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Reality Check

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    Reality Check

    Mikesdad;672692 wrote: Thanks for the links.
    Found them.
    I recall that when my 'then' wife was diagnosed with BPD, the counslor recommended that I read a book called "Stop walking on eggshells" .
    It was basically the same premise as this site.
    That book came with a website much like this one and I remember the relief I had at finding others that were going through the same thing that I was.
    I have much that same feeling now.
    That's the spirit! :wings:
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Reality Check


      I hope "victim" didnt seem harsh? It was meant in context of "victim of circumstances". I am pretty sure you are on the same page with this, from the comment (enlightened comment I must say) you made about volunteering, but I wanted to be sure it didnt cause offence.

      As said above, you do seem to be a very open caring and thoughtful person, this will serve you very well on the way to your new life. I have little doubt you will make it where you want to seem to be focused. Good luck...Moo
      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
      but in what direction we are moving."


        Reality Check

        Your comment was not in the least bit offensive Moo.
        I greatly appreciate honesty.
        I have learned, over the years, if someone says something to me that I do find offensive or that 'rubs me the wrong way', I give it a great amount of thought because, if it ticked me off?...then maybe there is a certain amount of truth to it.

        I think, that like the other message board that I spoke of and how greatful I was to find it-
        and how helpful it was..............
        I think that coming here is going to help me immensely.

        Now I know that I am not alone.
        Any time of the day or night I can come here and know that others are struggling with this as I am and I can read and I know that one day I will be able to post and help others.
        I know this is going to be a very long road to hoe.

        I don't want this to sound like whining just all felt like nobody cared.

        Now I know someone does, even if it is half way across the country.

        So then, if anyone should read this or anything that I post in the future.........PLEASE...give it to me straight and I'll sort it out.
        No harm, no foul
        ?Circumstances do not make the man, they reveal him.?
        -James Allen


          Reality Check

          Mikesdad - Your initial post reminded me that many members (including myself) have a twenty year history of alcohol abuse which actually has buried the original reasons for loss. You have a wonderful opportunity to re-build the life you want with your children while they are still young. It's not easy, but do the math. Six months of abstaining or moderating, six months of saving money, six months of feeling clear headed would be a great beginning. It sure beats six more years of the same ....


            Reality Check

            Amen to that.
            ?Circumstances do not make the man, they reveal him.?
            -James Allen

