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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Okay, so technically I am an hour early starting this thread as it is only 11:10pm right now in my world.

    Sorry Bess (gee not like I'm worried cause I'll email you and beat your ass if your pissed I started your thread - LOL - so totally kidding)

    Okay, first off, want to say thank you so much for all of you who have been rooting for me with the move and so on.

    Update - medically - insurance says no coverage because my doctor can't pinpoint what is wrong with me - gee, i'm thinking that is why she keeps sending the insurance company the recipts of all the test requests because if she knew what was causing the symptoms she'd fix it????? Hellloooo, doesn't sound like rocket science to me. She has given them all the paperwork and all the information and told them she cannot diagnose accuralty till all test results come back but nope - no go. Luckily financilayy I am not hurting so 3 weeks without pay won't hurt us.

    Okay, next insurance issue - the house insurance says they won't cover rain overflow - helllooo - read the policy cause when I read it it says overflow of eavestroffs due to excessive water IS covered. So I am now fighting with 2 insurance companies.

    The house is a disaster because we can't put things in the basement - thank god Kennedy isn't home yet - however we did make her a really friggin cool hannah montanna room ( thank god cause she's gonna have to live in it for 2 months)

    AAAAauuuuuggggghhhhh - sorry, I am so using you guys as my therapist. I just so wantedto move in and unpack and make it a pretty home which i so needed. Instead it didn't work that way and i am going to go back to work more stressed than I was when I left but I will have to go back cause they won't honor my claim. I am at the point where fuck the money, can you please take me off till September cause mentally and physically I just can't go to work rightr now - too much shit - anyone know how to do that?

    Wow, okay that was a long odat start.........sorry guys, needed to vent and you guys are my vent board
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT Thursday


    I am so terribly sorry all this has happened to you. Especially because you need some time to rest and enjoy your new life starting.

    However, crud happens.

    Think about how badly it would have been if you had been drinking heavily through all of this. You couldn't even begin to deal with what you are dealing with right now.

    Just keep working with the insurance companies, calmly and rationally.

    And, if you really need time away from work and can afford it, ask about leave without pay. Most companies have some sort of option for that. Your manager certainly would know the ropes, or can find out.

    Your health and your happiness are #1 right now.

    Take some deep breaths, laugh about the situation you find yourself in, take it on and take care of yourself.

    I am glad we are here for you to vent away to. Please keep venting, you certainly deserve to be upset but at least you can deal with it because of all the hard work you have put into getting yourself where you are today.

    This, too, shall pass and you will find yourself living the wonderful life you have been dreaming of.

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT Thursday

      Cindy, can I kiss you?

      thank you
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT Thursday

        Vent away and start any day's ODAT thread you like!!

        Cindy does talk such sense. No way could you deal with all this if you were drinking heavily.

        You are an organised, motivated person (otherwise you couldn't do the job you do) so you will get through all this.

        Are you up for daily calls to the insurance companies? Make a real pain in the arse of yourself and they nearly always move your file to the top of the heap!!

        I've been living in a DIY zone in the house for 7 (yes 7!!) years now and sometimes it really gets to me but I get out, do something somewhere else (even if just a coffee shop) and count my blessings. Makes it a bit easier to cope with the mess when I get back.

        Big hugs. Keep posting, keep venting, keep as Al free as you can! :l:l

        And hello to anyone else who joins in today's thread.

        bessie xx


          ODAT Thursday

          Good Morning all,

          I thought I'd be earlier today - I'm posting quickly 'cos hubby wants me to go out with him on his morning walk today.

          Uni - wow - my utter sympathies. We had our house insurance company all over us a few years ago and it was incredibly stressful and stoopid. We actually got a notice saying they were cancelling our policy and the ditz who sent it put a smiley face after her signature!?! "You'll be delighted to know you no longer have insurance with us"

          But hang in - this too shall pass and will provide amazing stories at AL free events for years to come.

          Gotta run (or walk) - good day to all of you


            ODAT Thursday

            My goodness. We certainly do get challenges along the road in our efforts to be free from alcohol. It is so true that drinking would only make things even harder. I have to remember that fact over and over (and over) ODAT. By history, I have used an awful storm as an excuse to drink but then again I also used smooth sailing, coming into port, and “I just fed the cat” as an excuse to drink. Today looks like it is going to be a hard one for me; I had better be sober or I’ll mess it up. This road leads to a good place. Onward. Love and courage, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              ODAT Thursday

              Good morning all,
              Uni: Gee, so sorry to hear about your house dilema. What a pain to have to deal with all that mess when all you want is a comfortable, stress free place. It will all work itself out, you know that. You just have to plod along steadily and wade through it. (no pun intended) Better days are coming! Of course, being sober is the awesome part!

              It's kind of a dark, muggy rainy day here in New England and I'm getting the house ready for company over the weekend. I've been kind of slacking off with the housework lately so must get going on it. Been relaxing and totally enjoying my AF days..almost 2 weeks now.

              I hope you all meet your daily goals.
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                ODAT Thursday


                Ya'll were busy while I was making the fig run up the ladder in my robe. That must look funny from the cars going down the street. Half my body popping out of the middle of the tree. :H

                First of all, I'd like to hear a round of applause for uni who is still standing in round 4! And also for what I believe to be her wordiest post ever! :wd:

                2 cents coming up!

                Without a diagnosis, the insurance system can't process the claim. The computer process is set up to match the services with the diagnosis and it kicks out ones that don't match up (yes, because they said so) and deny them. In your case there is nothing to match up to. Yet. So it's better for them to deny it and let you fork over the money and then jump through the hoops (re-file with letter of medical necessity, appeal, whatever) to recoup than it is for them to pay and then decide they shouldn't have and try to recoup from you and the MD. While they should pay for diagnostic work, there is probably a limit to what is allowed without a diagnosis. I'm sure your MD understands that and hopefully will let you wait until the diagnosis is made. Of course then again, you know I"m in USA.

                Meantime, in USA, we have Family Medical Leave act for companies with over 12 employees. You can get unpaid time off up to 3 months I think and your position is secure. It can be issues besides your own, so you don't actually need a diagnosis, just a statement from your MD. Check with your HR (human resources) person.

                With the house insurance, remember it's their job to hang on to their money before all else. To do this they make you work for what's rightfully yours. (a lot of the time). I have found that brown-nosing is effective. Don't laugh, you should see me grovel.

                Uni, On day in the not too distant future, you'll be sitting around the dinner table with some friends and you'll say with a humorous lilt to your voice as you roll your eyes, "OMG you won't be-leeeeeve the story of my moving in....." and you will secretly remember how strong and sober you were during this while you laughingly tell the story. :l

                Hi bessie, cindi, dancer! (dancer, I'm afraid I'd have found a way to use blackmail with that letter)

                This would have been a lot shorter if I'd just said "Do what cindi says" :H

                Have a figmanamous day!

                Gee, see how long that took? Hi lady & mnb!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Good afternoon everyone its 1.30 pm here. Mix of sun, cloud and more heavy rain forecast. Uni and Bessie so sorry to for your trouble. I don't have insurance issues here but my house and garden need a lot of work still. I'm broke right so can't afford to replace or fix certain things. So it can be stressful having to live with this. One day i'll get it sorted. I just to be grateful to have a roof over my head and food warmth etc. Think of the people who are homeless or living in sheltered accomadtion. Of coarse if i hadn't spent so much over the years on drink could have gotten further along but thats the past all i can is move forward. I live alone and currently unemployed so i live off a small benefit and occasional work. Recession is bad here right now but i remain hopefull. Have a good thursday. :heart::flower:


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Morning ODATers. Uni, Greenie is on the right track with both your medical and your employment issues. Do you have anything like an employment advocacy service or anything in Canada that you can call for help? Here in the US many employers have a part of their benefits package that is called an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and it helps with all kinds of things, including figuring out both employer and personal insurance messes (and free therapy for your mental health status for a time!!)

                    And talk to your personnel rep/HR person for SURE - I am that person at my place of employment and am always happy to help people sort through these issues piece by piece when they are under stress.

                    Barring that, here is a raft of these for now.... :huggy: :l :grouphug:

                    For me, things are soggy and cool in my neck of the woods, but my mood is sunny and that's what counts right!

                    Good job MNB on almost 2 weeks!!!

                    Ladybird, wishing you strength with your challenges facing up today....

                    Here's to a good day to all of you wherever you are!!

