seen some people say unnecessary hings or be snotty to myself and others at times. and its made me question the site, but i reminded myself that everywhere you go you are going to have those types of people. in aa ur gonna have the people who critisize you if drank, etc. everywhere you go there arethose people. whats important is for the most part the site is great and most on here are great. just ignore em. hehe


                        Please Stop the Drama

                        Happily, I don't really know what happended, but I do agree with 42Cat that spats of various sorts are just part of human interaction - online as in person. However, having been part of three different forums, I can really say very strongly that this is the most loving and supportive of all of them.

                        One thing to keep in mind is that emotional ups and downs, heightened sensitivity, and mood dips are a huge part of what we're all going through. AL exaggerates some emotions and numbs others. Remove it and the feelings go haywire. I'm just entering my third week of just cutting back (a lot, mind you), and I just feel lower than a mole's toes. When you're feeling awful because of physical and/or psychological withdrawl, it's easy to take things personally. Also, I think learning to cut others a little slack is a big part of learning to go easier on ourselves.

                        Love to all - sigh.....


                          Please Stop the Drama

                          "Lower than a moles toes" :H
                          thanks Dancing Girl you made me laugh!
                          Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                          If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                          November 2, 2012


                            Please Stop the Drama

                            I have to agree with cat and me... this IS life (even in its 'moderated' form)... stuff happens, people disagree, become overly passionate or sensitive, etc. Plus, most of us are going through considerable emotional ups and downs... you get the picture.

                            Discuss it, agree or disagree, and then move on to the task at hand - I'm with you, Cacky.

                            What amazes me most is that some of us actually have the TIME to get this involved... damn, I must be doing something wrong! :H
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013

