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    Did anyone start out and not go AF right away but rather start the program and continue drinking, do the Topomax and supplements, etc and notice a difference? That's what I have been doing and I have noticed a difference to some degree. Not where I want to be but working towards it. I still have influences in my life that I have to learn to deal with and I have to find TIME to fit these hypno cds in too...that is difficult. I didnt realize I was going to have to dedicate 1.5 hours per day or more to those alone. Anyone?


    :welcome: Kimber
    When I started this I went AF right away. I've had some setbacks but got right back on. For me, I know that AF is the way for me to go. I think that if one really wants sobriety they will eventually have it but it does take a lot of work and it's not easy that's for sure. I'm glad you found this site. Take the time to read and post and you will find the support you need. Good luck on your journey.

    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --



      Hi Kimber,
      When I joined in February I started just cutting down, modding if you will. After a few weeks I realized I wasn't really getting anywhere and was just unhappy with myself so I went AF. I did not take any meds.
      I made the time for the CD's and am glad I did! They made all the difference for me. They really reinforce all the new things you are learning and need to remember in your AF life.

      Best wishes!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



        Hi Kimber, so you mind if I chime in? well what worked for me was visualisation. i 'saw' myself sober and in good shape. and i've read a lot of stuff like: 'if you want to change something in your life, change your belief about that something." and "nothing has any more meaning than what we give it.
        one day i just stopped cold, and i didn't have any ureges, and i knew i was done. no sups, no programs, i just believed that i was free, and it worked..
        I hope that helps..



          Hi Kimber,

          A long time ago I came to the site and did what you are...supps, topomax, and cd's (but hardly at all) while I continued to drink. I noticed a tiny bit of difference, but not enough to where I didn't want to drink. Eventually, I ran out of "supplies", the cd's got lost in my collection and I went full steam ahead with my drinking.

          CUT TO: Over a year later I realized my drinking had actually gotten progressively worse in that 1+ year. I felt myself spinning out of control. I got back on this site and after a month tomorrow finally came. I have only been AF for 10 days. I don't have the topomaz or supps (besides L-glut), but am making time to listen to the CDs. I honestly can't say it's been easy. The first few days I was a wreck. And although drinking is still so close to my every thought, I've just had enough. Not sure if I will be AF forever or not. But for one month (w/o cheating ) I am going to be AF.

          Point being, I think you need to just decide if and when you're ready to not drink. I don't think topomaz or any of the supps are going to just "make you" not want to drink at all, although they help. Even when I didn't want to drink, I wanted to drink. I think a lot of it is mental.

          Best of luck to you!!!!

