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feeling very low

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    feeling very low

    Hi. I just needed to start a new thread for today as I am feeling VERY low and depressed after drinking too much 2 days in a row and not being able to function today. I am terrified of the damage I may be doing to by body and mind. I am applying for PhD programs this fall and can't afford to slip up like this. I have been trying to moderate but all it takes is one too many and I just stop caring. I turn into someone who lets people down and cant fulfill responsibilities. I spent the day in bed, feeling awful. I need to chat or some words of encouragement. Anything to escape this sinking feeling.........

    feeling very low

    Liath, I can chat for a quick minute. See you there.


      feeling very low

      Looks like I missed you in chat, Liath... you ok?
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        feeling very low

        I see a recurring theme here. Feeling aweful, low, crappy, guilty, down, sad, etc. Let's take control and build ourselves up. Enough is enough. f#(*($& you AL!!!


          feeling very low


          I know you are feeling low right now, but when you are back on your feet again I think you should look into fear of success. Since you never mention any other trauma in your life, you may be just sabotaging yourself by drinking. I am not a psychologist, but your case looks pretty clear.
          Don't do it to yourself. You deserve all success. Nothing good ever came out of drinking.
          "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
          Ralph Waldo Emerson


            feeling very low

            AL is an easy rut to get into. Sometimes I felt better when I was low. Crazy huh? But it is so incredible when you vere out of the rut. You wonder how you got there, and it is amazing how much better you feel when you are proud of yourself. The longer you stay out of the rut the more normal it will be. I am still trying but am seeing....I hate the rut.

            :l to you
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              feeling very low

              Hi Liath,
              How are you doing this morning? What triggered the two days of drinking?
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
              AF since May 6, 2010


                feeling very low

                Liath;672021 wrote: Hi. I just needed to start a new thread for today as I am feeling VERY low and depressed after drinking too much 2 days in a row and not being able to function today. I am terrified of the damage I may be doing to by body and mind. I am applying for PhD programs this fall and can't afford to slip up like this. I have been trying to moderate but all it takes is one too many and I just stop caring. I turn into someone who lets people down and cant fulfill responsibilities. I spent the day in bed, feeling awful. I need to chat or some words of encouragement. Anything to escape this sinking feeling.........
                Oh Liath, I'm sorry I missed you on chat. I went to bed early last night. I'm going to PM you too, but I want to say here that I understand so much where you are. Last month I had weeks in a row that always went that one too many. I would intend to stop, then just say "who cares" and dive into the drink. It happened every evening. Funny, though - I remember a small inside voice as I lurched to the fridge to fill up my glass yet again saying "Thish ish alcoholism."

                A thought I'm having today, after feeling so horrible yesterday (and the day before too), and also remembering how I felt so sick and so stupid with a hangover: it's something to grab onto - that we feel bad. It shows we still care - about ourselves, about our lives, about our careers, families, health (you name it). It's when you don't feel bad that you need to worry, but of course don't.

                Go through the feeling - make a new plan and start again. I have faith in you.

