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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning all

    It's gonna be a busy week so I had better use the ODAT technique on it too. Can only do what I can do with the day. Got a lady coming to see my tricky horse today - she uses some wierd and wonderful techniques so I am intrigued. Will try and get out on him his morning. They are cutting the barley round here so lots of stubble fields to ride on! Yay!

    I have an evening out at the cinema tonight - Harry Potter!- so it should be a piece of cake to be AF as I will be driving.

    Love to all to come.

    bessie xx

    ODAT - Tuesday


    Bessie is Rhonda Lenair coming to see your horse? :H

    I absolutely could not resist that. I put up a thread for a free telecast for people to ask her questions or just listen in and the thread takes some interesting twists. You know how we tend to debate things here.

    I have a busy day too. Lots to do before I go to the workshop this weekend and visit rubywillow afterwards (with my flyrod!) I got the lawn mowed last night. It looks pretty with all the weeds the same height - almost like grass! :H

    Bessie you didn't say much about your visit with the relatives (as in nothing ), hope you enjoyed it.

    Uni, keep your chin up!

    Everybody "GO FOR THE O" !
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Good Morning,

      I got the second 0 in the drink tracker and am now going for the third. It is easier to do since I've committed to three days in a row (something I don't think I've managed since about 2006).

      I don't have much to say - I have to go into work today (I usually work at home in the summer), but there isn't much that exciting about that.

      I would like to share a nice surprise about my cutting back AL - my husband has started too. He's nowhere near AF, but is being much more temperate. He's funny though - doesn't want to talk about it. "No lectures, please and no praise either," but he did want me to know he had white grape juice in his wine glass yesterday instead of wine!

      Hope all the busy days go well. I've done the "mow the weeds" thing, Greeneyes. It does look like grass for a while! Enjoy Harry Potter, Bessie. And I'm looking at a (perhaps???) second sunny day in my part of Ontario, Universal - hope it's dry where you are.



        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi guys,

        It's finally dry here DG - the Hamilton Spectator has some pictures of the lovely storm that hit the area.

        Of course, now we have to move everything around so that we can redo the basement (just when we thought renovations were almose over - which also means the upstairs bathroom that is torn apart as we were going to finish it off next week is not pushed out till probably friggin October). And of course Jackhammers are off and running on the street at 7am so the BF is completely grumpy and miserable today (oh lucky me). I am trying so hard to maintain a positive attitude and it's no ones fault but it just really sucks that all of this happened right when I moved in.. I just wanted to move in and unpack and make it a pretty house and instead it's just a friggin disaster area, the stress levels on both me and the BF are through the roof and it's just not a good time at all. What a piss off.

        But I did manage to go AF yesterday. So that's good. I always need that first day to get back on track. I will get another 0 today for sure.

        Hope everyone else has a good day.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - Tuesday


          Hi! It sounds like everyone is having a good ODAT day.

          It is amazing to me how quickly they pile up when you just decide to do it. Of course, it took me to do something drastic to get there but I am waking up every morning knowing I was sober the day before and knowing I will be sober today.

          It is a good feeling.

          Hope all to come are doing well, as well.

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hello all ODATers! Wow, everyone is so positive and busy today! Another 0 in the tracker and I'm at 11 days! wahoo!! Got up at 6 a.m. to bake a banana bread before it gets real hot here only to find no baking soda! So, off to the supermarket I went at 7 a.m. and how good that felt to be up, dressed and on the road at 7 a.m. with no hangover! I love this life! Banana bread is smelling really good now and it's almost out of the oven.
            Volunteer work later this morning and then home to beat back the weeds in the yard with the weed trimmer! I don't like that job especially in the heat but its great to know that today I really feel ambitious instead of lazy. hahaha...
            Best to all and I hope we meet our goals today.
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              ODAT - Tuesday

              I'm so happy not to be hungover today!!! Thank you all for being here


                ODAT - Tuesday

                I am ashamed of myself - have not been here for a month. Have not been drinking to excess, but enough to not be happy. Why I do this is beyond me. I have been very busy starting a side business, but I need the support I get here.

                I am on day one with an opened bottle of wine on top of the fridge. Oy.

                But I am back and I am going to do my damndest to stay on track. Hope everyone is well.

                Love Kat


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Hi CAPA: I've been on 'day one' so many aren't alone and I'm happy you came back here. By sticking to this thread everyday I have managed 11 days AF...double digits! Has NEVER happened before. I am so thankful to all that are here.
                  It's a tough struggle and a long journey. Can you start today by pouring the wine down the sink? I mean, it's already open and it'll go bad anyway. Go on, pour it out. Tomorrow you could be hangover free. Best of luck on your goals CAPA. I wish you well. Come back tomorrow or anytime!
                  When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                  -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hello ODATers,

                    Capa I right there with you. I had an open bottle of wine this weekend that I threw out. You can do it.

                    Everything I need is within me!


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Happy Tuesday to All! Good job bright. There is no bottle worth saving. The cost savings of cutting AL use far exceeds the price of anything you bought before. Just toss what's not needed for this week.

                      Here in the Pacific Northwest we are in a brief heat spell. Daytime temps are 25 degrees above normal (14c) up to 104 right now (40c). Since we are normally very temperate, our houses are not highly sealed, and A/C is a stopgap, not something that is run daily. So it's pretty uncomfortable for us.

                      So I was walking to the store yesterday afternoon. I was practicing my breathing and relaxation, and enjoying the walk even though it was very hot and humid. And then a wave came over me and I felt great! Like a kid feels on a hot day, enjoying the adventure of life and what can be made of it. Wow that was nice. I'm going to listen more on my meditation videos today. I still really like this one...

            [/video]]YouTube - Affirmations

                      Happy Tuesday all. I hope everyone makes a step in the direction they want to go.


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Boss Man,

                        You are AWARE, ENERGIZED AND ALIVE Today!

                        Everything I need is within me!

