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I got the MWO Book

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    I got the MWO Book

    Hi guys I got the MWo book in the post the other day. Have yet to read it. Ive taken it to work with me and hidden it in my locker. I have had the most alcoholic weekend ever. My ex has decided to deny me access to my baby girls. It is killing me and they need their dad too. So I am blocking it all out with bottles of spirits. I only managed to get wine tonight so its that for a Tuesday. Life has to be better than this. I have been drinking since 6ish this morning. I drink and play music and sleep and drink and get angry so drink then sleep and throw up and sleep. Its not good. Its fucking shit.If anyone of you can shed some light here and have any good ideas of how I can stop this, I"d be glad. Ive got 4 days off work but have to be in on Thursday. I will have to go sick again. Im so lonely and I miss my ex and my girls. Doug

    I got the MWO Book

    I'm sorry you are so down right now. And I know the viscious circle you are in...I have been there.

    Start by reading the book of course. It will give you a better understanding of what you need to do. Then get your butt to the health store and stock up on at least Kudzo and L-Glut.

    Good luck to you
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      I got the MWO Book

      Hi ... ((hugs)) to you. I hope things work out with your girls. It must hurt so much not to be able to be with them.

      I'm sure you know that drinking isn't helping the situation ... (what situation does it ever help?) ... Think about how you want your life to be, and start making your plan to get there. Once you get rid of the booze, I promise you it will be easier. With a clear mind and clear thoughts, it WILL be easier.

      I drank a lot before getting sober .. (yep, sometimes starting at 6 in the morning, just like you). If you have some days to yourself coming up, that is a great opportunity to quit. Arm yourself with tools - information from this forum, supplements, and whatever else you think you might need. Be careful of withdrawals /detoxing if you drink a lot. I drank a fifty a day and decided I should "taper" down and then switch to beer before going AF (alcohol-free). ( .... Do what you feel is right for you, and listen to your body as you do it.

      You can get out of this ... You have so much future ahead of you .. You can have a wonderful relationship with your girls. Get sober and find your way there. You can do it.
      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        I got the MWO Book


        I am glad you are here. I was your kind of drinker, myself. I know it well. It is a horrible morass to be in.

        One thing you can control is your drinking.

        But, like 42Cat points out, your drinking is pretty heavy. You may want to consider a careful detox. If you do it at home, you can get meds from a doctor, or taper down like many here have done. (I couldn't taper down, once I drank, I drank it all. I am very impressed with those who did taper down and feel it is the safest way to withdraw.)

        The most important first step is to make a safe plan for withdrawal and then figure out how to live the rest of your life without being a drunk. It takes work and perseverance but it is doable and more importantly, life becomes worth living again.

        Good luck and glad you are here.
        AF April 9, 2016


          I got the MWO Book

          Hello Doug,

          I feel for your lonliness. Start with small steps. Get out of the house. You have a couple days off, go to the park or go to the book store or library. The library is a great place to be around people in a quiet reflective manner. But DO something besides sit and drink and wallow. Instead of booze, go shopping and buy something nice for your little girls. It doesn't have to be much, but I'm sure they will squeal with joy. Be strong and 42cat is right, look to the future, how you would like your life to be. Do you really see yourself in a wonderful life and continue to swill down the booze?

          Everything I need is within me!


            I got the MWO Book

            Read the book and come up with a plan. There are loads of different options for you to take -- different meds available, suppliments, diet and exercise.
            Treat yourself kindly:-)
            Keep reading and posting here -- there is stack of support and understanding.
            Sending you strength.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

