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cutting down

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    cutting down

    Hie everybody, i have been drinking for 30 years and i have come to a point where i wanna change my life style for the better. I just cant believe the money i have spent on beer alone and its really affecting me big time. there is a lot of important things in life that i must do but because of this beer called CASTLE, i aint done nothing. Sometimes i earn a lot of money and i just lose it on beer and women, life sucks guyz, right now i got 3 girls in my house drinking and I'm currently at work stressing about getting over this alcoholism and concentrate with ma life. MY BIGGEST PROBLEM IS I CANT STAY SOBER AND I HATE BEING SOBER.LOL. Its either i'm drinking or i'm smoking, i cant even go to the gym no more i cant meet my chick whilst i'm sober, its really unbelievable.

    I WANNA GO BACK TO THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN I USED TO DRINK ON WEEKENDS. Guys if i tell you how much i was drunk yesterday you will not believe it and today i had 4 glasses of whiskey, ooh my god poor me i need to switch and use money wisely.

    cutting down

    Hi Kev Mat,

    By finding this site you have taken a step in the right direction. Read, Read, Read everything you can on here. It won't happen overnight, but sooner or later you will start thinking differently and try to get some control over it.

    Good luck in your journey.

    Everything I need is within me!


      cutting down

      Kev Mat ... :welcome:
      Stick around here if you want some help and encouragement. We've heard everything and you are not alone in this very difficult struggle with alcohol. Keep reading and stay close. I'm glad you found us.

      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        cutting down

        Thanks a lot guyz i appreciate your support


          cutting down

          Hi Kev Mat,

          I think you're in the right place. The people are all great here and we're all on this journey. Do read as mentioned above and do post. Hang in there and MWO is a great resource in battling the demons.
          ^ My Baby Ruby ^


            cutting down

            There are many shocks connected to a life revolving around drinking. Money spent is definitely one of them for me. It's like getting a pay raise to quit that spending.
            A social life that revolves around everyone drinking makes it hard to cut down or quit yourself. It means a loss of those 'friends'. I found when I tried to cut down or quit, those 'friends' weren't there. We had nothing in common anymore. The drinking was our activity and the 'friend' that tied us all together. Hard adjustment to make but with a clear head you eventually see those friends in a different way.
            Healthy activities fall away in a life of drinking, such as going to the gym, eating the right foods and getting enough sleep.
            Hope you find a way to live a healthy life again.
            It sure helps to be here with others that recognize they are losing theirs if they don't make some decisions on how to live without alcohol running their life and being their best friend. The more I drank, the lonelier I got.
            Best wishes, come back often!


              cutting down

              right now i'm saying to myself " no matter what, tomorrow i aint gonna drink". Its gonna be hard guys but i will try


                cutting down

                Kev Mat;676635 wrote: right now i'm saying to myself " no matter what, tomorrow i aint gonna drink". Its gonna be hard guys but i will try
                The first few days are very hard (and the ones that follow - for me). Just be mindful of withdrawal symptoms. If too much, you might need medical help.
                ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                  cutting down

                  Kev Mat,

                  Welcome! It's good you have taken this step and I know you can get through tomorrow without drinking. You won't believe how good you will feel the next morning! It might just inspire you to do andother day AF! (Alcohol Free)

                  I wish you strength on your journey.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    cutting down

                    Hi Kev mat & welcome
                    Make sure you drink lots & lots of water and get a healthy diet, keep yourself really busy and try and change your routine, and read & post here, You might want to get some L-Glut in powder form or capsual and this helps alot with cravings and its all herbal which is great. I am now 28 days A/F and the first few days are bad, but if you stick with it you can get through this, I just stayed away from AL and that included some of my friends as they love to drink, I am finding that I am getting a new lots of friends that suit me better. I did'nt realise how many people out there dont actually drink.....
                    I wish you the best of luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      cutting down

                      Kev ... ((( hug ))) ... sweetie. It can grow to such an ugly, giant beast, can't it? ... *sigh* ... I know how you feel.

                      It's not easy, but you are on the right path .... you have identified what needs to be done .. and you KNOW what needs to be done .... you just need to do it. Yeah, easier said than done, right? Right.

                      But we are here for you. Keep talking. We can do this together - sober. It's actually "fun" sober ...... Do it.

                      You can do it. .... Dare you.

                      P.s.... Don't know how much you drink/drank .... but be careful with it ... take it a bit at a time with detox .... You can climb out ... Heck ... If I could, I totally believe anyone can.

                      As for cost ... I spent $20-$25 per DAY on ALcohol .... x 365 days per year. And I'm not well to do .... *sigh*

                      YOU CAN DO THIS.
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        cutting down

                        Hi Kev Mac
                        It's certainly not easy to give up alcohol and you will feel like crap the first few days (depending on how much you drank) but it'll get better. And see a doctor if you have trouble. I'm going on day 11 (never made it to double digits before) and it's still hard. I want wine around 5:00 but instead I have a nice cool glass of water with a slice of lemon. Soon I've sort of forgotten about the wine. There are so many positives about not drinking. The one I like the best is no hangover!
                        Come back often and chat with us

                        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                          cutting down

                          Hi Kev Mac,
                          It's not an easy journey you've chosen but you've chosen the right way. This site has been a godsend for me.
                          Stay strong.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            cutting down

                            Welcome Kev Mat - you might loose a few drinking buddies when you choose to go AF but the NEW YOU that you will find will be well worth it.
                            Stick with the site, it's a godsend, we are all in the same boat here.
                            Good Luck
                            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                              cutting down

                              Hi Kev,
                              Good for you for signing up here. I agree with some of the other comments - you have to think about your plan for going AF. If you drinking a LOT daily, you may expect some withdrawals. Not everyone has them, but many of us do. Read more about how much you drink and how you are going to stop. There is a thread on WD, you might want to take a look.
                              Your quality of life, and the quality of your partners, will be much higher without AL.
                              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                              AF since May 6, 2010

