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A new beginner

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    A new beginner

    Hi, I just getting started and I have really enjoyed reading all the threads. I am hoping this will be the thing that gets this monkey off my back. I am not sure what all will help. I know after reading the book I don't want to go on any meds. if I don't have too. Is this possible to do w/o the meds? Everything else sound great. I drink every night and now I can't say I even enjoy it now. It is just something I do. Every New years I will give up drinking sometimes for a month and other times for up to 4 mos., but when I get back to drinking it is non stop until the next New Year. I truly am hoping I can control my drinking and not have to have it as such a habit for me. As i learn more I will sure update how things are going. My real question for right now is what do I really need to make this all happen. I realize everyone is different but if you could let me know what worked for you.

    A new beginner

    Hi MacD. Nice to meet you.

    I'm working through this without meds. I learned a lot from this website and the people on it and have formulated my own "plan" based on everything I've learned. While I don't take meds, I have been taking supplements and definitely recommend them. Kudzu or L-glut are great for ALcohol cravings. The vitamins are important, too. I'm also taking Milk Thistle for liver health and St. John's Wort for anxiety, etc. Seems like a lot of pills, but they're all good. Add to that a good diet, exercise, changes of habit, and I was on my way.

    You'll find a variety of drinkers (or ex-drinkers) here ... binge drinkers, every day all day drinkers (that's what I was), evening only, hard liquor only, wine only, and the list goes on. There are so many experiences and I learned a lot from every one of them.

    Read around and think about what might work for you - and give it a try! If it isn't ideal, change it around and try again. Sounds like you are able to get a good bit of AF (alcohol-free) days in when you put your mind to it - that's wonderful, because you already know you can do it. You just need to find a way to keep going. Maybe try to focus on what triggerrs you to go off the wagon and start drinking again, and work toward dealing with your triggers.

    And welcome to the site!
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      A new beginner

      Hi Macdog.
      A warm welcome to you.
      For me, I used supplements to help with my cravings - lglutamine and kudzu and lots of daily support from this site. Knowing that I wasnt alone in my struggle was a big help and stopping the cycle of shame.
      I have been sober for a year now, and am still in the process of making changes to make my life one that I am happy with.
      Good luck, any questions, dont hesitate to ask.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        A new beginner

        Welcome Mac!

        I tried the supplements but really wasn't 'feeling it'... so I dropped them. The greatest tool for me is awareness and the support found here. When the 'witching hour' (at any time of the day) creeps in, I try to come here and wait it out.

        Have a look at the toolbox thread in Monthly Abstinence - there is a wealth of information and ideas for winning this battle.

        Wishing you strength and unbridled success.
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          A new beginner

          Hi Macdog,

          Welcome, you've found a great place!
          I was a daily wine drinker, or I should say abuser! Today I am AF, happy, calm and relaxed, thanks to MWO!
          I did not use any meds or even the supplements here. I found my own vitamins/minerals and herbals and started on them before finding MWO. I did use (and sometimes still do) the Hypnotherapy CDs. I find them very effective in reinforcing all the new things you need to learn. Of course, the support & encouragement from all the members here is priceless.
          Most of all, I had a very, very strong desire to stop drinking immediately. My attitude was (is) quite positive, makes a big difference. I keep telling myself I am a nondrinker. I also quit smoking recently and used the same strong desire & attitude to battle that demon

          You can be successful Macdog, you just have to really want it!!

          Best wishes!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            A new beginner

            Hi Macdog,

            I'm new too, all of two days! However I am not new to trying to stop drinking wine every night.

            I've bought so many books on alcohol from Amazon that the 'recommendations' were becoming embarrassing!

            I came across My Way Out when I was reading the news online a few days ago and studiously avoided a news item about a 22 year old man drinking since the age of 13 who was dying in hospital, eventually I clicked on the story and noticed the ad for MWO.

            The biggest thing for me has been realising that I'm not the dreadful person I had convinced myself I was, because there are others here in similar situations, and I like the fact that it's not all deadly serious but that there is room for humour and laughing at oneself.

            I downloaded the book and even before reading about the medications I knew that wasn't for me, I have bought and am using Kudzu and L-glutamine. I already had several hypnosis CD's for this particular affliction but only now do I actually find one of them useful, I think because of the support here I can really relax and allow it to help me, I listen to it before going to sleep and before getting on with the evening tasks if I feel the need.

            Fundamentally though, I want to do this for myself, not my daughters, my dogs, my horse, my health even, but out of love and compassion for myself, truly a first! When I tried before I was filled with guilt and shame, and fearful of alcohol but now I'm not because I have tools and support.

            Good luck with your journey.
            I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


              A new beginner

              The CD's are wonderful, and learning to control ourselves is SUCH a powerful rush. There are many things our bodies and minds can do we are not aware of, and AL certainly dulls any extra senses we may possess. Vitatamins, esp. B-12, are vital since AL cooks them out of our body. There are too many good things for me to try to post them all for you here. I'm not a doctor, I'm a survivor. I only know what works for me, and strengthening my mind has been one of them. Continue to read, read, read, and ignore anything that doesn't pertain to you. Remember this is one time in your life when it IS all about you.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

