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ODAT - Friday 24th July

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    ODAT - Friday 24th July


    Whoopee - I've beaten Bessie to start the thread. But all I've done so far is drink some tea and she's probably out tending to the sheep and 101 other things!

    I go on holiday tomorrow so I won't be around next week. Holidays are always a huge trigger for me so I'm going to have to get a moderation plan in place and try and limit the damage. Then as soon as we get back my mother is coming to stay - also a huge trigger. i can see I've got a tough time ahead!

    Last night I only drank 1/2 a bottle of wine. Although I shouldn't have been drinking at all (I was drinking to reward myself for a tough day with 2 hyper kids on their 1st day of the summer hols) I feel like this is an improvement and I rarely stop before the bottle is empty and it was a consious decision not to have any more.

    Have a good day ODATERS
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT - Friday 24th July

    LOL!! Morning all!

    Thanks for starting the thread Blue Sky!! Have a great holiday and just work hard on the ODAT! (Tricky, I know holidays are a real green light for me to drink - just as well I can't afford to go on one this year!!)

    I have been up since about 5.30am but haven't seen a single sheep yet - been doing lots of admin/website work. My brain works better in the morning. Off to do the sheep in a minute though.

    Got a seriously busy day today and will probably be working late so that will be a help to stay AF. If I'm busy during my evening 'hump' time I can usually crack it! So glad that my cravings are only for a short period of time.

    Have a great day all!

    Bessie xx


      ODAT - Friday 24th July

      Hi everybody, I was doing really well, then last night I had a drink I am so disappointed with myself. I don't know what triggered it, it was just a crazy thing to do. I am just going to climb back on the waggon. I am going on holiday tomorrow so not much chance of drinking as my husband will be watching me like a hawk. My dr. prescribed naltrexone for me yesterday, so I'm hoping that will help with the craving
      Hope everyone achieves their goals for today.


        ODAT - Friday 24th July

        Hi All

        Made it to day 9 today.
        My longest record ever!!!
        Planning to have a couple of glasses of wine tonight as my kids are with ther dad and i know i wud see tonight as a wasted opportunity to have a quiet drink without dirty looks or looks of dissappointment or disgust.
        Doubt that my kids would understand the moderation bit at the minute.

        Anyway enough about have a great time on holiday,and,just do your odat,Think how you'll feel when you report to us that you set a limit and stuck to it..
        Enjoy,laugh,drink scarcely and be happy!!

        Bessie,i feel humbled when i read your posts.You work so hard.I am usually in my jammies when i',m posting here and you have usually seen to 100
        Good for you,being busy is a good thing,esp with an al prob..xx

        Paula,you're off on hols too,you have yourself a good time.We'l be comparing you & bluesky's post when you come back to see how yous got on !!!lol...oj!
        Don't worry about drinking last night,i'm sure it's a lot less than you could've drank in the past.Try and take some l-glut & kudzo with you on hols for the cravings.I swear that's been a godsend for me....don't know which one works the best but i ain't stopping either to find out which.

        Have a good day odat's!!!

        stay strong,sober and be happy!
        "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
        Bring it on!


          ODAT - Friday 24th July


          Holidays and plans for them. Goodie!

          Tonight I'm going with a GF to a theatre production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I look forward to that. We had a good time there when we saw Reefer Madness. I'll be glad to do something fun as yesterday's court hearing didn't go as I wished. But today is today. And I won't be angry over yesterday. Today will be a good day. For everybody!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Friday 24th July

            :l:l For Greenie and your trials and tribulations.

            Everyone else can have one too!! :l

            I only have a few sheep so really not that busy, but then there's a few pigs and some chickens and the dogs, the cat and the horse - they all need daily attention.

            And today, such excitement, the mallard duck who has been sat on 8 eggs beside our wildlife pond appeared with 8 babies!!!! Fantastic. She has chosen a good spot to have them so hopefully they will thrive.


              ODAT - Friday 24th July

              Hi All ODATers! I feel like the weather here in New England...dark and rainy. Day 8 yesterday and I had 3 glasses of wine!...I have no idea what triggered it at all! I'm starting again today..onward and upward! Anniemac: I almost made it to day 9 with you!
              I was up very early this a.m. ... 6:30 and have done 2 loads of wash and cleaned up the kitchen and made the beds. Now I'm going to jump on the treadmill for 30 minutes to get some good endorphines going. Best to all out there! Have a great weekend. Mine will be spent harvesting some veggies in the garden.
              Love MNB:l
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                ODAT - Friday 24th July

                Hi guys,

                Well this is it - moving weekend! The upstairs is done, we finally got everything up there. So today is basically for me a cleaning day, hanging some pictures and curtains and trying to get things out of the way so there is room for my furniture to come tomorrow. It's going to be a little insane. It doesn't help that I am completely exhausted but I'm hoping I can get the majority done this morning so that when that 2-3pm nap requirement hits I can actually lie down and have one.

                Greeny - I am sorry it didn't go as planned yesterday - I know this has been a long and arduous battle for you. I am glad you are maintaining that positive attitude that we all love about you.

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Friday 24th July

                  Made another day, but the weekend coming up. I've found that eating a little more does help sometimes - anyone else found this? Should be ok this weekend, grandson coming to stay. will need help later on for the holidays, going away for a few days with drinkers !! any advice?


                    ODAT - Friday 24th July

                    Take some AF drinks with you - whether that is AF beer, wine whatever. Then you don't feel out of place but you manage to stay AF.

                    Best wishes,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

