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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    I'm not being very big or clever at the moment on the drinking front and I've got a week of family being here which is going to be tricky. This place is worth its weight in gold when it comes to staying aware of exactly where I am with the drinking. Starting this thread and filling in the drink tracker is far better, even if I am drinking, than just drinking without being at aware or trying to have al free days. I keep trying. ODAT. Big girl pants on and big hugs for my cyber friends and inspirations. :l:l

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Friday

    Hello Bessie and all who follow. I hope all goes well with your family visiting and its not too stressful for you. Its raining here again in Ireland this morning but we had a sunny afternoon and evening yesterday though showers in the morning. Garden needs doing so hope we get some dry days back and the sun would be nice. I'm on day 3 and kinda wanting a drink but i refuse to cave in. Got two books yesterday so reading might keep me occupied as well doing some cleaning and laundry. Weekends are tough but i have done it before. Its a bank holiday weekend here too. Well have a good friday all. :wave::giggle:


      ODAT - Friday

      HI All

      Day 1 again for me.
      Again?I can't believe i let myself go back to day 1
      Will be tough but i know i can kick this.
      My man says he prefers me grumpy rather than drunk.
      I guess that says it all.
      Good luck and best wishes to all to come.

      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
      Bring it on!


        ODAT - Friday


        Hallo bessie, fire and annie. Annie your lucky to have a man like that.

        Taking off for a few days!

        Use the drink tracker and go for the 0!

        MAke a list of stuff to do so you have it handy if temptation is niggling at you.

        Read the toolbox thread.

        Start drafting "my story" if you didn't do that. Year and a half and I still haven't. I keep falling asleep it's so boring.:H

        Keep the beat!

        I hope I make it through fig withdrawals.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Friday

          Good morning Bessie, Firefox, Annie, Greeneyes and all to come,

          I slept in a bit 'cos we got woken up by a friend calling at 12:30 am. No emergency, he just mixed up his time zones. A good friend, but then it took some time to get back to sleep.

          Today's a Day 1 for me too - let's do the AF thing together. I am modding and allowed 3 yesterday - a 1/2 pint at lunch, then 2 glasses of wine at dinner. I'm pleased I stopped, but was really quite shocked by how much I wanted, no WANTED! another drink in the afternoon. It's controllable (I came home, got lemon water, and a few chocolate mints - no good with wine!), but I wonder if it will ever go away.

          But we can be strong. Hope it goes well with the family, Bessie. Is there an ally you can find? My family's such a bunch of struggling alcoholics, that I can usually find someone else who's cutting down too and we keep each other out of the wine. Fire and Annie - I wish I was in Ireland. Day 1 and Day 4 with zero's in the DT to both of you! Greeneyes, I can't wait to read your story.

          :l :l to all,


            ODAT - Friday

            I didn’t make it. Day one for me also. Blew two weeks or so of no booze. I can’t put a positive spin on it without feeling even more desolate. I just need to get through and not make it worse. I had a bad case of writer’s block and became more and more anxious. I did everything I could think of. I went for a walk; I took a bath; I listened to music; I changed the subject; I ate a cookie; I drank tea; I drank juice; I drank water; more water; I ate a boatload of everything; I had one drink; the gate opened. Later I drank in earnest; went to bed; woke up at two in that terrible heart pounding disconsolate place populated by alcoholics who are as alone as it gets. Today is a new one. I hope we all do well today. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              ODAT - Friday

              Hi All

              Day 19 today and it's getting easier. No I am not gloating, but conveying that it can be done ! I was on at least two bottles of wine a day and some beer as well..for the last thirty years.The Kudzu and L-Glucamine are helping but now I have a new drink ! It's disgusting to start with !! Buy a bottle of apple cider vinegar and add two teaspoons to 8 ounces of water and sip away at that.Within a day or so you'll start to feel better within yourself. I hope I can keep this up. I've never felt better. Good luck.


                ODAT - Friday

                Good Morning all ODATers
                Kind of a busy day for me today as we have overnight guests tomorrow and there's some cleaning and cooking to do. They don't drink, thank goodness so that will not be a temptation or problem. And my daughter is coming on Sunday for the night and she does not drink either! YAY!
                Ladybirdheart, DancingGirl and Anniemac: Back to day one for you but day one leads to day two, etc. I've been on so many 'Day 1s' before.
                Everyone be as strong as you can be today and embrace the journey.
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Hi guys,

                  Put a BFZ in the drink tracker for yesterday which feels great! We are also going away for the weekend. It is going to be insane - BF's cottage with 6 other adults and 5 teenagers (I was kind of hoping for some peaceful relaxation - LOL) But I am going to take a couple of books and basically ignore everyone and hopefully I don't offend them too much. After all the insanity I need some quiet relaxation time with everyone leaving me alone.

                  I go to the doctors today to get some results - am assuming all is good which means that I will have to go back to work. I don't feel ready to go back yet as my body is still just completely exhausted (no wonder). I am going to try to take one more week and if the insurance is an issue I will ask them if they can make it an unpaid leave just to keep things kosher on the books. Anyway, I will do what I need to do.

                  I hope you guys all have a great Friday!

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT - Friday

                    Good morning ODATers,

                    Greenie, I hope the seminar is as good as it sounds. Letting go is critical to healing. I am so proud of you because you recognize that just wearing those BGPs and staying sober is not the end of this deal. Growing into a good and happy life is, too. Have fun with Rubes, too!!

                    For my friends here that are struggling, please know all of us have struggled, too, and fallen many times. This is not a contest, though, it is an ongoing process. If you can stay sober today, it is a good day. Try just for today. ODAT. Failure is giving up, everything else is a win.

                    I have made it a good long time and I am very happy to be sober. I feel freed from the bondage and the viscious cycle. It is a good feeling. But, I still have to do it ODAT.

                    I hope all here and all to come have a wonderful ODAT day and meet their goals, whatever they may be.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      ODAT - Friday

                      Hello all-
                      Day 6 here for me. I love the way I feel in the morning, even if I am tired but it can be so hard the rest of the day. I'll try that apple cider drink. I know it's odat but I'm worried about Sat. when my favorite thing is my afternoon wine while relaxing outside. I feel so good now. I don't want to forget how bad it feels and go ahead and just have a few in the afternoon which doesn't work either b/c I always end up drinking all day and night....I think tomorrow will be one minute at a time


                        ODAT - Friday

                        Hello ODATers,

                        I never heard of the apple cider thing, so I might give it a try. Going to try for an AF weekend...again.

                        Enjoy the day.

                        Everything I need is within me!


                          ODAT - Friday

                          Happy Friday all. Our weather here in the Pacific Northwest finally moderated and we're only ten degrees above normal now. Better than 25 degrees above normal earlier in the week.

                          I don't have to worry about drinking today or Saturday. And Friday used to be a big trigger for me! Now I just don't sweat it. I got up this morning, and asked myself whether I should be concerned about cravings tonight. And then I said, Naw, I'm just not going there.

                          What helped me most to get here is relaxation videos from Youtube, and also breathing exercises. So I'm spending 3 minutes or 5 minutes every few hours with my inner self. Also working on nurturing my "child sense" of wonder at the world. That helped me get through the heat. So many of my worries have dropped away I've got a new worry that I'm not worrying enough. Pah!

                          I figured out the name of the "box of kittens" that I call my primitive brain. It's called Amygdala or your "lizard brain". This is the part of the brain you share with lizards. It doesn't communicate using words, logic, and can't be trained. It is the root of addictions. This makes sense to me that you can't "talk logic" to the part of the brain that responds to AL and controls moods, and anxiety. So I'm researching how to best talk to my lizard brain. It's an interesting study. I'm guessing right now that my video affirmations are helping to talk to my lizard brain.

                          I still like this video best. Skip the first and last 10 seconds which are a plug for "The Secret". It's just a great mood lift and it brings peace to my brain.

                [/video]]YouTube - Affirmations

                          Happy Friday all! May everyone get one step closer to their chosen direction.


                            ODAT - Friday

                            Wonderful video boss, thanks for sharing, Joesgal


                              ODAT - Friday

                              Day Four here. Feel great, but am still taking it ODAT. - thanks for the ideas about the relaxation videos on YouTube - did not know about those! Here's hoping for an AF weekend for all! Happy weekend!


