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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all.

    Last night I bought half a bottle of gin and shared it with hubby. Whilst that ain't good I actually am counting it as an improvement (glass half full attitude!!) There was a limit to it. It wasn't 2 bottles of wine (which would normally be the case) and I bought lots of tonic so I have something refreshing and al free to drink for the next couple of days.

    These are baby steps for me, even though I've been here for quite a while!! It doesn't matter - you do what it takes, but always try to do better. Keep on, keeping on!!

    So any newbies coming on here and thinking "I'll never do 30 days" - don't think that, think "I can do one day" And if you dont, you try for the next day. And you keep that up. And you keep acquiring tools and keep reading and posting and trying.

    Today I have to spray some sheep with some horrible stuff that will stop the much more horrible possibility of flies laying eggs in their fleeces and the maggots hatching out!! Before that, feeding chickens, pigs and dogs, a dog walk, then clearing horse poo from the field, then some accounts, some cooking (pheasant curry), some calls, inspecting a flat, some DIY, riding the horse. That will do, there will be more but that's the stuff on the list. I WILL be too busy to contemplate drinking today.

    Bessie x

    ODAT - Thursday


    Thursday. Eating figs.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Thursday


      My head spins from all you have to do in a day. I would feel lucky to get one or two of those things done. I just can't imagine.


      Eat all the figs you need and have some peppermint ice cream ready. We are all here for you. This day, too, shall pass like any other and you will be on the other side. Call me if you need to!!

      All other ODATers, have a great ODAT day.

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Thursday

        Good Day ODATers! On day 7 here. Everything is going as it should. I'm a little anxious, not bad and still having a bit of a problem with sleep. Drinking lots and lots of water and living in the moment.
        I hope everyone meets their goal today!
        Love MNB:h
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hi Ya

          ODAT's....Day 8 here for me!!

          Bit anxious today as this is as good as it has ever got in my previous attempts at being af.:blush:Got up this morning with a sense of dread about me.

          Will be praying to see day 9 2moro morning.

          Heading out to do some errands now,when i am in the frame of mind of not buyig wine.If i leave it till later my resolve may have weakened..
          My kids are off to there dads tomorrow & sat.Worried that i will use that as an excuse to buy a btl as i'll be home alone....Will probably spend all day and night on these boards...

          Well,il worry about that 2moro i guess.

          Off to muddle my way through this day...

          Not buying wine at the supermarket!!!!

          keep strong,stay sober & be happy!
          i'm trying....

          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
          Bring it on!


            ODAT - Thursday

            Over today's hump - yippee!! Off to bed, sober and satisfied!

            Bessie xx


              ODAT - Thursday

              I've just got through day 4 - no cravings as yet. But, the weekend is coming up, I've found eating a little more is a help - does anyone else find this? I'm counting that eating a bit more amounts to less calories than all the wine!! Hope so anyway. I can't seem to budge the pounds with all the white wine. ODAT it is!

