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maybe it's time

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    maybe it's time

    Bdrinikng since a teenager. I like drinking. However, I can admitt, it's getting out of hand . Lots of pressure. losing home, income down bla, bla, bla. I know we all have problems. I can recognize I am now drinking mostly to forget the issues and its making things worse. I don't have a physical addiction, i dont think. I have been avoiding everything, becoming reclusive and not a nice person latley. I do have depression issues, runs in the family, taking meds. I defin would say drinking is a big hassle at this point. Need to break the afternoon and evening pattern. Wife also likes to drink beer but she doesnt seem to have an issue with it. Lifes not so fun right now. major life issues are coming fast. Big problem is I alsways think I likek to drink, till the next morning anway.
    So that's my beginning. I wouldn't be here after all these years if I did.t think I need to make a change. Want to do this on my own. Don't like the AA stuff. neeb there with a friend.
    So we'll see how today goes. Any input is apprec.

    maybe it's time

    Spelling Dave34217

    Sorry about the sspelling on my post- edit is not functioning.
    Did't want anyone to think I was drinking at this early hour. LOL


      maybe it's time

      Hi Dave,

      Today is my first day on My Way Out also.. I have alot of the same issues as you, except hubby doesn't drink at all, but he is an enabler. I'm not sure why, but he does try to sabotage me when I decide I'm not going to drink.
      I find as I'm getting older (37yo-really old) my body just can't cope with drinking like it used too, even though I drink so much more.. I feel tired all the time, but when I have a drink - I feel so much better. I find that I also tend to find excuses to drink - like the kids have been bugging me, I had a crap customer at work, the house needs cleaning (he, he - the house always needs cleaning).
      I know that you will get a lot of support from this website. Everyone is so inspiring and have lots of helpful advice.
      Best of luck with your journey, and if you want to talk, please don't hesitate...


        maybe it's time

        Hi Dave. Great to meet you and welcome to the site. Take your time reading through the various message boards - The site is full of great information.

        Sounds like you've found your way here at a good time .. what with the things happening in your life, etc. You definitely don't want to be spiralling downward with alcohol while you need to deal with those things.

        I'll share my story, in case it helps you a little ....

        I used to be an evening-only drinker, then started earlier (afternoons, like you) .. and eventually decided a drink in the morning would be great to take away that hungover feeling .... Fast-forward a little, and there I was ... starting on my 750 ml of rum or vodka sometimes at 6:00 a.m. ... and by bedtime, the whole thing would be gone (and I'd have a "back-up" bottle waiting for the next morning" ... ALL day long, and mostly in secret as I'm alone a good bit of the time. No one knew I drank more than a couple in the evening. I never got "drunk", but I was never sober either. Not good.

        THEN ... the last couple of months of my drinking career, I realized I'd become physically addicted. It just snuck up on me. If I tried to stop, the withdrawals were insane. Suddenly I realized I HAD to drink. Scary stuff. And then I started googling about liver disease, etc., and got scared.

        In June, I'd had enough and wanted to have a better, happy future .. because the way I was going, there wasn't going to be much of a future ... I got angry at myself and at alcohol .. and decided to "taper" down to try to avoid the worst of the withdrawals / detox (which can be deadly sometimes), and I quit the hard liquor all together (except for one day a few weeks back that I paid for with a ridiculous hangover) and used beer. I added vitamins and supplements, good food, etc. .... It worked - thank goodness .. There were a few days of intense anxiety, insomnia, sweating, shakes, etc., but then everything things started to get brighter, happier. NOW ... Life is amazing and full of so much hope. And ** wow **, the money I've saved! (We're talking about $100 per WEEK.)

        Anyway, that's me .... You can do it too. You're here and want to make a change - 1st step accomplished! Next step, read around the site and decide on a few things to try ... and keep trying until something clicks for you. You can do this.

        .... Apologies for the ridiculously long post ... I can't seem to stop talking once I start.
        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          maybe it's time

          Nikinoo ... re. your husband being an enabler ... Mine did/does the same thing when I try to lose weight. I haven't talked to him about it, but it's very obvious. I think he's afraid that I will "change" somehow. Maybe that's what your hubby is afraid of too, and maybe he doesn't even realize it.
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            maybe it's time

            You've found a GREAT site here! Nobody here is judgemental or "pushy". Just take it one day at a time. It's not gonna be easy and if you just keep posting, even if it is blah blah blah people will read it and it might help one of us and that makes it less harder. I've been AF for a week now! I believe you have it in you to do it too

            :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!


              maybe it's time

              Hello Dave & Nikinoo and a very big welcome to you both. Well done on taking the first impotant step, may I suggest downloading the MWO book and reading it. It will help you to formulate a plan of action.
              Keep safe.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                maybe it's time

                Nikinoo;672428 wrote: Hi Dave,

                Today is my first day on My Way Out also.. I have alot of the same issues as you, except hubby doesn't drink at all, but he is an enabler. I'm not sure why, but he does try to sabotage me when I decide I'm not going to drink.
                I find as I'm getting older (37yo-really old) my body just can't cope with drinking like it used too, even though I drink so much more.. I feel tired all the time, but when I have a drink - I feel so much better. I find that I also tend to find excuses to drink - like the kids have been bugging me, I had a crap customer at work, the house needs cleaning (he, he - the house always needs cleaning).
                I know that you will get a lot of support from this website. Everyone is so inspiring and have lots of helpful advice.
                Best of luck with your journey, and if you want to talk, please don't hesitate...
                tough part is the stress- i do like to drink. Been doing it a longgg time. Never early but often. Seems as far back as I can rem, i was always a binge drinker. 2 is never enough, 10 -12 is always to much. I like just about everything, beer, wine, Scotch, vodka. I just seem to like it all. Sometimes all in one night. Saying it sound nuts, but it's true. i drink way to much. I'm tired of being tired. Sales take a lot of enery and I', worn out.
                Anyway, nice to no theres a place to talk. Thanks all who replied..


                  maybe it's time

                  Hi Dave and Welcome!

                  As KTAB mentioned, please be sure to download and read the MWO book. It's full of useful info to help you make your plan. We're all a little different and have different needs.

                  I will tell you that I am one happy, cal & relaxed person these days.........not the anxious mess I was back in February when I first found the MWO site. You won't be sorry, I promise!
                  Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of new folks there feeling just like you.

                  Wishing you the best!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    maybe it's time

                    Lavande;672671 wrote: Hi Dave and Welcome!

                    As KTAB mentioned, please be sure to download and read the MWO book. It's full of useful info to help you make your plan. We're all a little different and have different needs.

                    I will tell you that I am one happy, cal & relaxed person these days.........not the anxious mess I was back in February when I first found the MWO site. You won't be sorry, I promise!
                    Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of new folks there feeling just like you.

                    Wishing you the best!
                    Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of new folks there feeling just like you.

                    Wishing you the best!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09

                    What is NF and were is the Newbe nest thread?


                      maybe it's time

                      Waht is NF and were is the Newbies nest?


                        maybe it's time

                        Hi Dave,

                        Not sure what NF is. However, Newbies Nest is a thread under the Just Starting Out forum. If you look down a little from your thread here, you should see it.

                        Welcome! I'm only on day 5 and I wish I could say it's been easy. I just keep trying to remind myself that the things that you work harder for are more rewarding in the end. I've been trying to remember a quote that said this even better. Or maybe it was a quote about if something's too easy, it's not as valuable??? Sorry, wracking my brain to try and remember it.

                        I'm in sales as well and am having a tough time. As much as drinking helps not to worry about stuff, it is only temporary relief. I know we will be much better able to handle the tough stuff being sober...although the great escape sounds pretty darn good to me rigth now, I have to remember that drinking is doing NOTHING to help solve my problems.


                          maybe it's time

                          NF .... narcotic-free ?
                          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                            maybe it's time

                            I believe here is Nicotine Free as many of the members have both addictions.
                            "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                            Ralph Waldo Emerson


                              maybe it's time

                              Hi Dave,

                              I think the others have answered your questions.

                              The Newbies Nest thread is right here in the Just Starting Out Section.
                              I found the nerve to quit smoking 2 months after I quit drinking. Those two habits kind of go hand in hand so I thought it would be a good idea get rid of both. So I am 65 days NF (nicotine free days today). I post both dates because, after all the hard work, I am enjoying total freedom and it is a good thing
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

