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    Yeah, yeah.... I know it's just me. Bessie went off to see relatives, remember?

    All's quiet here. Watched the sunrise this AM standing in cool damp grass. Birds singing. Such a nice way to start the day. I'm glad to be a morning person.

    Uni is waking up in her new home today - with a big smile I bet. Hi Uni!!

    I hope you all have a special day and that meeting your goal is becoming more a more natual event for you.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    Ok, I've been absent the ODAT thread for a while lately, just been so darn busy and it seems like by the time I get to the thread, everyone has been and gone, so I often read but don't post.

    But today Bessie is missing in action, and with Greenie the only one on here I thought I would jump back in!

    The image of you waking with the sun and watching it rise makes me so hopeful that you are getting through your situation with so much strentgh and are gonna make it! (Like any of us had any doubts.)

    Uni, hope the new digs are fab.

    AFM, I have been watching the progress of the earrings, the new furniture, and the new home organization projects. You go girl!!!

    I'm smack in the middle of my 30 days of license suspension for my DUI, so am getting rides to and from work, the grocery store, etc and feel a bit of a teenager, but other than that am actually finding quite a bit of peace about the whole thing. I think I've actually begun to forgive myself for the colossal mistake I made and moving on, which I know is essential in making sure it never happens again.

    Peace and happiness to everyone this Sunday!!



      Hello ODATers,

      May I join you? I've been moderating (successfully, actually) for almost three weeks but am ready to go for a string of AF days, one day at a time.

      My life is... okay... I am very fortunate to have a loving husband (although he drinks too much too and isn't ready to taper or control it at this time) and a mother who was supportive (although a little dry, no pun intended) when I told her. I am unfortunate to have some employment/ career issues, but this is just part of life and the current economy. I get down about it, but getting hammered is not the answer to any problem!

      I'd like to join your thread if i may.


        ODAT - SUNDAY

        Okay - well. The new digs would be fab except......FECK - wouldn't you know it, biggest damn storm we have had here in years and the storm sewers backed up. Every friggin house on the street and the neighbourhood - 3 feet of water in our newly finished basement - oh, and did I mention that I had a S#$#load of boxes down there? I have no idea what was in them and am currently afraid to look - spent the past 4 hours with a pump and a shop vac. Entire floor that BF put in a year ago is ruined (it was frickin floating, it was like walking on a springboard cause the water was under the flooring).

        We did have quite a nice little neighbourhood block party though as we were passing pumps and shop vacs from house to house and helping each other out.

        So, it looks like the renovations are not quite over yet as we now have to call insurance, rip up the floor and start over. As well we still need to do more cleanup down there and I have to find out if anything that is valuable were in any of the boxes.

        So....frick. What a day. Needless to say I haven't had much time to unpack. Thank god BF has already lived here for over a year. LOL - trying to keep my spirits up cause what ya gonna do. I swear in Southern Ontario we normally don't have this type of severe hurricaine like downpours. Neighbours have lived here for 15 years and never had issues in their basements which is good. At least we know it is probably an isolated incident. But seriously, could the timing have been any better? LOL - at least the Wurlitzer Jukebox didn't fit down the stairs so it's safe - THAT would have pissed me off.

        All in all - what a day! Looking forward to tomorrow. It will be better I'm sure. At least I'm laughing. What ya gonna do, eh? LOL
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - SUNDAY

          Oh, and Dancer? Welcome aboard! We all love each other here on this thread, been on it since Nov/07 and never plan on changing to a different one.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - SUNDAY

            Feel a big of an idiot really x had a good weekend , but looking forward to a x rough weekend due to my partners daughters wedding (she thought there is money for a big wedding spare (non there) ok up to our eyes in the hock now x its friday the 31st xvx x x f x


              ODAT - SUNDAY

              getting pissed to hid e from the shitty debt x have to be nice to the daughter else she bchy to me & he is totaly his daughterx


                ODAT - SUNDAY

                hi dancing girl xx i have been trying to moderate & I cant do it xxx was sober for 8 weeks x x now i am back to square 1 xxcxxxxx


                  ODAT - SUNDAY

                  Hi angie. 8 weeks is great. Working tomorrow?
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - SUNDAY

                    Hello All. I'm a little late in posting..sorry..
                    Thursday and Friday I had alcohol. 2 glasses of wine Thurs and 3 on Friday. Nothing since though. I didn't get trashed and woke up feeling great the morning after but still slipped and I'm working on that. This is very hard but I'm going forward. I'll check in with everyone tomorrow . Dancing and Scrubby: Great to have you join us here. The more the merrier!
                    Love to all:l
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                      ODAT - SUNDAY

                      Thanks for the welcome - I've been reading the ODAT posts and thought it would be nice to join you.

                      I'm off now to put a 0 in the drink tracker, then watch some TV with hubby and visiting mummy.

                      Thanks again,
                      sleepy dancer


                        ODAT - SUNDAY

                        Those 0s in the drink tracker are great aren't they? Congrats and just keep staying positive. :l:l
                        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                          ODAT - SUNDAY

                          Not beemn a good day
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            ODAT - SUNDAY

                            Uni, I'm so sorry about the flooding, that is terrible!!!!! I hope you get everything sorted out very soon and the damage can be fixed quickly---and insurance doesn't give you any hassles. :l


                              ODAT - SUNDAY

                              scrubbly;675361 wrote:
                              AFM, I have been watching the progress of the earrings, the new furniture, and the new home organization projects. You go girl!!!

                              Ah, thanks Scrubbly! I wouldn't be able to do all of this 'spending' on the child or home enhancements if I were still drinking and smoking! Thanks to quitting both, I have a lot of extra money in my pocket! :H Also, it gives me something to do that I can have pride in. I had wasted way to many years with those darn addictions that I really didn't have much to show for the money that was spent.

                              It is a whole new ball game now!

                              Have a great evening everyone! ODAT

